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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/www/ruby-jekyll www/ruby-jekyll: update to 4.2.0

branches:  trunk
changeset: 445227:a3aa859d6adc
user:      taca <>
date:      Mon Jan 18 14:53:38 2021 +0000

www/ruby-jekyll: update to 4.2.0

4.2.0 / 2020-12-14

Minor Enhancements
* Warn on command-line with permalink conflict (#8342)
* Supress warning issued for redirect pages (#8347)
* Enhance detection of conflicting destination URLs (#8459)
* Add :post_convert hook to modify HTML content before layout (#8368)
* Allow triggering :post_convert events atomically (#8465)
* Debug reading Page and Layout objects (#8100)
* Do not reset site.url to http://localhost:4000 by default (#7253)
* Add custom debug strings for Jekyll objects (#8473)
* Debug reading data files in a site (#8481)

Bug Fixes
* Replace nested conditional with guard clauses (#8294)
* Fix: security bump (#8349)
* Fix path matching regex in post_url Liquid tag (#8375)
* Enable Performance/ChainArrayAllocation cop (#8404)
* Enable Lint/NoReturnInBeginEndBlocks Cop (#8457)
* Generate items from site.include list only once (#8463)
* Explicitly return nil after site process phase (#8472)

Optimization Fixes
* Implement custom delegators for drop methods (#8183)
* Handle nil argument to Jekyll.sanitized_path (#8415)
* Cache Jekyll.sanitized_path (#8424)
* Memoize array of drop getter method names (#8421)
* Reduce string allocations from the link tag (#8387)
* Optimize parsing of parameters in include tag (#8192)
* Stash documents write? attribute in a variable (#8389)
* Reduce string allocations from generating doc URLs (#8392)
* Check if site is in incremental mode optimally (#8401)
* Utilize flexibility of Site#in_dest_dir (#8403)
* Reduce allocations from rendering item as liquid (#8406)
* Compute relative_path of pages using PathManager (#8408)
* Reduce allocation from normalize_whitespace filter (#8400)
* Use Regexp#match? when MatchData is not required (#8427)
* Check default front matter scope against symbols (#8393)
* Stash frequently used Drop setter keys for reuse (#8394)
* Memoize defaults computed for Convertibles (#8451)
* Reduce array allocations from merging categories (#8453)
* Memoize destination of pages, documents and staticfiles (#8458)
* Reduce allocations from computing item property (#8485)
* Optimize Page#dir with a private method (#8489)
* Stash attribute hash for Liquid computed for pages (#8497)

Development Fixes
* Update cucumber gem to version 4.1 (#8278)
* Move permalink styles data to constant (#8282)
* Update rubocop gem to 0.87.1 (#8287)
* Update RuboCop to-do file (#8296)
* Fix rake console generating LoadError (#8312)
* Configure Performance cops (#8369)
* Update rubocop gem to 0.90.0 (#8313)
* Refactor Jekyll::Utils::Platforms (#7236)
* Bump RuboCop to v0.91.x (#8391)
* Add workflow to build and profile third-party repo (#8398)
* Bump RuboCop to v0.92.x
* Update cucumber gem version to 5.1.2 (#8413)
* Fix test suite compatibility with JRuby (#8418)
* chore(deps): bump Rubocop to 0.93.0 (#8430)
* Use Ruby 2.7.1 in GitHub Actions (#8444)
* Test that Liquid expressions are not deeply evaled (#8292)
* Test rendering arbitrary Liquid variables by default (#7414)
* Migrate TravisCI jobs to GitHub Actions (#8492)

* Update pointer to special permalink variables for collections (#8274)
* Fix special treatment for 'page 1' in docs of pagination (#8230)
* Add Formcake to forms section (#8283)
* Add a note on the rendering process in the docs (#8291)
* Add refactoring type to PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE (#8297)
* Update (#7864)
* Extra apostrophes in an URL (#8319)
* Clarify target of subordinate clause (#8320)
* Cherry-pick commits from conflicting branch docs-40
* Update documentation on third party site (#8352)
* Update with info requested in #8314 (#8353)
* Clarify description of safe option (#8354)
* Simplifying the Git post-receive hook-example (#8358)
* Add missing doc for build and serve commands (#8365)
* Docs Review: Getting Started (#8372)
* Add note about rebooting system after installation (#8359)
* Use data file to render table at /docs/configuration/options/#global-configuration (#8377)
* Use data file(s) to render table(s) at /docs/configuration/options/ (#8380)
* Improve maintainability of config option data (#8383)
* Remove CircleCI v1 docs (#8410)
* Remove NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES from Travis CI docs (#8409)
* Add links to all Jekyll themes on GitHub tagged with #jekyll-theme (#8447)
* Document initializing project Gemfile from scratch (#8450)
* Document installation of additional dependencies for installing Jekyll on Fedora (#8456)
* Improve documentation on Hooks in Jekyll (#8467)
* Build docs site with GitHub Actions (#8201)
* Add link to Assets page from _sass section in _docs/ (#8486)

