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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/games/rocksndiamonds Changes

branches:  trunk
changeset: 576312:5693af5d0418
user:      adam <>
date:      Sun Jun 06 08:41:44 2010 +0000

* fixed missing memory allocation in SP engine when saving engine data
  for non-SP game engine snapshots (which also stores SP engine part)
* fixed problem with scrolling in native EM engine in multi-user mode
  (this bug was just introduced with the experimental viewport stuff)
* fixed animation of splashing acid in EM engine with classic artwork
* fixed animation of cracking nut in EM engine with classic artwork
* fixed (implemented) single step mode in native EM and SP engines
* fixed "latest_engine" flag in classic levels (moved to single sets)
* updated SDL library DLLs for Windows to the latest release versions
  (this fixed some mysterious crashes of the game on Windows systems)
* replaced EM and SP set in classic level set with native level files
* finally added a newly written "CREDITS" file to the game package
* removed sampled music loops from classic music set


 games/rocksndiamonds/Makefile |  17 ++++++++---------
 games/rocksndiamonds/distinfo |   8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diffs (61 lines):

diff -r 0b968091d2b2 -r 5693af5d0418 games/rocksndiamonds/Makefile
--- a/games/rocksndiamonds/Makefile     Sun Jun 06 03:46:42 2010 +0000
+++ b/games/rocksndiamonds/Makefile     Sun Jun 06 08:41:44 2010 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.41 2009/11/01 15:46:07 tnn Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.42 2010/06/06 08:41:44 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME=      rocksndiamonds-
+DISTNAME=      rocksndiamonds-
 CATEGORIES=    games x11
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@
 SPECIAL_PERMS=         bin/rocksndiamonds ${SETGID_GAMES_PERMS}
 .if ( ${MACHINE} == "i386" || ${MACHINE} == "prep" || ${MACHINE} == "cats" || \
       ${MACHINE} == "shark" )
@@ -68,17 +67,17 @@
        # auto-generated PLIST
-       rm -f ${WRKDIR}/PLIST.F ${WRKDIR}/PLIST.D
+       rm -f ${WRKDIR}/PLIST.F
        set -e;                                                         \
        cd ${WRKSRC} &&                                                 \
        for d in sounds graphics levels music; do                       \
-               find "$${d}" -type d -print | { while read subdir; do   \
-                       ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}                             \
+               find "$${d}" -type d -print | while read subdir; do     \
+                       ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}                             \
                                ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/"$${subdir}";     \
-               done ; } | sort -r >> ${WRKDIR}/PLIST.D;                \
+               done ;                                                  \
                find "$${d}" -type f -print | while read f; do          \
                        ${INSTALL_DATA} "$${f}"                         \
-                               ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/"$${f}";  \
+                               ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/"$${f}";          \
                        ${ECHO} ${SHARESUBDIR}/"$${f}" >> ${WRKDIR}/PLIST.F;\
                done ;                                                  \
diff -r 0b968091d2b2 -r 5693af5d0418 games/rocksndiamonds/distinfo
--- a/games/rocksndiamonds/distinfo     Sun Jun 06 03:46:42 2010 +0000
+++ b/games/rocksndiamonds/distinfo     Sun Jun 06 08:41:44 2010 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.23 2009/01/12 19:22:18 adam Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.24 2010/06/06 08:41:44 adam Exp $
-SHA1 (rocksndiamonds- = cebf6b856d20f7bacc7f20d2ce97c63bf3c9aec7
-RMD160 (rocksndiamonds- = 337ef991bfc9ab66f3b2622918c6c2589a274dac
-Size (rocksndiamonds- = 3471530 bytes
+SHA1 (rocksndiamonds- = 87adc52a2ee648d0199612641d55a1c5fa0d82fe
+RMD160 (rocksndiamonds- = 20735fd0edb871663ba615592d94f1663480844b
+Size (rocksndiamonds- = 2493613 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-ab) = 0b364394ae03f31c9ed966039f2f2cd2e054bca1
 SHA1 (patch-ac) = 9cbf5ff897cae129455081c941d7ae355b525d1b
 SHA1 (patch-ag) = c9c500490948a03b6f5e2fa409f52112edbf7e92

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