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[pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2005Q1]: pkgsrc/mk/bulk Pullup ticket 499 - requested by Thoma...

branches:  pkgsrc-2005Q1
changeset: 491066:4c4372f979c0
user:      salo <>
date:      Mon May 23 10:37:38 2005 +0000

Pullup ticket 499 - requested by Thomas Klausner
various changes in bulk/upload script

   Module Name:         pkgsrc
   Committed By:        hubertf
   Date:                Wed Mar 30 22:26:37 UTC 2005

   Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/mk/bulk: upload

   Log Message:
   Before calculating checksums, print a line that says what's happening.
   With a slow NFS server (as mine), this can take a lot of time.
   Module Name:         pkgsrc
   Committed By:        hubertf
   Date:                Wed Mar 30 22:36:18 UTC 2005

   Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/mk/bulk: upload

   Log Message:
   If SIGN_AS is not set, remind the user to please sign the checksum
   files manually.

   Suggested and OK'd by jschauma@
   Module Name:         pkgsrc
   Committed By:        jschauma
   Date:                Sun Apr 10 21:44:04 UTC 2005

   Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/mk/bulk: upload

   Log Message:
   uncomment the checksums for IRIX
   (the commented version was committed by mistake)
   Module Name:         pkgsrc
   Committed By:        jschauma
   Date:                Sat Apr 30 21:35:06 UTC 2005

   Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/mk/bulk: upload

   Log Message:
   s/upto date/up-to-date/
   Module Name:         pkgsrc
   Committed By:        wiz
   Date:                Sun May  8 13:29:09 UTC 2005

   Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/mk/bulk: upload

   Log Message:
   Changes to the upload script:
   vulnerable packages are uploaded directly into the vulnerable subdir.

   While here:
   quote variables
   better handling of the temporary directory
   remove some backwards compatibility code that's been here long enough
   opsys-specific package handling was doing the same as non-opsys
   specific, so fold them together.

   Written together with dillo.


 mk/bulk/upload |  111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diffs (197 lines):

