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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/lang/gauche Update to

branches:  trunk
changeset: 603770:1704c16bff16
user:      enami <>
date:      Sun May 13 06:08:10 2012 +0000

Update to

Here is list of changes:
Fix documentation build problem when configured to use non default
Fix build problem on Windows/MinGW.

* New Features
    o Lazy sequences: An efficient and seamless support of mixing lazy
      evaluation with ordinary list procedures. Forcing delayed
      evaluation is implicit, so you can pass lazy list to normal list
      procedures such as car or fold. See the manual entry for the
      details and examples.
    o gauche.generator: A general utilities for generators, a thunk that
      generates a value every time it is called. Lazy sequences are built
      on top of generators. See the manual entry for the details.
    o Threads are now supported on Windows/MinGW build. It is directly
      based on Win32 thread API instead of pthreads; but Scheme-level
      semantics are almost the same. The cond-expand conditions are
      slightly modified to accomodate both thread models--- see Threads
      for the details.
    o add-load-path macro now accepts an optional argument to make the
      given path relative to the currently loaded file. This is useful to
      distribute a script accompanied with library files; for example,
      specify (add-load-path "." :relative) in the script makes the
      library files searched from the same directory where the script
      exists. Then users can just copy the directory to anywhere and run
      the script.
    o A chained-application macro $: Incorporated the feature which has
      been experimented as This macro allows (f
      a b (g c d (h i j))) to be written as ($ f a b $ g c d $ h i j).
      Although it is slighly longer, it is sometimes work better with
      indentation of deeply nested function calls. See the manual entry
      for the full explanation.
    o A new gosh option -m module allows the main procedure to be
      searched in the specified module instead of the default user
      module. This allows a Scheme file to work both as a library module
      and an executable scripts (e.g. for running tests or demos); name
      the test program main but not export it, and it won't affect
      ordinary module users, but you can test the module by using -m

* Incompatibile Changes
    o util.queue: Thread-safe queue can now be created with zero
      max-length, which is handy as a synchronization device. This is an
      incompatible change---previously, specyfing zero to :max-length
      means unlimited queue length. (Cf: Queue of zero length ).
    o Fixed a regexp bug in treatment of BOL/EOL assertions (^, $) within
      the assetion blocks such as (?=...). Regarding BOL/EOL assertions,
      these assertion blocks are treated as if they're stand-alone. The
      fixed behavior is now compatible with Perl and Oniguruma. The code
      that counted on the previous (buggy) behavior may break by this
    o Removed gauche.auxsys module. This module contained several
      less-used system procedures; now they are in the core. The module
      was autoloaded, so not many code should be affected by this change.
      Only the code that explicitly refer to this module needs to be

* Improvements
    o Many frequently-used list procedures (all of util.list, and some of
      srfi-1) are now included in the core. The module util.list is no
      longer needed, although it is kept just for the backward
      compatibility. From srfi-1, the following procedures are now in the
      core: null-list?, cons*, last, member (extended one), take, drop,
      take-right, drop-right, take!, drop-right!, delete, delete!,
      delete-duplicates, delete-duplicates!, assoc (extended one),
      alist-copy, alist-delete, alist-delete!, any, every, filter,
      filter!, remove, remove!, filter-map, fold, fold-right, find,
      find-tail, split-at, split-at!, iota.
    o New macros and procedures: values->list, fold-left,
      regexp-num-groups, regexp-named-groups.
    o New procedure applicable? can be used to check object's
      applicability finer than procedure?. Related, a special class
      <bottom> is added, which behaves as a subtype of any classes.
    o Build process is overhauled to allow out-of-source-tree build.
    o Regular expression engine is slightly improved. For example, it now
      calculates the set of characters that can be a beginning of a part
      of regexp, and uses it to skip the input efficiently.
    o thread-terminate! now attempts to terminate the target thread
      gracefully, and only tries the forceful means when the gracefull
      termination fails.
    o open-input-file now accepts :encoding #t argument, which tells the
      procedure to use a coding-aware port. That is, it can recognize
      coding: ... specification in the beginning of the file. Useful to
      process source files.
    o map is now restart-safe, that is, saving continuations in middle of
      mapping and restarting it doesn't affect previous results. This is
      required in R6RS.
    o Various small improvements in the compiler and VM stack layout.
    o gauche.test: test-module now checks the number of arguments given
      to the global procedures. This is useful to catch careless
      mistakes. In rare cases that you do intend to pass number of
      arguments incompatible to the normal usage of the procedures, list
      such procedures in :bypass-arity-check keyword argument (It is
      possible because of the dynamic nature of the language---methods of
      a different signature may be added later, for example).
    o gauche.test: test-end has a keyword argument to exit with non-zero
      status if test failed. New function test-summary-check exits with
      non-zero status when the test record file indicates there have been
      failures. Both are useful to propagate test failure to upper levels
      such as continuous integration server.
    o srfi-42: Support :generator qualifier to allow using generator
      procedures in a sense of gauche.generator.
    o file.util: touch-file and touch-files takes various keyword
      arguments similar to touch(1) command.
    o rfc.http: A new parameter http-proxy allows to set the default http
      proxy. The https connection now uses a library bundled to Gauche,
      no longer requires external stunnel command.
    o GC is bumped to bdwgc 7.2-alpha6.

