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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-DependentModules (Small) layout change o...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 651688:f058a4d41f60
user:      mef <>
date:      Sat May 09 14:34:29 2015 +0000

(Small) layout change of the lines


 devel/p5-Test-DependentModules/DESCR |  20 ++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diffs (36 lines):

diff -r bef3b7d4c751 -r f058a4d41f60 devel/p5-Test-DependentModules/DESCR
--- a/devel/p5-Test-DependentModules/DESCR      Sat May 09 14:22:01 2015 +0000
+++ b/devel/p5-Test-DependentModules/DESCR      Sat May 09 14:34:29 2015 +0000
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
   This module is intended as a tool for module authors who would like to
 easily test that a module release will not break dependencies. This is
 particularly useful for module authors (like myself) who have modules which
-are a dependency of many other modules.  How It Works
-  Internally, this module will download dependencies from CPAN and run their
+are a dependency of many other modules.  
+ --  How It Works --
+Internally, this module will download dependencies from CPAN and run their
 tests. If those dependencies in turn have unsatisfied dependencies, they
 are installed into a temporary directory. These second-level (and third-,
 etc) dependencies are not tested.
   In order to avoid prompting, this module sets $ENV{PERL_AUTOINSTALL} to
 --defaultdeps and sets $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} to a true value.
-  Nonetheless, some ill-behaved modules will still wait for a
-prompt. Unfortunately, because of the way this module attempts to keep
-output to a minimum, you won't see these prompts. Patches are welcome.
-Running Tests in Parallel
-  If you're testing a lot of modules, you might benefit from running tests in
+  Nonetheless, some ill-behaved modules will still wait for a prompt.
+Unfortunately, because of the way this module attempts to keep output
+to a minimum, you won't see these prompts. Patches are welcome.
+ -- Running Tests in Parallel --
+If you're testing a lot of modules, you might benefit from running tests in
 parallel. You'll need to have Parallel::ForkManager installed for this to
   Set the $ENV{PERL_TEST_DM_PROCESSES} env var to a value greater than 1 to
-enable parallel testing.
+qenable parallel testing.

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