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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/www/p5-Template-Toolkit pkgsrc changes:

branches:  trunk
changeset: 561125:6b48d4ac5411
user:      sno <>
date:      Tue Jul 07 19:45:49 2009 +0000

pkgsrc changes:
  - Updated package for p5 module Template::Toolkit from 2.20 to 2.21
  - Set license to perl license according to META.yml
  - Adjusting dependencies according to META.yml

Upstream changes:
# Version 2.21 - 30th June 2009

* Fixed a PRE_CHOMP bug that left \r characters lying around when
  confronted with templates with DOS \r\n line endings.

* Applied patch from Bradley Baetz to fix defblock #line numbers

# Version 2.20_4 (2.21 candidate) - 21st May 2009

* Added the even(), odd() and parity() methods to Template::Iterator to
  assist in making zebra tables.

* Removed a post-5.6 perlism in Template::Context that broke on 5.6.2

* Replaced a whole bunch of UNIVERSAL::isa() calls with blessed/isa

* Applied a patch from Norbert Buchm"uller to prevent the #line markers
  from being whitespaced away from the first column.

* Applied a patch from Denis F. Latypoff to fix uri/url filters with
  utf8 text

# Version 2.20_3 (2.21 candidate) - 20th May 2009

* Fixed the XS Stash to compile properly in threaded Perls.

* Applied a patch to the XS Stash from Alexey A. Kiritchun to make the
  scalar.length vmethod work correctly with utf8 strings.

# Version 2.20_2 (2.21 candidate) - 17th May 2009

* Applied a patch to Template::Test from Andrew Ford to make it skip

* Changed the ttree -v/--verbose option so be less verbose and only
  report on things that have changed.  To make it more verbose (like
  previous versions), add a second -v/--verbose flag, e.g.

    $ ttree -v -v

* Also added the --summary option to tree to print a summary of what it
  did, and the --color/--colour option to make it print its verbose
  messages in colour (on ANSI terminals).

* Applied a ttree patch from Lyle Brooks to allow ttree to accept a
  directory name as a command line argument.

* Added the define_view() and define_views() method to Template::Context
  and added the VIEWS option to pre-define views when the Template object
  is created.  Thanks to Timmy Chan for providing the groundwork on this.

* Retrospectively fixed the Changes for 2.20 to mention the ttree
  --encoding option.

* Applied a patch from Chisel Wright, changing uses of UNIVERSAL::can()
  to use blessed() and ->can().

* Fixed a memory leak in the XS Stash introduced in 2.20.
  Thanks to Breno G. de Oliveira for reporting the problem and helping to
  narrow it down.

# Version 2.20_1 (2.21 candidate) - 7th April 2009

* Deleted all the old HTML documentation (now available separately from, examples, libraries and
  other cruft that was way out of date and badly unloved.

* Tweaked Template::Parser to work better with the ANYCASE option.  It
  now knows that anything following a dotop cannot be a keyword so that
  you can write data.last without the 'last' bit being interpreted as the
  LAST keyword.  Thanks to Sean McAfee for the post that inspired it.

* Fixed a broken test for Apache::Util in the html_entity filter.  Added
  the use_html_entities() and use_apache_util() class methods to
  Template::Filters to allow end-user selection of one or the other.

* Tweaked Template::Context to recognise Badger::Exception objects and
  convert them to Template::Exception objects.  This is a temporary
  measure to keep things working during the transition to Badger-based

* Added the STRICT option which will cause the stash to throw an
  exception on encountering an undefined value.  Thanks to Ben Tilly
  for the prod.

* Applied a patch to Template::Iterator from Jonathon Padfield to make
  get_all() do the right thing if get_first() hasn't been called.

* Applied a patch to Template::Stash::Context from Ben Tilly to make
  it easier to subclass.

