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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/net/libpcap Better checking of libpcap versions, based...
branches: trunk
changeset: 487243:64afc3dd6603
user: xtraeme <>
date: Tue Jan 11 19:32:17 2005 +0000
Better checking of libpcap versions, based in heimdal/
for now we are assumming that:
_LIBPCAP_VERSIONS= 0.8.3 0.7.2
_LIBPCAP_0.8.3= NetBSD-2.99.9* NetBSD-2.99.1[0-9]*
_LIBPCAP_0.7= NetBSD-1.[56]* NetBSD-2.0*
Users of other platforms should update this list eventually.
net/libpcap/ | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
1 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diffs (75 lines):
diff -r 89b298aa1592 -r 64afc3dd6603 net/libpcap/
--- a/net/libpcap/ Tue Jan 11 18:44:10 2005 +0000
+++ b/net/libpcap/ Tue Jan 11 19:32:17 2005 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,66 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.2 2004/03/29 05:43:32 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.3 2005/01/11 19:32:17 xtraeme Exp $
+_LIBPCAP_H= /usr/include/pcap.h
.if !defined(IS_BUILTIN.libpcap)
IS_BUILTIN.libpcap= no
-. if exists(/usr/include/pcap.h)
-IS_BUILTIN.libpcap= yes
+. if exists(${_LIBPCAP_H})
+IS_BUILTIN.libpcap!= \
+ if ${GREP} -q PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR ${_LIBPCAP_H}; then \
+ ${ECHO} "yes"; \
+ else \
+ ${ECHO} "no"; \
+ fi
+. if !empty(IS_BUILTIN.libpcap:M[yY][eE][sS])
+# Create an appropriate name for the built-in package distributed
+# with the system. This package name can be used to check against
+# BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.<pkg> to see if we need to install the pkgsrc
+# version or if the built-in one is sufficient.
+. if !defined(_LIPCAP_VERSION)
+_LIBPCAP_VERSIONS= 0.8.3 0.7.2
+_LIBPCAP_0.8.3= NetBSD-2.99.9* NetBSD-2.99.1[0-9]*
+_LIBPCAP_0.7= NetBSD-1.[56]* NetBSD-2.0*
+. for _libpcap_version_ in ${_LIBPCAP_VERSIONS}
+. for _pattern_ in ${_LIBPCAP_${_libpcap_version_}}
+. if !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:M${_pattern_})
+_LIBPCAP_VERSION?= ${_libpcap_version_}
+. endif
+. endfor
+. endfor
+. endif
+BUILTIN_PKG.libpcap= libpcap-${_LIBPCAP_VERSION}
+. endif
. endif
-.endif # IS_BUILTIN.libpcap
+.if !defined(USE_BUILTIN.libpcap)
+USE_BUILTIN.libpcap?= ${IS_BUILTIN.libpcap}
-USE_BUILTIN.libpcap?= ${IS_BUILTIN.libpcap}
+. if defined(BUILTIN_PKG.libpcap)
+USE_BUILTIN.libpcap= yes
+. for _depend_ in ${BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.libpcap}
+. if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.libpcap:M[yY][eE][sS])
+USE_BUILTIN.libpcap!= \
+ if ${PKG_ADMIN} pmatch '${_depend_}' ${BUILTIN_PKG.libpcap}; then \
+ ${ECHO} "yes"; \
+ else \
+ ${ECHO} "no"; \
+ fi
+. endif
+. endfor
+. endif
+.endif # USE_BUILTIN.libpcap
+CHECK_BUILTIN.libpcap?= no
+.if !empty(CHECK_BUILTIN.libpcap:M[nN][oO])
+.if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.libpcap:M[nN][oO])
+BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.libpcap+= libpcap>=0.8.3
+.endif # CHECK_BUILTIN.libpcap
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