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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-rdoc/patches Make sure to add a patch file.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 621369:bf4718ea5b4e
user:      taca <>
date:      Sun Jul 07 15:58:52 2013 +0000

Make sure to add a patch file.


 devel/ruby-rdoc/patches/patch-lib_rdoc_parser_c.rb |  44 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (48 lines):

diff -r 3a42ba98d628 -r bf4718ea5b4e devel/ruby-rdoc/patches/patch-lib_rdoc_parser_c.rb
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devel/ruby-rdoc/patches/patch-lib_rdoc_parser_c.rb        Sun Jul 07 15:58:52 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-lib_rdoc_parser_c.rb,v 1.1 2013/07/07 15:58:52 taca Exp $
+Dirty hack for Ruby 1.8.7.
+--- lib/rdoc/parser/c.rb.orig  2013-07-05 02:21:00.000000000 +0000
++++ lib/rdoc/parser/c.rb
+@@ -729,6 +729,7 @@ class RDoc::Parser::C < RDoc::Parser
+   def find_class_comment class_name, class_mod
+     comment = nil
++    begin
+     if @content =~ %r%
+         ((?>/\*.*?\*/\s+))
+         (static\s+)?
+@@ -747,6 +748,29 @@ class RDoc::Parser::C < RDoc::Parser
+     else
+       comment = ''
+     end
++    rescue RegexpError
++      if RUBY_VERSION == "1.8.7"
++        if @content =~ %r%
++            ((?>/\*.*?\*/\s+))
++            (static\s+)?
++            void\s+
++            Init_#{class_name}\s*(?:_\(\s*)?\(\s*(?:void\s*)?\)%xmi then
++          comment = $1.sub(%r%Document-(?:class|module):\s+#{class_name}%, '')
++        elsif @content =~ %r%Document-(?:class|module):\s+#{class_name}\s*?
++                             (?:<\s+[:,\w]+)?\n((?>.*?\*/))%xm then
++          comment = "/*\n#{$1}"
++        elsif @content =~ %r%((?>/\*.*?\*/\s+))
++                             ([\w\.\s]+\s* = \s+)?rb_define_(class|module).*?"(#{class_name})"%xm then
++          comment = $1
++        elsif @content =~ %r%((?>/\*.*?\*/\s+))
++                             ([\w\.\s]+\s* = \s+)?rb_define_(class|module)_under.*?"(#{class_name.split('::').last})"%xm then
++          comment = $1
++        else
++          comment = ''
++        end
++      end
++      comment = ''
++    end
+     comment = comment, @top_level
+     comment.normalize

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