* Applied a patch from Robin Berjon to add the xml filter.


 www/p5-Template-Toolkit/Makefile         |    7 +-
 www/p5-Template-Toolkit/distinfo         |    9 +-
 www/p5-Template-Toolkit/patches/patch-aa |  591 -------------------------------
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 599 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 633 to 300 lines):

diff -r c2e382c7a780 -r 6b48d4ac5411 www/p5-Template-Toolkit/Makefile
--- a/www/p5-Template-Toolkit/Makefile  Tue Jul 07 19:41:54 2009 +0000
+++ b/www/p5-Template-Toolkit/Makefile  Tue Jul 07 19:45:49 2009 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.29 2009/05/18 22:16:14 abs Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.30 2009/07/07 19:45:49 sno Exp $
-DISTNAME=      Template-Toolkit-2.20
+DISTNAME=      Template-Toolkit-2.21
 PKGNAME=       p5-${DISTNAME}
 SVR4_PKGNAME=  p5tto
 CATEGORIES=    www perl5
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
 COMMENT=       Perl5 text template and dynamic web page integration toolkit
-DEPENDS+=      p5-AppConfig>=1.52:../../devel/p5-AppConfig
+DEPENDS+=      p5-AppConfig>=1.56:../../devel/p5-AppConfig
 PERL5_PACKLIST=        auto/Template/.packlist
diff -r c2e382c7a780 -r 6b48d4ac5411 www/p5-Template-Toolkit/distinfo
--- a/www/p5-Template-Toolkit/distinfo  Tue Jul 07 19:41:54 2009 +0000
+++ b/www/p5-Template-Toolkit/distinfo  Tue Jul 07 19:45:49 2009 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.8 2008/11/17 02:17:09 he Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.9 2009/07/07 19:45:49 sno Exp $
-SHA1 (Template-Toolkit-2.20.tar.gz) = 28d978162e132d83ceb9735595aca3cf78981a06
-RMD160 (Template-Toolkit-2.20.tar.gz) = 511b00952d72312cdfd81891294dcc0583af9654
-Size (Template-Toolkit-2.20.tar.gz) = 748424 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = 6e92c58c5d2a6815bb997edca90c93164dacb936
+SHA1 (Template-Toolkit-2.21.tar.gz) = 10c05b3486d421404cb308769002f9fc337c86a0
+RMD160 (Template-Toolkit-2.21.tar.gz) = 7622dbf03de1eab21daab711158b73898c2354e6
+Size (Template-Toolkit-2.21.tar.gz) = 492245 bytes
diff -r c2e382c7a780 -r 6b48d4ac5411 www/p5-Template-Toolkit/patches/patch-aa
--- a/www/p5-Template-Toolkit/patches/patch-aa  Tue Jul 07 19:41:54 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.PL.orig   2008-08-08 12:41:15.000000000 +0200
-+++ Makefile.PL        2008-09-21 16:17:36.000000000 +0200
-@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@
- $| = 1;
- select STDOUT;
-+use vars qw( $TT_VERSION $TT_PREFIX 
-              $TT_XS_ENABLE $TT_XS_DEFAULT
-+             $TT_QUIET $TT_ACCEPT $TT_YES );
- # check O/S to set sensible defaults
-@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@
-   TT_XS_ENABLE   Enable XS Stash         (y)
-   TT_XS_DEFAULT  Use XS Stash by default (y)
--  TT_QUIET       no messages           (n)
-+  TT_QUIET       no messages             (n)
-   TT_ACCEPT      accept defaults         (n)
- By default, the Makefile.PL runs in interactive mode, 
-@@ -83,26 +82,12 @@
- # in this script, here defaulted to sensible values
- $TT_VERSION       = $Template::VERSION;
--$TT_PREFIX        = '';     # $PREFIX;
--$TT_IMAGES        = $IMAGES;
--$TT_BUILD_DOCS    = 'n';
--$TT_SPLASH_DOCS   = 'n';
--$TT_EXAMPLES      = 'n';
--$TT_EXTRAS        = 'n';
--$TT_SPLASH_THEME  = 'default';
