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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/parallel/sge import sge-5.3p6 (Sun Grid Engine)

branches:  trunk
changeset: 474611:86d162086bac
user:      dmcmahill <>
date:      Mon May 03 00:38:34 2004 +0000

import sge-5.3p6 (Sun Grid Engine)

The Grid Engine project is an open source community effort
to facilitate the adoption of distributed computing solutions.
Sponsored by Sun Microsystems and hosted by CollabNet, the
Grid Engine project provides enabling distributed resource
management software for wide ranging requirements from compute
farms to grid computing.


 parallel/sge/DESCR            |    6 +
 parallel/sge/MESSAGE          |   30 +++
 parallel/sge/Makefile         |  124 +++++++++++++
 parallel/sge/PLIST            |  399 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 parallel/sge/distinfo         |   36 +++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-aa |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ab |   21 ++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ac |   17 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ad |   17 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ae |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-af |   15 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ag |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ah |   22 ++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ai |   10 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-aj |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ak |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-al |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-am |  124 +++++++++++++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-an |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ao |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ap |   31 +++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-aq |   17 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ar |   22 ++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-as |   26 ++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-at |   25 ++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-au |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-av |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-aw |   59 ++++++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ax |   53 +++++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ay |   18 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-az |   34 +++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-ba |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-bb |   33 +++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-bc |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-bd |   67 +++++++
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-be |   13 +
 parallel/sge/patches/patch-bf |   31 +++
 37 files changed, 1406 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1554 to 300 lines):

