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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/archivers/hpack Reformat, was badly cut-n-pasted.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 564532:36b928c2d245
user:      wiz <>
date:      Sun Sep 06 15:50:41 2009 +0000

Reformat, was badly cut-n-pasted.


 archivers/hpack/DESCR |  16 +++++++---------
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diffs (20 lines):

diff -r 7c3cb697c0de -r 36b928c2d245 archivers/hpack/DESCR
--- a/archivers/hpack/DESCR     Sun Sep 06 15:40:49 2009 +0000
+++ b/archivers/hpack/DESCR     Sun Sep 06 15:50:41 2009 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-       The  hpack  Multi-System  Archiver is an archiver that was
-       written to allow the transfer of archived data to  differ-
-       ent  systems.   In  the past archivers have traditionally
-       been  available for  single  systems  only,  for  example
-       PKZIP  and  LHARC  for  the  IBM PC, Larc for the Amiga,
-       StuffIt and Compactor for the  Macintosh,  and  tar  and
-       compress  for  UNIX  systems  (while  these  archivers are
-       available on other systems, their use is not  widespread).
-       Open-keys security included.
+The hpack Multi-System Archiver is an archiver that was written to
+allow the transfer of archived data to different systems.  In the
+past archivers have traditionally been available for single systems
+only, for example PKZIP and LHARC for the IBM PC, Larc for the
+Amiga, StuffIt and Compactor for the Macintosh, and tar and compress
+for UNIX systems (while these archivers are available on other
+systems, their use is not widespread). Open-keys security included.

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