- $TT_XS_ENABLE     = 'y';
- $TT_XS_DEFAULT    = 'y';
- $TT_QUIET         = 'n';
- $TT_ACCEPT        = 'n';
--my $TT_SPLASH_FG  = '';
--my $TT_SPLASH_BG  = '';
--my $TT_SPLASH_FT  = '';
--my $TT_SPLASH_BT  = '';
- my $DEFAULTS_FILE   = '.defaults.cfg';
--my $TT_DOCS_CFG     = catfile('docs','ttree.cfg');
--my $TT_EXAMPLE_CFG  = catfile('examples','ttree.cfg');
- my $DEFAULTS = '';
- if (-f $DEFAULTS_FILE) {
-@@ -110,13 +95,6 @@
-     $DEFAULTS = " read from '$DEFAULTS_FILE'";
- }
--$TT_PREFIX        = $ttconfig{ TT_PREFIX     } if $ttconfig{ TT_PREFIX     };
--$TT_IMAGES        = $ttconfig{ TT_IMAGES     } if $ttconfig{ TT_IMAGES     };
--$TT_SPLASH_THEME  = $ttconfig{ TT_THEME      } if $ttconfig{ TT_THEME      };
--$TT_BUILD_DOCS    = $ttconfig{ TT_DOCS       } if defined $ttconfig{ TT_DOCS       };
--$TT_SPLASH_DOCS   = $ttconfig{ TT_SPLASH     } if defined $ttconfig{ TT_SPLASH     };
--$TT_EXAMPLES      = $ttconfig{ TT_EXAMPLES   } if defined $ttconfig{ TT_EXAMPLES   };
--$TT_EXTRAS        = $ttconfig{ TT_EXTRAS     } if defined $ttconfig{ TT_EXTRAS     };
- $TT_XS_ENABLE     = $ttconfig{ TT_XS_ENABLE  } if defined $ttconfig{ TT_XS_ENABLE  };
- $TT_XS_DEFAULT    = $ttconfig{ TT_XS_DEFAULT } if defined $ttconfig{ TT_XS_DEFAULT };
- $TT_QUIET         = $ttconfig{ TT_QUIET      } if defined $ttconfig{ TT_QUIET      };
-@@ -129,25 +107,13 @@
-     $TT_ACCEPT = $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} ? 'y' : 'n';
- }
-+foreach ($TT_XS_ENABLE, $TT_XS_DEFAULT ) {
-     $_ = 'n' if ! $_;
- }
- $TT_ACCEPT = 0 if $TT_ACCEPT eq 'n';
- $TT_QUIET  = 0 if $TT_QUIET eq 'n';
- $TT_QUIET  = 0 unless $TT_ACCEPT;
--    default => [ 'lilac',  'mauve'   ],
--    aqua    => [ 'aqua',   'marine'  ],
--    grey    => [ 'grey75', 'grey50'  ],
--    blue    => [ 'grey75', 'blue75'  ],
--    red     => [ 'grey75', 'red75'   ],
--    green   => [ 'grey75', 'green75' ],
--    leon    => [ 'red75',  'orange', 'white', 'black' ],
- # define version numbers of required modules
- my $TT_APPCONFIG_VERSION = '1.56';
- my $TT_FILE_SPEC_VERSION = '0.8';
-@@ -160,11 +126,6 @@
- version_check();
- mandatory_modules();
- optional_stash_xs();
- write_defaults();
- print "\n";
-@@ -174,55 +135,11 @@
- # build options and write Makefile
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
--package MY;
--sub postamble {
--    return '' unless $main::TT_PREFIX;
--    my $amble =<<'EOF';
--tt2_install ::
--      @$(PERL) bin/tt2inst -v "$(TT_PREFIX)"
--tt2_splash ::
--      @$(PERL) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(INST_ARCHLIB) bin/gifsplash -v -i "$(TT_PREFIX)"
--    $amble .=<<EOF if $main::TT_BUILD_DOCS;
--tt2_html_docs ::
--      \@\$(PERL) -I\$(INST_LIB) -I\$(INST_ARCHLIB) bin/ttree -v -f "\$(TT_PREFIX)/$TT_DOCS_CFG"
--    $amble .=<<EOF if $main::TT_EXAMPLES;
--tt2_examples ::
--      \@\$(PERL) -I\$(INST_LIB) -I\$(INST_ARCHLIB) bin/ttree -v -f "\$(TT_PREFIX)/$TT_EXAMPLE_CFG"
--    return $amble;
--sub install {
--    my $class = shift;
--    my $basic = $class->SUPER::install(@_);
--    my $add   = 'tt2_install tt2_splash';
--    $add .= ' tt2_html_docs' if $main::TT_BUILD_DOCS;
--    $add .= ' tt2_examples' if $main::TT_EXAMPLES;
--    $basic =~ s/^(install\s+::\s+.*)$/$1 $add/m
--      if $main::TT_PREFIX;
--    $basic;
--sub constants {
--    my $class = shift;
