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[pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2012Q1]: pkgsrc/mail/oe2mbx Pullup ticket #3777 - requested by...

branches:  pkgsrc-2012Q1
changeset: 602089:c332c5c1ed8c
user:      tron <>
date:      Wed May 09 06:26:08 2012 +0000

Pullup ticket #3777 - requested by dholland
mail/oe2mbx: build fix

Revisions pulled up:
- mail/oe2mbx/Makefile                                          1.13
- mail/oe2mbx/distinfo                                          1.5
- mail/oe2mbx/patches/patch-src_liboe_c                         1.1

   Module Name: pkgsrc
   Committed By:        dholland
   Date:                Mon May  7 19:21:57 UTC 2012

   Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/mail/oe2mbx: Makefile distinfo
   Added Files:
        pkgsrc/mail/oe2mbx/patches: patch-src_liboe_c

   Log Message:
   Hack around misuse of fpos_t. Fix some code that assumed fpos_t is a
   4-byte integer type. If this code ever worked on NetBSD, it was only
   by accident. PKGREVISION++ for the fixes.


 mail/oe2mbx/Makefile                  |    3 +-
 mail/oe2mbx/distinfo                  |    3 +-
 mail/oe2mbx/patches/patch-src_liboe_c |  105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (134 lines):

diff -r 9c024eb3dffe -r c332c5c1ed8c mail/oe2mbx/Makefile
--- a/mail/oe2mbx/Makefile      Wed May 09 06:23:13 2012 +0000
+++ b/mail/oe2mbx/Makefile      Wed May 09 06:26:08 2012 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2010/02/26 10:28:32 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2012/05/09 06:26:08 tron Exp $
 DISTNAME=      oe2mbx-1.21
 CATEGORIES=    mail
 MASTER_SITES=  # none
diff -r 9c024eb3dffe -r c332c5c1ed8c mail/oe2mbx/distinfo
--- a/mail/oe2mbx/distinfo      Wed May 09 06:23:13 2012 +0000
+++ b/mail/oe2mbx/distinfo      Wed May 09 06:26:08 2012 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2009/02/16 18:25:20 joerg Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2012/05/09 06:26:08 tron Exp $
 SHA1 (oe2mbx-1.21.tar.gz) = e3931f0eb8c27c4ba0f1118e6d3bb7342ec172e2
 RMD160 (oe2mbx-1.21.tar.gz) = 147b02fac16d2d5124ee069f2b11c236baf00235
 Size (oe2mbx-1.21.tar.gz) = 22817 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-aa) = b43592c823057f57ac091449c8365995c3027440
+SHA1 (patch-src_liboe_c) = 2a2c90d94403b96e069ee1f2c0d8ff787d6dffb1
diff -r 9c024eb3dffe -r c332c5c1ed8c mail/oe2mbx/patches/patch-src_liboe_c
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mail/oe2mbx/patches/patch-src_liboe_c     Wed May 09 06:26:08 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-src_liboe_c,v 2012/05/09 06:26:08 tron Exp $
+Hack around misuse of fpos_t. Fix some places where the code assumes
+fpos_t is a 4-byte integer (it has always been an 8-byte integer on
+NetBSD...) Cannot fix the core assumption that fpos_t is an integer,
+though, so work around it.
+--- src/liboe.c~       2000-06-18 22:16:55.000000000 +0000
++++ src/liboe.c
+@@ -24,6 +24,15 @@
+ #endif
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
++#ifdef __NetBSD__
++ * NetBSD 6 and up has a non-integer fpos_t. This code requires an
++ * integer type, so we'll have to use fseeko instead.
++ */
