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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/security/openssl If the native openssl-0.9.7d contains...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 500703:bea6e2593fc4
user:      jlam <>
date:      Wed Oct 12 02:20:10 2005 +0000

If the native openssl-0.9.7d contains the security fixes pulled up to
the netbsd-2-0, netbsd-2, and netbsd-3-0 branches on 2005-10-11, then
for the purposes of satisfying dependencies, pretend it's openssl-0.9.7h.


 security/openssl/ |  19 ++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diffs (40 lines):

diff -r 4fc56422d0c0 -r bea6e2593fc4 security/openssl/
--- a/security/openssl/       Wed Oct 12 02:15:30 2005 +0000
+++ b/security/openssl/       Wed Oct 12 02:20:10 2005 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.16 2005/10/12 02:00:03 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.17 2005/10/12 02:20:10 jlam Exp $
 BUILTIN_PKG:=  openssl
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@
                }                                                       \
        ' ${H_OPENSSL}
-.  if !empty(BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl:M0\.9\.6g) && \
-      exists(${H_OPENSSL})
+.  if !empty(BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl:M0\.9\.6g) && exists(${H_OPENSSL})
 # If the native OpenSSL contains the security fixes pulled up to the
 # netbsd-1-6 branch on 2003-11-07, then pretend it's openssl-0.9.6l.
@@ -80,6 +79,20 @@
 .    if !empty(BUILTIN_OPENSSL_HAS_20040401_FIX:M[yY][eE][sS])
 BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl=       0.9.6m
 .    endif
+.  elif !empty(BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl:M0\.9\.7d) && exists(${H_OPENSSL})
+# If the native OpenSSL contains the security fixes pulled up to the
+# netbsd-2-0, netbsd-2, and netbsd-3-0 branches on 2005-10-11, then
+# pretend it's openssl-0.9.7h.
+BUILTIN_OPENSSL_HAS_20051011_FIX!=                                     \
+       ${AWK} 'BEGIN { ans = "no" }                                    \
+               /OPENSSL_HAS_20051011_FIX/ { ans = "yes" }              \
+               END { print ans; exit 0 }                               \
+       ' ${H_OPENSSL}
+.    if !empty(BUILTIN_OPENSSL_HAS_20051011_FIX:M[yY][eE][sS])
+BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl=       0.9.7h
+.    endif
 .  endif
 BUILTIN_PKG.openssl=   openssl-${BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl}

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