Site Enhancements
* Fix rendering of showcase images (#8504)


 www/ruby-jekyll/Makefile |  10 ++++------
 www/ruby-jekyll/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diffs (53 lines):

diff -r e88d6119771e -r a3aa859d6adc www/ruby-jekyll/Makefile
--- a/www/ruby-jekyll/Makefile  Mon Jan 18 14:53:20 2021 +0000
+++ b/www/ruby-jekyll/Makefile  Mon Jan 18 14:53:38 2021 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.39 2020/08/14 04:49:21 ryoon Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.40 2021/01/18 14:53:38 taca Exp $
-DISTNAME=      jekyll-4.1.1
+DISTNAME=      jekyll-4.2.0
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-i18n>=1:../../devel/ruby-i18n
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-jekyll-sass-converter>=2.0<3:../../www/ruby-jekyll-sass-converter
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-jekyll-watch>=2.0<3:../../www/ruby-jekyll-watch
-DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-kramdown>=2.1<3:../../textproc/ruby-kramdown
+DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-kramdown>=2.3<3:../../textproc/ruby-kramdown
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-kramdown-parser-gfm>=1.0.1<2:../../textproc/ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-liquid>=4.0<5:../../www/ruby-liquid
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-mercenary>=0.4.0:../../devel/ruby-mercenary
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-pathutil>=0.9<1:../../devel/ruby-pathutil
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-rouge>=3.0<4:../../www/ruby-rouge
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-safe_yaml>=1.0<2:../../textproc/ruby-safe_yaml
-DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-terminal-table>=1.8<2:../../textproc/ruby-terminal-table
+DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-terminal-table>=2.0<3:../../textproc/ruby-terminal-table
 # below packages are not listed in gemspec
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-jekyll-minima>=2.5<3:../../www/ruby-jekyll-minima
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-jekyll-feed>=0.12<1:../../www/ruby-jekyll-feed
@@ -30,7 +30,5 @@
 RUBYGEM_OPTIONS+=      --format-executable
-OVERRIDE_GEMSPEC+=     mercenary>=0.3.6
 .include "../../lang/ruby/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r e88d6119771e -r a3aa859d6adc www/ruby-jekyll/distinfo
--- a/www/ruby-jekyll/distinfo  Mon Jan 18 14:53:20 2021 +0000
+++ b/www/ruby-jekyll/distinfo  Mon Jan 18 14:53:38 2021 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.22 2020/08/14 04:49:21 ryoon Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.23 2021/01/18 14:53:38 taca Exp $
-SHA1 (jekyll-4.1.1.gem) = 7a2a35f50047d12fe3b89a38dea91c0fc314685c
-RMD160 (jekyll-4.1.1.gem) = 69318fc3f2628d41eab135a8891803eb81749715
-SHA512 (jekyll-4.1.1.gem) = 1718aba3c94662c3de3a644a3169847e51d711736fc9ab166e459f94b1c03a0f3a8678892481b935475455cab461a3c0625354aa0998b1bf0040fda1185f153a
-Size (jekyll-4.1.1.gem) = 122880 bytes
+SHA1 (jekyll-4.2.0.gem) = cf28c397c06f3947660cd16793448c36a635e008
+RMD160 (jekyll-4.2.0.gem) = 546cfd6f4513df1e68f033b2df4cfadd0034930f
+SHA512 (jekyll-4.2.0.gem) = bef32d360ca2d6c8bd226f9485f4ed24348cb0f8747e5a230dea42417c8fa821e009a7e92c1f454cb5dd7759011db145e505658feb3e0266910afbe63754cabe
+Size (jekyll-4.2.0.gem) = 124928 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-lib_jekyll_commands_new.rb) = 928f4542aae30671efeaa99f59d61034aa5e38a7

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