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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/apr-util Update to 1.5.2:

branches:  trunk
changeset: 621095:d24e41b8d1f8
user:      wiz <>
date:      Thu Jul 04 15:21:51 2013 +0000

Update to 1.5.2:

Changes with APR-util 1.5.2

  *) Windows: Add command line makefiles. [Gregg Smith]

  *) apr_uri_parse(): Do not accept invalid characters in the scheme.
     Per RFC 3986 3.3, enforce that the first segment of a relative path does
     not contain a colon. PR 52479. [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) Fix memory leak in hook sorting function. PR 51256.
     [<horowity checkpoint com>]

  *) Speedup md5 calculation by avoiding some copying on little endian
     architectures. PR 49011. [Stefan Fritsch, Stefan Fuhrmann
     <stefanfuhrmann alice-dsl de>]

  *) Use heap memory for crypt in apr_password_validate(), to reduce stack
     usage. PR 54572. [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) Fix password validation failure for all crypt and crypt_r based
     algorithms. PR 54603.  [Harvey Eneman <harvey.eneman>]

  *) Fix syntax error in crypto/apr_passwd.c on non-glibc systems. PR 54275.
     [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) Fix potential data corruption in apr_brigade_write() and friends if
     the last bucket of the brigade is a heap bucket that has been split,
     and there are still references to the next part of the original bucket
     in use. [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) Remove duplicated logic in apr_brigade_puts(). PR 53740. [Christophe
     Jaillet <christophe jaillet wanadoo fr>]

  *) apr_crypto: If --with-crypto is passed to configure but no crypto
     libraries are enabled, autodetect available libraries.  [Jeff Trawick]

  *) memcache: Fix dead server retry logic.  [Gavin Shelley <columbusmonkey>]

Changes with APR-util 1.5.1

  *) testmemcache: Fix crash. PR 52705. [Peter Poeml <peter poeml de>]

  *) MinGW: Support shared builds of apr-util when apr is shared.
     PR 46175.  [Carlo Bramini <carlo.bramix>, Jeff Trawick]

  *) Add support for Berkeley DB 5.2 and 5.3. Simplify detection script.
     PR 53684.  [Rainer Jung]

  *) configure: Allow to specify library specific custom linker flags
     via the LDADD_XXX variables. [Rainer Jung]

  *) apr_password_validate(): Fix intermittent errors on systems
     such as FreeBSD where the crypt() function is used.
     (Broken only in 1.5.0)  [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Improve platform detection for bundled expat by updating
     config.guess and config.sub. [Rainer Jung]

Changes with APR-util 1.5.0

  *) dbd_pgsql_escape: Use PQescapeStringConn. [Nick Kew]

  *) apr_password_validate, apr_bcrypt_encode: Add support for bcrypt encoded
     passwords. The bcrypt implementation uses code from crypt_blowfish
     written by Solar Designer <solar openwall com>. apr_bcrypt_encode creates
     hashes with "$2y$" prefix, but apr_password_validate also accepts the old
     prefix "$2a$". PR 49288. [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) APR dbd: Allow to use apr_dbd_get_row() with a different pool than
     apr_dbd_select(). PR 53533. [<arthur echo gmail com>]

  *) APR dbd FreeTDS support: Fix spurious API errors caused by uninitialized
     fields.  [TROY.LIU 劉春偉 <TROY.LIU>]

  *) apr_password_validate: Increase maximum hash string length to allow
     more than 9999 rounds with sha512-crypt. PR 53410. [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) Fix segfaults in crypt() and crypt_r() failure modes.
     PR 47272.  [Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <arekm>]

  *) apr_crypto: Ensure that the if/else that governs the static
     initialisation of each crypto driver works when the first driver
     isn't in use. [Graham Leggett]

  *) apr_crypto: Ensure the *driver variable is initialised when a statically
     compiled library is initialised for the first time. [Graham Leggett]

  *) apr_crypto: Ensure the *driver variable is initialised when the library
     has already been loaded. Fix ported from apr_dbd. [Graham Leggett]

  *) apr_crypto: Move the static initialisation of DRIVER_LOAD from
     apr_crypto_init() to apr_crypto_get_driver(), so that we don't lose
     the parameters. [Graham Leggett]

Changes with APR-util 1.4.3

  *) Fix potential data corruption in apr_brigade_write() and friends if
     the last bucket of the brigade is a heap bucket that has been split,
     and there are still references to the next part of the original bucket
     in use. [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) Remove duplicated logic in apr_brigade_puts(). PR 53740. [Christophe
     Jaillet <christophe jaillet wanadoo fr>]

  *) memcache: Fix dead server retry logic.  [Gavin Shelley <columbusmonkey>]

  *) Improve platform detection for bundled expat by updating
     config.guess and config.sub. [Rainer Jung]

  *) APR dbd: Allow to use apr_dbd_get_row() with a different pool than
     apr_dbd_select(). PR 53533. [<arthur echo gmail com>]

  *) APR dbd FreeTDS support: Fix spurious API errors caused by uninitialized
     fields.  [TROY.LIU 劉春偉 <TROY.LIU>]

