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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/x11/xterm Add patch from Thomas E. Dickey to address t...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 621521:da6c82f49d09
user:      wiz <>
date:      Wed Jul 10 09:11:04 2013 +0000

Add patch from Thomas E. Dickey to address the build problems from
PR 48031 and PR 48035.


 x11/xterm/distinfo                |   3 +-
 x11/xterm/patches/patch-configure |  97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diffs (113 lines):

diff -r 22e2fee29baa -r da6c82f49d09 x11/xterm/distinfo
--- a/x11/xterm/distinfo        Wed Jul 10 08:13:49 2013 +0000
+++ b/x11/xterm/distinfo        Wed Jul 10 09:11:04 2013 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.50 2013/07/08 08:39:10 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.51 2013/07/10 09:11:04 wiz Exp $
 SHA1 (xterm-295.tgz) = e17742c01c447ab64e02275e96a1939a01f0f731
 RMD160 (xterm-295.tgz) = 5e17045f05b6304cc12ab9a6ff591da229d9d4bb
 Size (xterm-295.tgz) = 1111813 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-aa) = 46076243c1b53d481b4cafe3d3f6f1f35291a153
+SHA1 (patch-configure) = 0cd789df7856cfdf09da85812f02b83bd15ec931
diff -r 22e2fee29baa -r da6c82f49d09 x11/xterm/patches/patch-configure
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/x11/xterm/patches/patch-configure Wed Jul 10 09:11:04 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-configure,v 1.1 2013/07/10 09:11:05 wiz Exp $
+Patch from Thomas Dickey <>
+addressing build issues on NetBSD with native X and SunOS.
+--- configure.orig     2013-07-07 01:16:33.000000000 +0000
++++ configure
+@@ -9225,7 +9225,7 @@ test -n "$verbose" && echo "     ...before $
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:9226: testing ...before $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+-LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s,-lXt ,-lXt -lX11 ," -e 's/  / /g'`
++LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s%-lXt %-lXt -lX11 %" -e 's%  % %g'`
+ test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ...after  $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:9231: testing ...after  $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -9497,7 +9497,7 @@ test -n "$verbose" && echo "     ...before $
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:9498: testing ...before $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+-LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s,-lXt ,-lXt $X_PRE_LIBS ," -e 's/  / /g'`
++LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s%-lXt %-lXt $X_PRE_LIBS %" -e 's%  % %g'`
+ test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ...after  $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:9503: testing ...after  $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -10267,7 +10267,7 @@ EOF
+       do
+               case "$LIBS" in
+               *-l$cf_trim_lib\ *-l$cf_trim_lib*)
+-                      LIBS=`echo "$LIBS " | sed -e 's/  / /g' -e 's/-l'$cf_trim_lib' //' -e 's/ $//'`
++                      LIBS=`echo "$LIBS " | sed -e 's/  / /g' -e 's%-l'"$cf_trim_lib"' %%' -e 's/ $//'`
+                       test -n "$verbose" && echo "    ..trimmed $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:10273: testing ..trimmed $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -10436,7 +10436,7 @@ test -n "$verbose" && echo "   ...before $
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:10437: testing ...before $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+-LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s,$cf_first_lib ,$cf_first_lib $cf_pkgconfig_libs ," -e 's/  / /g'`
++LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s%$cf_first_lib %$cf_first_lib $cf_pkgconfig_libs %" -e 's%  % %g'`
+ test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ...after  $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:10442: testing ...after  $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -10449,7 +10449,7 @@ test -n "$verbose" && echo "   ...before $
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:10450: testing ...before $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+-LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s,$cf_first_lib ,$cf_first_lib -lXmu ," -e 's/  / /g'`
++LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s%$cf_first_lib %$cf_first_lib -lXmu %" -e 's%  % %g'`
+ test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ...after  $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:10455: testing ...after  $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -10460,7 +10460,7 @@ fi
+       do
+               case "$LIBS" in
+               *-l$cf_trim_lib\ *-l$cf_trim_lib*)
+-                      LIBS=`echo "$LIBS " | sed -e 's/  / /g' -e 's/-l'$cf_trim_lib' //' -e 's/ $//'`
++                      LIBS=`echo "$LIBS " | sed -e 's/  / /g' -e 's%-l'"$cf_trim_lib"' %%' -e 's/ $//'`
+                       test -n "$verbose" && echo "    ..trimmed $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:10466: testing ..trimmed $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -10899,7 +10899,7 @@ test -n "$verbose" && echo "   ...before $
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:10900: testing ...before $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+-LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s,-lXt ,-lXt -lX11 ," -e 's/  / /g'`
++LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s%-lXt %-lXt -lX11 %" -e 's%  % %g'`
+ test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ...after  $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:10905: testing ...after  $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -11171,7 +11171,7 @@ test -n "$verbose" && echo "   ...before $
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:11172: testing ...before $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+-LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s,-lXt ,-lXt $X_PRE_LIBS ," -e 's/  / /g'`
++LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s%-lXt %-lXt $X_PRE_LIBS %" -e 's%  % %g'`
+ test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ...after  $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:11177: testing ...after  $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -15315,7 +15315,7 @@ test -n "$verbose" && echo "   ...before $
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:15316: testing ...before $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+-LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s,-lXft ,-lXft $cf_pkgconfig_libs ," -e 's/  / /g'`
++LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s%-lXft %-lXft $cf_pkgconfig_libs %" -e 's%  % %g'`
+ test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ...after  $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:15321: testing ...after  $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+@@ -15328,7 +15328,7 @@ test -n "$verbose" && echo "   ...before $
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:15329: testing ...before $LIBS ..." 1>&5
+-LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s,-lXft ,-lXft -lfontconfig ," -e 's/  / /g'`
++LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed -e "s/[      ][      ]*/ /g" -e "s%-lXft %-lXft -lfontconfig %" -e 's%  % %g'`
+ test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ...after  $LIBS" 1>&6
+ echo "${as_me:-configure}:15334: testing ...after  $LIBS ..." 1>&5

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