diff -r 234575af64dc -r 4c4372f979c0 mk/bulk/upload
--- a/mk/bulk/upload    Thu May 19 11:35:30 2005 +0000
+++ b/mk/bulk/upload    Mon May 23 10:37:38 2005 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $NetBSD: upload,v 1.21 2005/01/24 15:00:48 jschauma Exp $
+# $NetBSD: upload,v 2005/05/23 10:37:38 salo Exp $
 # Upload non-restricted binary pkgs to ftp server
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
        SYSVSUM="sum -o 2";
 IRIX*)  BMAKE=bmake;
-#      BSDSUM="sum -r";
-#      CKSUM="cksum";
-#      SYSVSUM="sum";
+       BSDSUM="sum -r";
+       CKSUM="cksum";
+       SYSVSUM="sum";
 *)     BMAKE=bmake ;;
@@ -39,35 +39,30 @@
-if [ "$RSYNC_DST_SPECIFIC" != "" -o "$RSYNC_DST_OTHER" != "" ]; then
-       echo Use of RSYNC_DST_SPECIFIC and RSYNC_DST_OTHER is deprecated.
-       echo Please just set RSYNC_DST in build.conf.
-       exit 1
 if [ -z "$RSYNC_DST" ]; then
        echo "You must set the variable RSYNC_DST, see build.conf-example."
        exit 1
-# Paths for both OS-version-specific and general pkgs:
 # Some temp files
-umask 22
-mkdir $TMP
+umask 022
+(umask 077 && mkdir "${TMP}")
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+        echo $0: cannot create temporary directory \""${TMP}"\" >&2
+        exit 1
 # May be different than $USR_PKGSRC:
 pkgsrcdir=`cd pkgtools/pkglint ; ${BMAKE} show-var VARNAME=_PKGSRCDIR`
@@ -79,7 +74,7 @@
 ( cd net/rsync ;               ${BMAKE} bulk-install )
 ( cd security/audit-packages ; ${BMAKE} bulk-install )
-echo "Making sure vulnerability-list is upto date:"
+echo "Making sure vulnerability-list is up-to-date:"
        env PKGVULNDIR=${distdir} download-vulnerability-list
@@ -96,14 +91,13 @@
-echo "Checking for restricted, out of date, and vulnerable packages:"
+echo "Checking for restricted and out of date packages:"
 # -p  =  report old versions of packages
 # -R  =  report restricted packages
-# -V  =  report vulnerable packages
-lintpkgsrc $lintpkgsrc_cache -K $packages -P $pkgsrcdir -pRV  | sed 's@'$packages'/@@' > $exf
+lintpkgsrc $lintpkgsrc_cache -K $packages -P $pkgsrcdir -pR  | sed 's@'$packages'/@@' > "$exf"
-echo "Checking for OSVERSION_SPECIFIC pkgs:"
-lintpkgsrc $lintpkgsrc_cache -K $packages -P $pkgsrcdir -O  | sed 's@'$packages'/@@' > $osf
+echo "Checking for vulnerable packages:"
+lintpkgsrc $lintpkgsrc_cache -K $packages -P $pkgsrcdir -V  | sed 's@'$packages'/@@' > "$vf"
 RSFLAGS="-vap --progress $RSYNC_OPTS"
@@ -112,6 +106,8 @@
 if [ "${MKSUMS}" = "yes" -o "${MKSUMS}" = "YES" ]; then
+       echo "Calculating checksum files..."
        rm -f ${SUMFILES}
@@ -150,50 +146,53 @@
                        if [ -s $i ]; then
                                echo "Signing $i"
                                gpg --clearsign $i && rm $i
-                               echo ${i}.asc >> $osf
+       else
+               echo "Checksum files not PGP-signed. Please do so manually!"
+               echo "(Run 'gpg --clearsign' on all of them)"
-echo "#!/bin/sh" > $upload
-echo "packages=$packages" >> $upload
-echo "if ! cd $packages ; then" >> $upload
-echo " echo \"could not cd to $packages\"" >> $upload
-echo " exit 1" >> $upload
-echo "fi" >> $upload
+echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$upload"
+echo "packages=$packages" >> "$upload"
+echo "if ! cd $packages ; then" >> "$upload"
+echo " echo \"could not cd to $packages\"" >> "$upload"
+echo " exit 1" >> "$upload"
+echo "fi" >> "$upload"
-echo "Uploading OSVERSION_SPECIFIC pkgs"
-cmd="rsync $RSFLAGS --include '*/' --exclude-from=$exf --include-from=$osf \
-       --exclude '*' . $RSYNC_DST_SPECIFIC"
-cp -f $upload $upload_specific
-echo $cmd >> $upload_specific
-chmod 755 $upload_specific
-echo $cmd
-. $upload_specific
+echo "Uploading non-vulnerable pkgs"
+cmd="rsync $RSFLAGS --exclude-from=\"$exf\" --exclude-from=\"$vf\" . \"$RSYNC_DST\""
+cp -f "$upload" "$upload_general"
+echo "$cmd" >> "$upload_general"
+chmod 755 "$upload_general"
+echo "$cmd"
+sh "$upload_general"
 if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        echo "--------------------------------------------------"
        echo " "
-       echo "WARNING rsync failed.  To retry later, you can run"
-       echo "    $upload_specific"
+       echo "WARNING: rsync failed.  To retry later, you can run"
+       echo "    $upload_general"
        echo " "
        echo "--------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Uploading non-OSVERSION_SPECIFIC pkgs"
-cmd="rsync $RSFLAGS --exclude-from=$exf --exclude-from=$osf . $RSYNC_DST_OTHER"
-cp -f $upload $upload_others
-echo $cmd >> $upload_others
-chmod 755 $upload_others
-echo $cmd
-. $upload_others
+echo "Uploading vulnerable pkgs"
+sed -n "s@All/@@p" "$exf" > "$"
+sed -n "s@All/@@p" "$vf" > "$"
+cmd="rsync $RSFLAGS --exclude-from=\"$\" --include-from=\"$\" --exclude='*' All/ \"$RSYNC_DST/vulnerable/\""
+cp -f "$upload" "$upload_vulnerable"
+echo "$cmd" >> "$upload_vulnerable"
+chmod 755 "$upload_vulnerable"
+echo "$cmd"
+sh "$upload_vulnerable"
 if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        echo "--------------------------------------------------"
        echo " "
-       echo "WARNING rsync failed.  To retry later, you can run"
-       echo "    $upload_others"
+       echo "WARNING: rsync failed.  To retry later, you can run"
+       echo "    $upload_vulnerable"
        echo " "
        echo "--------------------------------------------------"
@@ -201,5 +200,5 @@
 # clean up temp files
 if [ "$failed" = "no" ]; then
-       rm -fr $TMP
+       rm -fr "$TMP"

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