diff -r 0fa5344aa77c -r 86d162086bac parallel/sge/DESCR
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parallel/sge/DESCR        Mon May 03 00:38:34 2004 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+The Grid Engine project is an open source community effort
+to facilitate the adoption of distributed computing solutions.
+Sponsored by Sun Microsystems and hosted by CollabNet, the
+Grid Engine project provides enabling distributed resource
+management software for wide ranging requirements from compute
+farms to grid computing. 
diff -r 0fa5344aa77c -r 86d162086bac parallel/sge/MESSAGE
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parallel/sge/MESSAGE      Mon May 03 00:38:34 2004 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 2004/05/03 00:38:34 dmcmahill Exp $
+You will need to add the following line to /etc/services:
+sge_commd       535/tcp                 # Sun Grid Engine    
+In addition after installation, you need to set up SGE.  To configure the 
+master node of the cluster, run:
+        cd ${SGE_ROOT} && ./install_qmaster -csp
+For the back-end compute nodes, run:
+        cd ${SGE_ROOT} && ./install_execd
+Additionally, you will want to add the following lines in /etc/csh.cshrc:
+# Sun Grid Engine Setup
+if ( -f ${SGE_ROOT}/default/common/settings.csh  ) then
+        source ${SGE_ROOT}/default/common/settings.csh
+and the following in /etc/profile:
+if [ -f ${SGE_ROOT}/default/common/ ]; then
+        . ${SGE_ROOT}/default/common/
diff -r 0fa5344aa77c -r 86d162086bac parallel/sge/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parallel/sge/Makefile     Mon May 03 00:38:34 2004 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2004/05/03 00:38:34 dmcmahill Exp $
+DISTNAME=              sge-5.3p6
+CATEGORIES=            parallel sysutils
+COMMENT=               Sun Grid Engine distributed resource management system
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=                {standalone-tcsh,tcsh}-[0-9]*:../../shells/tcsh
+USE_BUILDLINK3=                YES
+USE_GNU_TOOLS+=                make
+USE_X11=               YES
+USE_PERL5=             YES
+CFLAGS+=               -D${UPPER_OPSYS}
+CONFIGURE_ENV+=                REMOTE=sge
+CONFIGURE_ENV+=                CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-grd=${SGE_BUILDARCH}
+MESSAGE_SUBST+=                SGE_ROOT=${SGE_ROOT}
+MAKE_ENV+=             PERL5=${PERL5}
+USE_PKGINSTALL=                YES
+SGE_USER?=             sgeadmin
+SGE_GROUP?=            sgeadmin
+PKG_GROUPS=            ${SGE_GROUP}
+PKG_USERS=             ${SGE_USER}:${SGE_GROUP}::Sun\\ Grid\\ Engine\\ Administrator
+AIMK=  ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} tcsh -fb ${WRKSRC}/source/aimk
+.include "../../mk/"
+# SGE_ARCH should match the putput of ${WRKSRC}/source/dist/util/arch
+# SGE_BUILDARCH should match whats in ${WRKSRC}/source/aimk
+UPPER_OPSYS!=          ${ECHO} "${OPSYS}" | ${TR} a-z A-Z
+.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
+SGE_ARCH=              nbsd-${MACHINE_ARCH}
+SGE_BUILDARCH!=                ${ECHO} "${OPSYS}_${MACHINE_ARCH}" | ${TR} a-z A-Z
+.elif ${OPSYS} == "FreeBSD"
+SGE_ARCH=              fbsd-${MACHINE_ARCH}
+SGE_BUILDARCH!=                ${ECHO} "${OPSYS}_${MACHINE_ARCH}" | ${TR} a-z A-Z
+.elif ${OPSYS} == "SunOS"
+.  if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386"
+SGE_ARCH=              solaris86
+.  else
+SGE_ARCH=              solaris
+#or solaris64
+.  endif
+SGE_BUILDARCH!=                ${ECHO} "${SGE_ARCH}" | ${TR} a-z A-Z
+.elif ${OPSYS} == "Darwin"
+SGE_ARCH=              darwin
+PKG_FAIL_REASON=       "SGE_ARCH and SGE_BUILDARCH need to be confgured for your OS"
+LDFLAGS+=      -R${SGE_ROOT}/lib/${SGE_ARCH}
+SGE_ROOT=      ${PREFIX}/sge
+       @if [ "`${WRKSRC}/source/dist/util/arch`" != "${SGE_ARCH}" ]; then \
+               ${ECHO} "ERROR:  SGE_ARCH as set in the pkgsrc Makefile," ;\
+               ${ECHO} "        ${SGE_ARCH}, does not agree with that returned by" ; \
+               ${ECHO} "        ${WRKSRC}/source/dist/util/arch," ; \
+               ${ECHO} "        `${WRKSRC}/source/dist/util/arch`" ; \
+               ${FALSE} ; \
+       fi
+.for __tmp__ in source/dist/util/arch_variables source/scripts/ source/
+       ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/${__tmp__} ${WRKSRC}/${__tmp__}.bak
+       ${SED} -e 's;@rcd_dir@;${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR};g' -e 's;@ssl_prefix@;${SSL_PREFIX};g' \
+               -e 's;@perl5@;${PERL5};g' ${WRKSRC}/${__tmp__}.bak > \
+               ${WRKSRC}/${__tmp__}
+       ${RM} ${WRKSRC}/${__tmp__}.bak
+.for __prog__ in qmake qtcsh
+       ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/source/3rdparty/${__prog__}/${SGE_BUILDARCH}
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/source/3rdparty/${__prog__}/${SGE_BUILDARCH} && \
+               ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} \
+               SGE_ARCH=`${WRKSRC}/source/dist/util/arch` \
+               ../configure ${CONFIGURE_ARGS} --srcdir=..
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/source && ${AIMK} -only-depend
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/source && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ./scripts/zerodepend
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/source && ${AIMK} -no-qmake -no-qtcsh depend
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/source && ${AIMK} -secure
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/source && ${AIMK} -man
+       ${LN} -fs ${WRKSRC}/source/scripts/distinst ${WRKSRC}/source/scripts/myinst
+       ${MKDIR} ${SGE_ROOT}
+       ${CHOWN} ${SGE_USER} ${SGE_ROOT}
+       ${CHGRP} ${SGE_GROUP} ${SGE_ROOT}
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/source && \
+               ${ECHO} "Y" | ${SETENV} LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE} SGE_ROOT=${SGE_ROOT} ./scripts/myinst -allall ${SGE_ARCH}
+       cd ${SGE_ROOT} && ${SETENV} SGE_ROOT=${SGE_ROOT} ./util/ -auto -noresport \
+               ${SGE_USER} ${SGE_GROUP} ${SGE_ROOT}
+       for f in ${SGE_ROOT}/bin/${SGE_ARCH}/q* ; do \
+               cd ${PREFIX}/bin && ${LN} -fs $$f ; done
+.include "../../graphics/xpm/"
+.include "../../security/openssl/"
+.include "../../mk/"
+.include "../../mk/"
+.if ${USE_BUILTIN.openssl} == "yes"
+SSL_PREFIX=    /usr
diff -r 0fa5344aa77c -r 86d162086bac parallel/sge/PLIST
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parallel/sge/PLIST        Mon May 03 00:38:34 2004 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2004/05/03 00:38:34 dmcmahill Exp $

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