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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files Another refactoring patch from ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 479270:5d3b662ac4f6
user:      wiz <>
date:      Tue Aug 10 10:07:20 2004 +0000

Another refactoring patch from Roland Illig applied.


 pkgtools/pkglint/files/ |  174 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diffs (241 lines):

diff -r 1609df4f74a7 -r 5d3b662ac4f6 pkgtools/pkglint/files/
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Tue Aug 10 09:20:34 2004 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Tue Aug 10 10:07:20 2004 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # Freely redistributable.  Absolutely no warranty.
 # From Id:,v 1.64 1998/02/28 02:34:05 itojun Exp
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.115 2004/08/08 22:57:04 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.116 2004/08/10 10:07:20 wiz Exp $
 # This version contains lots of changes necessary for NetBSD packages
 # done by Hubert Feyrer <>,
@@ -43,7 +43,102 @@
 #== End of PkgLint::Utils =================================================
+package PkgLint::Logging;
+# This package provides the subroutines log_error, log_warning and log_info
+# for printing messages to the user in a common format. The three subrou-
+# tines have the parameters $file, $lineno and $message. In case there's no
+# file appropriate for the message, NO_FILE may be passed, likewise for
+# $lineno and NO_LINE_NUMBER. At the end of the program, the subroutine
+# print_summary_and_exit should be called.
+# Examples:
+#   log_error(NO_FILE, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "invalid command line.");
+#   log_warning($file, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "not found.");
+#   log_info($file, $lineno, sprintf("invalid character (0x%02x).", $c));
 use strict;
+use warnings;
+       use Exporter;
+       use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK);
+       @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+       @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+               NO_FILE NO_LINE_NUMBER
+               log_error log_warning log_info
+               print_summary_and_exit set_verbose is_verbose
+       );
+       import PkgLint::Utils qw(false true);
+use constant {
+       NO_FILE         => "",
+       NO_LINE_NUMBER  => 0,
+my $errors             = 0;
+my $warnings           = 0;
+my $verbose_flag       = false;
+sub log_message($$$$)
+       my ($file, $lineno, $type, $message) = @_;
+       if ($file eq NO_FILE) {
+               printf("%s: %s\n", $type, $message);
+       } elsif ($lineno == NO_LINE_NUMBER) {
+               printf("%s: %s: %s\n", $type, $file, $message);
+       } else {
+               printf("%s: %s:%d: %s\n", $type, $file, $lineno, $message);
+       }
+sub log_error($$$)
+       my ($file, $lineno, $msg) = @_;
+       log_message($file, $lineno, "FATAL", $msg);
+       $errors++;
+sub log_warning($$$)
+       my ($file, $lineno, $msg) = @_;
+       log_message($file, $lineno, "WARN", $msg);
+       $warnings++;
+sub log_info($$$)
+       my ($file, $lineno, $msg) = @_;
+       if ($verbose_flag) {
+               log_message($file, $lineno, "OK", $msg);
+       }
+sub print_summary_and_exit()
+       if ($errors != 0 || $warnings != 0) {
+               print("$errors errors and $warnings warnings found.\n");
+       } else {
+               print "looks fine.\n";
+       }
+       exit($errors != 0);
+sub set_verbose($)
+       my ($verbose) = @_;
+       $verbose_flag = $verbose;
+sub is_verbose()
+       return $verbose_flag;
+#== End of PkgLint::Logging ===============================================
+use strict;
+use warnings;
 use Getopt::Std;
 use File::Basename;
@@ -52,6 +147,11 @@
        import PkgLint::Utils qw(false true);
+       import PkgLint::Logging qw(
+               NO_FILE NO_LINE_NUMBER
+               log_error log_warning log_info
+               print_summary_and_exit
+       );
 # Start of configuration area
@@ -70,7 +170,6 @@
 my $opt_dumpmakefile   = false; # dump the Makefile after parsing
 my $opt_contblank      = 1; # number of allowed contiguous blank lines
 my $opt_packagedir     = "."; # directory to check
-my $opt_verbose                = false; # print status messages while processing
 # Constants
 my $regex_rcsidstr     = qr"\$($conf_rcsidstr)(?::[^\$]*|)\$";
@@ -79,8 +178,6 @@
 # Global variables that should be eliminated by the next refactoring.
 my %definesfound       = ();
-my $errors             = 0; # number of errors
-my $warnings           = 0; # number of warnings
 my $pkgdir             = ".";
 my $filesdir           = "files";
 my $patchdir           = "patches";
@@ -97,19 +194,6 @@
 my %predefined;
 my $pkgname            = "";
-# == Output of messages to the user ==
-# The log_* routines take the parameters ($file, $lineno, $msg).
-# $file is the file where the message originated or NO_FILE.
-# $lineno is the line number if applicable or NO_LINE_NUMBER.
-# $msg is the text of the message.
-sub NO_FILE();
-sub log_error($$$);
-sub log_warning($$$);
-sub log_info($$$);
-sub print_summary_and_exit();
 sub checkfile_DESCR($);
 sub checkfile_distinfo($);
 sub checkfile_Makefile($);
@@ -145,7 +229,7 @@
                exit 0;
-       if ($opts{"v"}) { $opt_verbose = true; }
+       if ($opts{"v"}) { PkgLint::Logging::set_verbose(true); }
        if ($opts{"N"}) { $opt_newpackage = true; }
        if ($opts{"I"}) { $opt_dumpmakefile = true; }
        if ($opts{"B"}) { $opt_contblank = $opts{"B"}; }
@@ -1111,7 +1195,7 @@
                                "right before \$$conf_rcsidstr\$ tag.");
                if ($2 ne '') {
-                       if ($opt_verbose || $opt_newpackage) {  # XXX
+                       if (PkgLint::Logging::is_verbose || $opt_newpackage) {  # XXX
                                log_warning(NO_FILE, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "".
                                    ($opt_newpackage ? 'for new package, '
                                              : 'is it a new package? if so, ').
@@ -1816,58 +1900,6 @@
-# Output of various log messages
-sub log_message($$$$)
-       my ($file, $lineno, $type, $message) = @_;
-       if ($file eq NO_FILE) {
-               printf("%s: %s\n", $type, $message);
-       } elsif ($lineno == NO_LINE_NUMBER) {
-               printf("%s: %s: %s\n", $type, $file, $message);
-       } else {
-               printf("%s: %s:%d: %s\n", $type, $file, $lineno, $message);
-       }
-sub NO_FILE() { return ""; }
-sub NO_LINE_NUMBER() { return 0; }
-sub log_error($$$)
-       my ($file, $lineno, $msg) = @_;
-       log_message($file, $lineno, "FATAL", $msg);
-       $errors++;
-sub log_warning($$$)
-       my ($file, $lineno, $msg) = @_;
-       log_message($file, $lineno, "WARN", $msg);
-       $warnings++;
-sub log_info($$$)
-       my ($file, $lineno, $msg) = @_;
-       if ($opt_verbose) {
-               log_message($file, $lineno, "OK", $msg);
-       }
-sub print_summary_and_exit()
-       if ($errors != 0 || $warnings != 0) {
-               print("$errors fatal errors and $warnings warnings found.\n");
-       } else {
-               print "looks fine.\n";
-       }
-       exit($errors != 0);
 # The main program

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