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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/lang/f2c Pregenerate the parser (gram.c) and disable i...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 569011:b000df21566c
user:      tnn <>
date:      Sun Jan 03 01:37:59 2010 +0000

Pregenerate the parser (gram.c) and disable implicit regeneration.
Drop yacc(1) dependency.
This solves the circular dependency f2c->bison->libiconv->libtool-base->f2c


 lang/f2c/Makefile     |     6 +-
 lang/f2c/files/ |     6 +-
 lang/f2c/files/gram.c |  2768 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 2776 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 2831 to 300 lines):

diff -r 2b18dc1182d1 -r b000df21566c lang/f2c/Makefile
--- a/lang/f2c/Makefile Sat Jan 02 13:58:17 2010 +0000
+++ b/lang/f2c/Makefile Sun Jan 03 01:37:59 2010 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.52 2009/12/28 11:42:19 tnn Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.53 2010/01/03 01:37:59 tnn Exp $
 DISTNAME=      f2c-20090411    # see notes below
 CATEGORIES=    lang
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 BUILD_DIRS=    src
 MAKE_ENV+=             MKCATPAGES=no
-USE_TOOLS+=            yacc
 INSTALLATION_DIRS=     bin share/doc/f2c ${PKGMANDIR}/man1
 .include "../../mk/"
@@ -33,6 +32,7 @@
        @${CP} ${FILESDIR:Q}/ ${WRKSRC}/src/Makefile
+       @${CP} ${FILESDIR:Q}/gram.c ${WRKSRC}/src/gram.c
        @mv ${WRKSRC}/src/.depend  ${WRKSRC}/src/depend.orig
        @mv ${WRKSRC}/src/f2c.1 ${WRKSRC}/src/f2c.1.orig
diff -r 2b18dc1182d1 -r b000df21566c lang/f2c/files/
--- a/lang/f2c/files/     Sat Jan 02 13:58:17 2010 +0000
+++ b/lang/f2c/files/     Sun Jan 03 01:37:59 2010 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Makefile for f2c, a Fortran 77 to C converter
 PROG=  f2c
-SRCS=  main.c init.c gram.y lex.c proc.c equiv.c data.c format.c \
+SRCS=  main.c init.c gram.c lex.c proc.c equiv.c data.c format.c \
        expr.c exec.c intr.c io.c misc.c error.c mem.c names.c \
        output.c p1output.c pread.c put.c putpcc.c vax.c formatdata.c \
        parse_args.c niceprintf.c cds.c sysdep.c version.c $(MALLOC)
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 # (derived with a Unix variant of the yacc from plan9).
 # There should be 4 shift/reduce conflicts:
+.if make(gram.c)
 gram.y:        gram.head gram.dcl gram.expr gram.exec tokdefs.h
        ( sed "s/#define/%token/" < $(.ALLSRC:M*tokdefs.h) ; \
                cat $(.ALLSRC:M*gram.head) \
@@ -29,6 +30,9 @@
                    $(.ALLSRC:M*gram.exec) \
                    $(.ALLSRC:M* ) > $@
 CLEANFILES+=   gram.y
 DPADD= defs.h ftypes.h defines.h machdefs.h sysdep.h
diff -r 2b18dc1182d1 -r b000df21566c lang/f2c/files/gram.c
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lang/f2c/files/gram.c     Sun Jan 03 01:37:59 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2768 @@
+#ifndef lint
+static const char yysccsid[] = "@(#)yaccpar    1.9 (Berkeley) 02/21/93";
+#ifdef _LIBC
+#include "namespace.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define YYBYACC 1
+#define YYMAJOR 1
+#define YYMINOR 9
+#define YYEMPTY        (-1)
+#define yyclearin      (yychar = YYEMPTY)
+#define yyerrok        (yyerrflag = 0)
+#define YYRECOVERING() (yyerrflag != 0)
+/* compatibility with bison */
+/* compatibility with FreeBSD */
+# else
+#  define YYPARSE_DECL() yyparse(void *YYPARSE_PARAM)
+# endif
+# define YYPARSE_DECL() yyparse(void)
+/* Pure parsers. */
+#define YYPURE 0
+# define YYLEX yylex(YYLEX_PARAM)
+# define YYLEX yylex()
+#define YYPREFIX "yy"
+#line 125 "gram.y"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "p1defs.h"
+static int nstars;                     /* Number of labels in an
+                                          alternate return CALL */
+static int datagripe;
+static int ndim;
+static int vartype;
+int new_dcl;
+static ftnint varleng;
+static struct Dims dims[MAXDIM+1];
+extern struct Labelblock **labarray;   /* Labels in an alternate
+                                                  return CALL */
+extern int maxlablist;
+/* The next two variables are used to verify that each statement might be reached
+   during runtime.   lastwasbranch   is tested only in the defintion of the
+   stat:   nonterminal. */
+int lastwasbranch = NO;
+static int thiswasbranch = NO;
+extern ftnint yystno;
+extern flag intonly;
+static chainp datastack;
+extern long laststfcn, thisstno;
+extern int can_include;        /* for netlib */
+extern void endcheck Argdcl((void));
+extern struct Primblock *primchk Argdcl((expptr));
+#define ESNULL (Extsym *)0
+#define NPNULL (Namep)0
+#define LBNULL (struct Listblock *)0
+ static void
+pop_datastack(Void) {
+       chainp d0 = datastack;
+       if (d0->datap)
