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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/textproc/tex-xmltex Use texlive/ to simplify ...
branches: trunk
changeset: 558905:c5a85604047e
user: minskim <>
date: Sat May 16 20:41:12 2009 +0000
Use texlive/ to simplify dependencies of tex-xmltex.
textproc/tex-xmltex/DESCR | 16 ++++++--------
textproc/tex-xmltex/Makefile | 45 +++++--------------------------------------
textproc/tex-xmltex/PLIST | 45 ++++++++++++-------------------------------
textproc/tex-xmltex/distinfo | 8 +++---
4 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diffs (138 lines):
diff -r 2f48d2bf47f3 -r c5a85604047e textproc/tex-xmltex/DESCR
--- a/textproc/tex-xmltex/DESCR Sat May 16 20:38:39 2009 +0000
+++ b/textproc/tex-xmltex/DESCR Sat May 16 20:41:12 2009 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-xmltex implements a non-validating parser for documents matching the
-W3C XML Namespaces Recommendation. The system may just be used to
-parse the file (expanding entity references and normalising namespace
-declarations) in which case it records a trace of the parse on the
-terminal. Normally however the information from the parse is used to
-trigger TeX typesetting code. Declarations (in TeX syntax) are
-provided as part of xmltex to associate TeX code with the start and
-end of each XML element, attributes, processing instructions, and with
-unicode character data.
+This package provides an implementation of a parser for documents
+matching the XML 1.0 and XML Namespace Recommendations. In addition
+to parsing commands are provided to attatch TeX typesetting
+instructions to the various markup elemenets as they are encounted.
+Sample files for typesetting a subset of TEI, MathML, are included.
+Element and Attribute names, as well as character data, may use any
+characters allowed in XML, using UTF-8 or a suitable 8-bit encoding.
diff -r 2f48d2bf47f3 -r c5a85604047e textproc/tex-xmltex/Makefile
--- a/textproc/tex-xmltex/Makefile Sat May 16 20:38:39 2009 +0000
+++ b/textproc/tex-xmltex/Makefile Sat May 16 20:41:12 2009 +0000
@@ -1,46 +1,13 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2008/06/22 02:55:53 reed Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2009/05/16 20:41:12 minskim Exp $
+# TeX Live Revision 11896
-PKGNAME= tex-xmltex-1.9
-CATEGORIES= textproc
+DISTNAME= xmltex
COMMENT= Non-validating XML parser implemented in TeX
-USE_DIRS+= texmf-1.0
-CLASS_FILES= englishutf16.xml langtest.xmt tei.xmt \
- windows-1250.xmt englishutf8.xml mathml2.xmt testascii.cfg \
- xmltex.cfg iso-8859-1.xmt pdfxmltex.ini testascii.tex \
- xmltex.ini iso-8859-2.xmt portugeselatin1.xml testascii.xml \
- xmltex.tex koi8-r.xmt russiankoi8.xml testsec.tex \
- langtest.tex russianutf8.xml testsec.xml langtest.xml \
- sec.xmt utf-16.xmt
-.include "../../print/teTeX/"
- cd ${WRKSRC}; \
- ${TEX} -ini -progname=xmltex "&latex" xmltex.ini; \
- ${PDFTEX} -ini -progname=pdfxmltex "&pdflatex" pdfxmltex.ini
- @cd ${WRKSRC}; \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} xmltex.fmt pdfxmltex.fmt ${PKG_LOCALTEXMFPREFIX}/web2c;
-.for f in ${CLASS_FILES}
- ${RM} -f ${PREFIX}/bin/xmltex ${PREFIX}/bin/pdfxmltex
- ${LN} -s ${TEX} ${PREFIX}/bin/xmltex
- ${LN} -s ${PDFTEX} ${PREFIX}/bin/pdfxmltex
+.include "../../print/texlive/"
.include "../../mk/"
diff -r 2f48d2bf47f3 -r c5a85604047e textproc/tex-xmltex/PLIST
--- a/textproc/tex-xmltex/PLIST Sat May 16 20:38:39 2009 +0000
+++ b/textproc/tex-xmltex/PLIST Sat May 16 20:41:12 2009 +0000
@@ -1,32 +1,13 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.3 2008/06/22 02:55:53 reed Exp $
-@comment In texmf-dirs: @dirrm ${PKG_LOCALTEXMFPREFIX}/web2c
-@dirrm ${PKG_LOCALTEXMFPREFIX}/tex/xmltex
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.4 2009/05/16 20:41:12 minskim Exp $
diff -r 2f48d2bf47f3 -r c5a85604047e textproc/tex-xmltex/distinfo
--- a/textproc/tex-xmltex/distinfo Sat May 16 20:38:39 2009 +0000
+++ b/textproc/tex-xmltex/distinfo Sat May 16 20:41:12 2009 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2005/11/13 06:13:53 minskim Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2009/05/16 20:41:12 minskim Exp $
-SHA1 (tex-xmltex-1.9/ = d5f72c6d47d35006cbfbd72e501238404770e103
-RMD160 (tex-xmltex-1.9/ = 49415d9ad1c19b14ffd9901a00da236368e6a2d9
-Size (tex-xmltex-1.9/ = 51836 bytes
+SHA1 (tex-xmltex-1.9/xmltex.tar.lzma) = 3ec69be779e03c2c7d1ccaa9ee7700fc11b2bd70
+RMD160 (tex-xmltex-1.9/xmltex.tar.lzma) = 9429c1625c62e17fe31d12d94d9edc6759ca1015
+Size (tex-xmltex-1.9/xmltex.tar.lzma) = 18061 bytes
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