++#define fpos_t off_t
++#define fsetpos(f, offp) fseeko(f, *(offp), SEEK_SET)
+ #define OE_CANNOTREAD 1
+ #define OE_NOTOEBOX   2
+ #define OE_POSITION   3
+@@ -69,10 +78,13 @@ typedef struct oe_list oe_list;
+    anywhere in the mailbox file, some times far from each other. */
+ struct oe_msg_segmentheader {
+-  int self,  /* Pointer to self (filepos) */
++  fpos_t self;  /* Pointer to self (filepos) */
++  int
+     increase, /* Increase to next segment header (not in msg, in file!) */
+-    include, /* Number of bytes to include from this segment */
+-    next,  /* Pointer to next message segment (in msg) (filepos) */
++    include; /* Number of bytes to include from this segment */
++  fpos_t
++    next;  /* Pointer to next message segment (in msg) (filepos) */
++  int
+     usenet; /* Only used with usenet posts */
+ };
+ typedef struct oe_msg_segmentheader oe_msg_segmentheader;
+@@ -125,7 +137,8 @@ int oe_readmessage(oe_data *data, 
+   int segheadsize = sizeof(oe_msg_segmentheader)-4; /*+(newsarticle<<2);*/
+   oe_msg_segmentheader *sgm = malloc(sizeof(oe_msg_segmentheader));
+   char buff[16], *ss = malloc(2048), *s = ss;
+-  int nextsegment, endofsegment, i, headerwritten = 0;
++  fpos_t nextsegment, endofsegment;
++  int i, headerwritten = 0;
+   fsetpos(data->oe,&pos);
+   while (1) {
+     fread(sgm,segheadsize,1,data->oe);
+@@ -156,7 +169,7 @@ int oe_readmessage(oe_data *data, 
+         if (buff[i]==0x0a) { *s='\0'; data->oput(ss); s=ss; }
+       }
+     }
+-    fsetpos(data->oe,(fpos_t *) &sgm->next);
++    fsetpos(data->oe, &sgm->next);
+     pos = sgm->next;
+     if (pos==0) break;
+   }
+@@ -252,12 +265,14 @@ void oe_readdamaged(oe_data *data) { 
+      that even OE couldn't read to work. Should generally not 
+      be needed, but is nice to have in here */
+   fpos_t pos = 0x7C;
++  int tmp;
+   int i,check, lastID;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+   printf("  Trying to construct internal mailbox structure\n");
+ #endif
+   fsetpos(data->oe,&pos);
+-  fread(&pos,sizeof(int),1,data->oe); 
++  fread(&tmp,sizeof(int),1,data->oe); 
++  pos = tmp;
+   if (pos==0) return; /* No, sorry, didn't work */
+   fsetpos(data->oe,&pos);
+   fread(&i,sizeof(int),1,data->oe);
+@@ -286,7 +301,8 @@ void oe_readdamaged(oe_data *data) { 
+ }
+ void oe_readbox_oe4(oe_data *data) {
+-  fpos_t pos = 0x54, endpos=0, i;
++  fpos_t pos = 0x54, endpos=0;
++  int i;
+   oe_msg_segmentheader *header=malloc(sizeof(oe_msg_segmentheader));
+   char *cb = malloc(4), *sfull = malloc(65536), *s = sfull;
+   fsetpos(data->oe,&pos); 
+@@ -323,6 +339,7 @@ void oe_readbox_oe4(oe_data *data) {
+ oe_data* oe_readbox(char* filename,void (*oput)(char*)) {
+   int signature[4], i;
++  fpos_t tmp;
+   oe_data *data = malloc(sizeof(oe_data));
+   data->success=data->failure=data->justheaders=data->errcode=0;
+   data->used = NULL;
+@@ -359,7 +376,8 @@ oe_data* oe_readbox(char* filename,void 
+   /* ACTUAL WORK */
+   i = 0x30;
+-  fsetpos(data->oe,(fpos_t *) &i);
++  tmp = i;
++  fsetpos(data->oe, &tmp);
+   fread(&i,4,1,data->oe);
+   if (!i) i=0x1e254;
+   i = oe_readtable(data,i); /* Reads the box */

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