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[pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2006Q1]: pkgsrc/security/hashcash Pullup ticket 1714 - request...

branches:  pkgsrc-2006Q1
changeset: 510365:695c76549554
user:      snj <>
date:      Wed Jun 28 16:45:46 2006 +0000

Pullup ticket 1714 - requested by salo
security update for hashcash

Revisions pulled up:
- pkgsrc/security/hashcash/Makefile             1.9
- pkgsrc/security/hashcash/distinfo             1.7
- pkgsrc/security/hashcash/patches/patch-aa     removed
- pkgsrc/security/hashcash/patches/patch-ab     removed

   Module Name:    pkgsrc
   Committed By:   gdt
   Date:           Mon Apr 17 12:44:02 UTC 2006

   Modified Files:
           pkgsrc/security/hashcash: Makefile distinfo
   Removed Files:
           pkgsrc/security/hashcash/patches: patch-aa patch-ab

   Log Message:
   Update to 1.22.

   hashcash-1.22 - 08-Apr-2006 - Adam Back <>


   hashcash-1.18 - 05-Jul-2005 - Adam Back <>

           * add a simpler minting API to make it easier to mint stamps
             from VB scripting
   hashcash-1.17 - 30-Mar-2005 - Adam Back <>


   hashcash-1.15 - 12-Jan-2005 - Adam Back <>

           * make "Hashcash:" be accepted as well as "X-Hashcash:"
             suggestion by Simon Josefsson <>.  This way
             if/when the X- is dropped from hashcash headers we will not
             have a backwards compatibility problem.  (Well not after
             version 1.15).

           * implement the -Z option to compress stamps; in fact the
             usage changed so -Z takes an argument: 0, 1 or 2.  0 =3D not
             compressed, 1 =3D compressed but not so the counter + padding
             is split, and 2 =3D very compressed, but slow.  (Due to a late
             discovered bug 2 is the same as 1 for now until I can fix

           * added -O x -sv to request benchtest of core x only

           * make code work with -DOPENSSL, think this slipped during
             integration of Jonathan's libfastmint as it uses some lower
             level openssl APIs internally.  I fixed it but it might be
             a bit openssl version specific, if they changed the state
             fields at any point.  (This change coincidentally I think
             should work around the linking with openssl problem that Hal
             Finney <> reported).

           * add libhashcash.a intermediate target to make hashcash more
             convenient to link into other software on linux.  (A
             suggestion from Hal Finney who was trying to link to his
             RPOW system.)

   hashcash-1.14 - 14-Dec-2004 - Adam Back <>

           * make hashcash -cX accept continuation lines starting with
             space as well as tab

           * add library function to wrap lines and use it from hashcash
             command line tool.

           * fix long vs time_t prototype mismatch that was giving
             compile errors on BSD; also cleaned up some warnings that
             can be obtained with gcc -Wall.


 security/hashcash/Makefile         |   4 ++--
 security/hashcash/distinfo         |  10 ++++------
 security/hashcash/patches/patch-aa |  13 -------------
 security/hashcash/patches/patch-ab |  13 -------------
 4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diffs (62 lines):

diff -r 9f83a4aeb3dd -r 695c76549554 security/hashcash/Makefile
--- a/security/hashcash/Makefile        Tue Jun 27 17:00:04 2006 +0000
+++ b/security/hashcash/Makefile        Wed Jun 28 16:45:46 2006 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2006/03/22 22:50:33 tv Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2006/06/28 16:45:46 snj Exp $
-DISTNAME=              hashcash-1.13
+DISTNAME=              hashcash-1.22
 CATEGORIES=            security
 EXTRACT_SUFX=          .tgz
diff -r 9f83a4aeb3dd -r 695c76549554 security/hashcash/distinfo
--- a/security/hashcash/distinfo        Tue Jun 27 17:00:04 2006 +0000
+++ b/security/hashcash/distinfo        Wed Jun 28 16:45:46 2006 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2005/02/24 13:10:06 agc Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2006/06/28 16:45:46 snj Exp $
-SHA1 (hashcash-1.13.tgz) = 045b05e3e1a6422c0c853c6e5eaf21fea3d3c377
-RMD160 (hashcash-1.13.tgz) = 9f628c3281850affc664a3c78d01021caec376dc
-Size (hashcash-1.13.tgz) = 175741 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = c8e619f2b8ce9a2b656986ff813107eae3aeb584
-SHA1 (patch-ab) = 7c8bafe32f93529f178ba65009dc5638beb47cb1
+SHA1 (hashcash-1.22.tgz) = 0fa03c9f266026e505c0ab7b671ad93aef9310de
+RMD160 (hashcash-1.22.tgz) = 60037d7feebb6ba3d57c900a811a46580bd567be
+Size (hashcash-1.22.tgz) = 195193 bytes
diff -r 9f83a4aeb3dd -r 695c76549554 security/hashcash/patches/patch-aa
--- a/security/hashcash/patches/patch-aa        Tue Jun 27 17:00:04 2006 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.1 2004/11/29 01:56:16 tv Exp $
---- Makefile.orig      2004-11-28 20:52:15.000000000 -0500
-+++ Makefile
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ COPT_MINGW = -O3 -funroll-loops -march=i
- COPT_G3_OSX = -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-inline -mcpu=750 -faltivec
- COPT_PPC_LINUX = -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-inline -mcpu=604e -maltivec \
-       -mabi=altivec
- EXES = hashcash$(EXE) sha1$(EXE) sha1test$(EXE)
- INSTALL = install
- POD2MAN = pod2man
diff -r 9f83a4aeb3dd -r 695c76549554 security/hashcash/patches/patch-ab
--- a/security/hashcash/patches/patch-ab        Tue Jun 27 17:00:04 2006 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.1 2004/12/01 12:50:39 tv Exp $
---- hashcash.c.orig    2004-12-01 07:49:23.000000000 -0500
-+++ hashcash.c
-@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ typedef struct {
- void db_open( DB* db, const char* db_filename );
- void db_purge( DB* db, ARRAY* purge_resource, int purge_all, 
--             long purge_period, time_t now_time, time_t real_time,
-+             long purge_period, time_t now_time, long validity_period,
-              long grace_period );
- int db_in( DB* db, char* token, char *period );
- void db_add( DB* db, char* token, char *token_utime );

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