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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/doc/guide/files Don't encourage users to abuse the pat...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 503955:00a75347af08
user:      rillig <>
date:      Fri Dec 02 13:52:31 2005 +0000

Don't encourage users to abuse the patch framework for installing
pkgsrc-specific files into ${WRKSRC}. I've lately seen too many patches
against /dev/null that contain RCS Ids.


 doc/guide/files/components.xml |  13 +++++--------
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (26 lines):

diff -r 5ee2de31c41a -r 00a75347af08 doc/guide/files/components.xml
--- a/doc/guide/files/components.xml    Fri Dec 02 12:54:44 2005 +0000
+++ b/doc/guide/files/components.xml    Fri Dec 02 13:52:31 2005 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- $NetBSD: components.xml,v 1.17 2005/10/23 11:25:58 rillig Exp $ -->
+<!-- $NetBSD: components.xml,v 1.18 2005/12/02 13:52:31 rillig Exp $ -->
 <chapter id="components"> <?dbhtml filename="components.html"?>
   <title>Package components - files, directories and contents</title>
@@ -430,12 +430,9 @@
   <sect1 id="files-dir">
-    <para>If you have any files that you wish to be placed in the package prior
-      to configuration or building, you could place these files here and use
-      a <quote>${CP}</quote> command in the
-      <quote>pre-configure</quote> target to achieve 
-      this. Alternatively, you could simply diff the file against
-      <filename>/dev/null</filename> and use the patch mechanism to manage
-      the creation of this file.</para>
+    <para>If you have any files that you wish to be placed in the
+    package prior to configuration or building, you should place these
+    files here and use a <quote>${CP}</quote> command in the
+    <quote>pre-configure</quote> target to achieve this.</para>

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