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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc Switching the programming l...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 513051:04d2632a387b
user:      rillig <>
date:      Sat May 20 08:53:19 2006 +0000

Switching the programming language of pkglint to C++ is not an option.


 pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc/chap.code.xml |  6 +++++-
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diffs (19 lines):

diff -r 6c6b07135f5d -r 04d2632a387b pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc/chap.code.xml
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc/chap.code.xml  Sat May 20 08:39:08 2006 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc/chap.code.xml  Sat May 20 08:53:19 2006 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- $NetBSD: chap.code.xml,v 1.2 2006/02/28 23:22:49 rillig Exp $ -->
+<!-- $NetBSD: chap.code.xml,v 1.3 2006/05/20 08:53:19 rillig Exp $ -->
 <chapter id="code">
 <title>Code structure</title>
@@ -282,5 +282,9 @@
        a string representation of the reference and match the regular
        expression against that.</para>
+       <para>Switching to C++ is not an option, since the typing
+       overhead would be more than twice the current amount. As a
+       consequence the code would become much less readable.</para>

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