  *) apr_password_validate: Increase maximum hash string length to allow
     more than 9999 rounds with sha512-crypt. PR 53410. [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) Fix segfaults in crypt() and crypt_r() failure modes.
     PR 47272.  [Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <arekm>]

  *) apr_crypto: Ensure that the if/else that governs the static
     initialisation of each crypto driver works when the first driver
     isn't in use. [Graham Leggett]

  *) apr_crypto: Ensure the *driver variable is initialised when a statically
     compiled library is initialised for the first time. [Graham Leggett]

  *) apr_crypto: Ensure the *driver variable is initialised when the library
     has already been loaded. Fix ported from apr_dbd. [Graham Leggett]

Changes with APR-util 1.4.2 (not released)

  *) apr_crypto: Move the static initialisation of DRIVER_LOAD from
     apr_crypto_init() to apr_crypto_get_driver(), so that we don't lose
     the parameters. [Graham Leggett]


 devel/apr-util/Makefile         |   8 +++++---
 devel/apr-util/distinfo         |  10 +++++-----
 devel/apr-util/patches/patch-aa |  31 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diffs (74 lines):

diff -r 1c23b4f12647 -r d24e41b8d1f8 devel/apr-util/Makefile
--- a/devel/apr-util/Makefile   Thu Jul 04 14:19:34 2013 +0000
+++ b/devel/apr-util/Makefile   Thu Jul 04 15:21:51 2013 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.31 2013/05/09 07:39:34 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.32 2013/07/04 15:21:51 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME=      apr-util-1.4.1
+DISTNAME=      apr-util-1.5.2
 CATEGORIES=    devel
 EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.bz2
@@ -23,6 +22,9 @@
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --without-sqlite2
+# just a list of exported symbols for a library that also starts with shebang
+CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP=        lib/aprutil.exp
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 1c23b4f12647 -r d24e41b8d1f8 devel/apr-util/distinfo
--- a/devel/apr-util/distinfo   Thu Jul 04 14:19:34 2013 +0000
+++ b/devel/apr-util/distinfo   Thu Jul 04 15:21:51 2013 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.14 2012/03/11 12:18:37 ryoon Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.15 2013/07/04 15:21:51 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (apr-util-1.4.1.tar.bz2) = 229a1df48822e3048ae90e2467a5c078474e99a6
-RMD160 (apr-util-1.4.1.tar.bz2) = a16ca2c192e82ff811570e84b88f9b6b60141ca6
-Size (apr-util-1.4.1.tar.bz2) = 635000 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = c778c6c5b9ea1d51aa6899fd885f00e4a5e9242b
+SHA1 (apr-util-1.5.2.tar.bz2) = 67139f51ee6c484f3f1b7b3edc0b00dae3640b0a
+RMD160 (apr-util-1.5.2.tar.bz2) = 412821dccd3f4ba726720c9620d737b24ca24444
+Size (apr-util-1.5.2.tar.bz2) = 693258 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = 413d29e36d475b9f66392c7b1a90741817fd06ce
diff -r 1c23b4f12647 -r d24e41b8d1f8 devel/apr-util/patches/patch-aa
--- a/devel/apr-util/patches/patch-aa   Thu Jul 04 14:19:34 2013 +0000
+++ b/devel/apr-util/patches/patch-aa   Thu Jul 04 15:21:51 2013 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.3 2010/10/13 19:21:16 tron Exp $
---- configure.orig     2010-10-01 14:56:47.000000000 +0300
-+++ configure  2010-10-10 10:00:59.000000000 +0300
-@@ -33407,7 +33407,7 @@
- if test ! -d ./build; then
-    $mkdir_p build
- fi
--cp $APR_BUILD_DIR/ $abs_builddir/build/
-+sed -e 's:^LIBTOOL=.*:LIBTOOL=$(WRAPPER_DIR)/bin/libtool:' -e "s:^LDFLAGS=.*:LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS}:" $APR_BUILD_DIR/ > $abs_builddir/build/
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.4 2013/07/04 15:21:51 wiz Exp $
+--- configure.orig     2013-03-30 20:30:11.000000000 +0000
++++ configure
+@@ -11219,7 +11219,7 @@ fi
+       fi
- case "$host_alias" in
- *bsdi* | BSD/OS)
+       test ${apu_has_ldap} != "1" && as_fn_error $? "could not find an LDAP library" "$LINENO" 5
+-      test ${apu_has_ldap} == "1" &&
++      test ${apu_has_ldap} = "1" &&
+   if test "x$LDADD_ldap" = "x"; then
+     test "x$silent" != "xyes" && echo "  setting LDADD_ldap to \"$LDADD_ldap_found\""
+     LDADD_ldap="$LDADD_ldap_found"
+@@ -24304,7 +24304,7 @@ case $host in
+             < $APR_BUILD_DIR/ > $abs_builddir/build/
+         ;;
+     *)
+-        cp $APR_BUILD_DIR/ $abs_builddir/build/
++        sed -e 's:^LIBTOOL=.*:LIBTOOL=$(WRAPPER_DIR)/bin/libtool:' -e "s:^LDFLAGS=.*:LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS}:" $APR_BUILD_DIR/ > $abs_builddir/build/
+         ;;
+ esac

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