+               curdtp = (chainp)d0->datap;
+       datastack = d0->nextp;
+       d0->nextp = 0;
+       frchain(&d0);
+       }
+#line 172 "gram.y"
+typedef union YYSTYPE  {
+       int ival;
+       ftnint lval;
+       char *charpval;
+       chainp chval;
+       tagptr tagval;
+       expptr expval;
+       struct Labelblock *labval;
+       struct Nameblock *namval;
+       struct Eqvchain *eqvval;
+       Extsym *extval;
+       } YYSTYPE;
+#line 98 "gram.c"
+#define SEOS 1
+#define SCOMMENT 2
+#define SLABEL 3
+#define SUNKNOWN 4
+#define SHOLLERITH 5
+#define SICON 6
+#define SRCON 7
+#define SDCON 8
+#define SBITCON 9
+#define SOCTCON 10
+#define SHEXCON 11
+#define STRUE 12
+#define SFALSE 13
+#define SNAME 14
+#define SNAMEEQ 15
+#define SFIELD 16
+#define SSCALE 17
+#define SINCLUDE 18
+#define SLET 19
+#define SASSIGN 20
+#define SAUTOMATIC 21
+#define SBACKSPACE 22
+#define SBLOCK 23
+#define SCALL 24
+#define SCHARACTER 25
+#define SCLOSE 26
+#define SCOMMON 27
+#define SCOMPLEX 28
+#define SCONTINUE 29
+#define SDATA 30
+#define SDCOMPLEX 31
+#define SDIMENSION 32
+#define SDO 33
+#define SDOUBLE 34
+#define SELSE 35
+#define SELSEIF 36
+#define SEND 37
+#define SENDFILE 38
+#define SENDIF 39
+#define SENTRY 40
+#define SEQUIV 41
+#define SEXTERNAL 42
+#define SFORMAT 43
+#define SFUNCTION 44
+#define SGOTO 45
+#define SASGOTO 46
+#define SCOMPGOTO 47
+#define SARITHIF 48
+#define SLOGIF 49
+#define SIMPLICIT 50
+#define SINQUIRE 51
+#define SINTEGER 52
+#define SINTRINSIC 53
+#define SLOGICAL 54
+#define SNAMELIST 55
+#define SOPEN 56
+#define SPARAM 57
+#define SPAUSE 58
+#define SPRINT 59
+#define SPROGRAM 60
+#define SPUNCH 61
+#define SREAD 62
+#define SREAL 63
+#define SRETURN 64
+#define SREWIND 65
+#define SSAVE 66
+#define SSTATIC 67
+#define SSTOP 68
+#define SSUBROUTINE 69
+#define STHEN 70
+#define STO 71
+#define SUNDEFINED 72
+#define SWRITE 73
+#define SLPAR 74
+#define SRPAR 75
+#define SEQUALS 76
+#define SCOLON 77
+#define SCOMMA 78
+#define SCURRENCY 79
+#define SPLUS 80
+#define SMINUS 81
+#define SSTAR 82
+#define SSLASH 83
+#define SPOWER 84
+#define SCONCAT 85
+#define SAND 86
+#define SOR 87
+#define SNEQV 88
+#define SEQV 89
+#define SNOT 90
+#define SEQ 91
+#define SLT 92
+#define SGT 93
+#define SLE 94
+#define SGE 95
+#define SNE 96
+#define SENDDO 97
+#define SWHILE 98
+#define SSLASHD 99
+#define SBYTE 100
+#define YYERRCODE 256
+static const short yylhs[] = {                           -1,
+    0,    0,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,    1,
+   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   59,   51,   32,
+   52,   52,   60,   60,   61,   61,   62,   62,   25,   25,
+   25,   26,   26,   33,   33,   16,   56,   56,   56,   56,
+   56,   56,   56,   56,   56,   56,   56,   56,    9,    9,
+    9,   73,    6,    7,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,
+    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,   15,   15,   15,   49,
+   49,   49,   49,   50,   50,   63,   63,   64,   64,   65,
+   65,   79,   53,   53,   66,   66,   80,   81,   75,   82,
+   84,   76,   76,   83,   83,   44,   44,   44,   69,   69,
+   85,   85,   71,   71,   86,   35,   17,   17,   18,   18,
+   74,   74,   89,   87,   87,   88,   88,   42,   42,   90,
+   90,    2,   67,   67,   91,   91,   94,   92,   93,   93,
+   95,   95,   10,   68,   68,   96,   19,   19,   70,   20,
+   20,   21,   21,   37,   37,   37,   38,   38,   38,   38,
+   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,
+   11,   11,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   36,   36,
+   36,   36,   31,   39,   39,   43,   43,   47,   47,   47,
+   47,   47,   47,   47,   46,   48,   48,   48,   40,   40,
+   41,   41,   41,   41,   41,   41,   41,   41,   57,   57,
+   57,   57,   57,   57,   99,   57,   57,   57,   98,   22,
+   23,  100,   23,   97,   97,   97,   97,   97,   97,   97,
+   97,   97,   97,   97,    3,  101,  102,  102,  102,  102,
+   72,   72,   34,   24,   24,   45,   45,   13,   13,   27,
+   27,   58,   77,   78,  103,  104,  104,  104,  104,  104,
+  104,  104,  104,  104,  104,  104,  104,  104,  104,  104,
+  105,  112,  112,  112,  107,  114,  114,  114,  109,  109,
+  106,  106,  115,  115,  116,  116,  116,  116,  116,  116,
+   14,  108,  110,  111,  111,   28,   28,    5,    5,   29,
+   29,   29,   30,   30,   30,   30,   30,   30,    4,    4,
+    4,    4,    4,  113,
+static const short yylen[] = {                            2,
+    0,    3,    2,    2,    2,    3,    3,    2,    1,    1,
+    3,    4,    3,    4,    4,    5,    3,    0,    1,    1,
+    0,    1,    2,    3,    1,    3,    1,    3,    0,    2,
+    3,    1,    3,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,

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