--    my $basic = $class->SUPER::constants(@_);
--    $basic = "TT_PREFIX = $main::TT_PREFIX\n$basic"
--      if $main::TT_PREFIX;
--    $basic;
- package main;
- my %opts = (
-     %config,
--    'NAME'           => 'Template',
-+    'NAME'             => 'Template',
-     'DISTNAME'     => 'Template-Toolkit',
-     'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/',
-     'EXE_FILES'    => [ 'bin/tpage', 'bin/ttree' ],
-@@ -310,7 +227,7 @@
- sub version_check {
-     eval "use Template";
-     unless ($@ or $Template::VERSION =~ /^2/) {
--      warn(<<EOF) unless $TT_QUIET;
-+        warn(<<EOF) unless $TT_QUIET;
-@@ -328,7 +245,7 @@
-     painless.  If you're feeling brave, then answer 'y', otherwise 'n'.
--      exit unless ttprompt("Do you want to continue?", 'y') =~ /y/i;
-+        exit unless ttprompt("Do you want to continue?", 'y') =~ /y/i;
-     }
- }
-@@ -342,7 +259,7 @@
- sub mandatory_modules {
-     eval "use AppConfig";
-     if ($@ or $AppConfig::VERSION < $TT_APPCONFIG_VERSION) {
--      warn(<<EOF);
-+        warn(<<EOF);
- The Template Toolkit requires that the AppConfig module (version $TT_APPCONFIG_VERSION
- or later) first be installed.  This is used by
-@@ -356,7 +273,7 @@
-     eval "use File::Spec";
-     if ($@ or $File::Spec::VERSION < $TT_FILE_SPEC_VERSION) {
--      warn(<<EOF);
-+        warn(<<EOF);
- The Template Toolkit requires that the File::Spec module (version $TT_FILE_SPEC_VERSION
- or later) first be installed.  This is used by the File plugin.  It is
-@@ -414,7 +331,7 @@
-     $TT_XS_ENABLE = (ttprompt('Do you want to build the XS Stash module?', 
--                            $TT_XS_ENABLE) =~ /^y/i);
-+                              $TT_XS_ENABLE) =~ /^y/i);
-     if ($TT_XS_ENABLE) {
-         $TT_XS_DEFAULT =
-@@ -428,328 +345,13 @@
-     # Actually, we would have to fix '' only if the XS stash is
-     # disabled. But this way, we are sure the correct module is used.
--      fix_file(catfile('lib','Template',''),
--               '$STASH', 
--               $TT_XS_DEFAULT ? 'Template::Stash::XS' : 'Template::Stash');
--# optional_extras()
--# Prompt for installation of optional libraries and other components
--sub optional_extras {
--    message(<<EOF);
--Optional Extras
--In additional to the Perl modules and POD documentation installed in
--the usual way, the Template Toolkit distribution also contains a
--number of optional components:
--  * Template libaries for basic HTML, Pod -> HTML, and PostScript
--  * Splash! - a stylish HTML user interface template library / widget set
--  * HTML documentation - distributed in template form for customisation
--  * Stylesheet templates to generate docs as vanilla HTML or using Splash!
--  * Examples - numerous examples of using the template libraries
--If you want to install these optional components then you'll need to 
--specify a separate directory for them.
--    if ($TT_EXTRAS = (
--        ttprompt('Do you want to install these components?',
--            $TT_EXTRAS) =~ /^y/i)) {
--      message(<<EOF);
--You can chose any directory for the installation of the additional
--Template Toolkit components.  The proposed default assumes a $FLAVOUR
--flavour to your operating system (suggestions for suitable defaults

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