* Bux fixes
    o Fixed an incorrect rounding bug when inexact numbers were given to
      div and mod.
    o Fixed another division bug in /., when both dividend and divisor
      are too big to be represented by floating-point numbers.
    o In quasiquote expander, unquote and unquote-splicing are recognized
    o force is now thread-safe.
    o Fixed some MT-hazards in file loading/requiring. Thanks to Kirill
      Zorin for tracking those hard-to-find bugs.
    o Fixed a bug that made (regexp-compile '(alt)) Bus Error.
    o Fixed another regexp bug that didn't handle case-folding match
      beyond ASCII range. Patch from OOHASHI Daichi.
    o gauche.parameter: Accessing parameters created in unrelated threads
      used to raise an error. It was annoying, since such situation could
      occur inadvertently when autoload is involved. Now the parameters
      work regardless of where they are created.
    o rfc.json: Fixed a bug that produced incorrect JSON.
    o rfc.http: Fixed the behavior of redirection for 3xx responses. You
      can also customize the behavior.
    o gauche.threads: Fixed a bug in thread-sleep! when passed an exact
      rational number.
    o stream-count didn't work.


 lang/gauche/Makefile                      |   5 +--
 lang/gauche/PLIST                         |   6 +---
 lang/gauche/distinfo                      |   9 ++++---
 lang/gauche/patches/ |  34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diffs (104 lines):

diff -r 13e00c479478 -r 1704c16bff16 lang/gauche/Makefile
--- a/lang/gauche/Makefile      Sun May 13 05:36:28 2012 +0000
+++ b/lang/gauche/Makefile      Sun May 13 06:08:10 2012 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.58 2012/01/24 09:11:06 sbd Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.59 2012/05/13 06:08:10 enami Exp $
-DISTNAME=      Gauche-0.9.2
+DISTNAME=      Gauche-
 CATEGORIES=    lang
diff -r 13e00c479478 -r 1704c16bff16 lang/gauche/PLIST
--- a/lang/gauche/PLIST Sun May 13 05:36:28 2012 +0000
+++ b/lang/gauche/PLIST Sun May 13 06:08:10 2012 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.26 2011/09/16 07:49:25 enami Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.27 2012/05/13 06:08:10 enami Exp $
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@
@@ -139,7 +138,6 @@
diff -r 13e00c479478 -r 1704c16bff16 lang/gauche/distinfo
--- a/lang/gauche/distinfo      Sun May 13 05:36:28 2012 +0000
+++ b/lang/gauche/distinfo      Sun May 13 06:08:10 2012 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.28 2011/09/16 07:49:25 enami Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.29 2012/05/13 06:08:10 enami Exp $
-SHA1 (Gauche-0.9.2.tgz) = 038db9f811a29e689638e37703a518edf7000838
-RMD160 (Gauche-0.9.2.tgz) = baa955627888f5d45de3dcbf8cfee5bdf0542dce
-Size (Gauche-0.9.2.tgz) = 4452767 bytes
+SHA1 (Gauche- = e2e3f4553674d02a0800c981325de3fef858d9f6
+RMD160 (Gauche- = 5dabfcc8da758d6c5df53b57407c8adf7fb2311e
+Size (Gauche- = 5009978 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-aa) = 44221973454aeb2b4ad1a4c9675f801a64de2806
 SHA1 (patch-af) = 0741e1a047ee7935bffa215a69cc417ba67b81f2
 SHA1 (patch-ag) = ee9946e364d6723b0efe3b260fc5d02ccb04621d
+SHA1 ( = ba5944d9000941bec5e1461428151ac026edf1d2
diff -r 13e00c479478 -r 1704c16bff16 lang/gauche/patches/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lang/gauche/patches/ Sun May 13 06:08:10 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+$NetBSD:,v 1.1 2012/05/13 06:08:10 enami Exp $
+commit 809ed95496ff1d753f34161f28f549248124bb63
+Author: Shiro Kawai <>
+Date:   Sat May 12 14:47:15 2012 -1000
+    build fix when DESTDIR is used
+--- src/       2012-05-10 03:26:35.000000000 +0000
++++ src/
+@@ -415,10 +415,12 @@ INSTALL_DIRS = $(DESTDIR)$(HEADER_INSTAL
+ @CROSS_COMPILING_no@GAUCHE_INSTALL = ./gosh -ftest $(srcdir)/
+ @CROSS_COMPILING_yes@GAUCHE_INSTALL = gosh $(srcdir)/
+-install : install-core install-aux
++install : all install-dirs install-aux install-core
+-install-core : all relink
++install-dirs : 
++install-core : relink
+@@ -429,7 +431,7 @@ install-core : all relink
+       $(INSTALL) $(srcdir)/gauche-init.scm $(DESTDIR)$(SCM_INSTALL_DIR)
+       $(POSTINSTALL)
+-install-aux : install-core
++install-aux :
+       $(GAUCHE_INSTALL) -m 444 -S $(srcdir) $(INSTALL_SCMS) $(DESTDIR)$(SCM_INSTALL_DIR)

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