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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS Adding new pa...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 621047:a5a1701b8b3c
user:      sno <>
date:      Wed Jul 03 18:54:50 2013 +0000

Adding new package for CPAN distribution DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS version
0.01007 into databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS.

Provides inflation to a Path::Class::File object allowing file system
storage of BLOBS.

The storage path is specified with fs_column_path. Each file receives
a unique name, so the storage for all FS columns can share the same path.

Within the path specified by fs_column_path, files are stored in
sub-directories based on the first 2 characters of the unique file names.
Up to 256 sub-directories will be created, as needed. Override
_fs_column_dirs in a derived class to change this behavior.

fs_new_on_update will create a new file name if the file has been updated.


 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/DESCR    |  12 +++++++++++
 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/Makefile |  25 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/distinfo |   5 ++++
 3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (54 lines):

diff -r 46a4df1f06eb -r a5a1701b8b3c databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/DESCR
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/DESCR    Wed Jul 03 18:54:50 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Provides inflation to a Path::Class::File object allowing file system
+storage of BLOBS.
+The storage path is specified with fs_column_path. Each file receives
+a unique name, so the storage for all FS columns can share the same path.
+Within the path specified by fs_column_path, files are stored in
+sub-directories based on the first 2 characters of the unique file names.
+Up to 256 sub-directories will be created, as needed. Override
+_fs_column_dirs in a derived class to change this behavior.
+fs_new_on_update will create a new file name if the file has been updated.
diff -r 46a4df1f06eb -r a5a1701b8b3c databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/Makefile Wed Jul 03 18:54:50 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/07/03 18:54:50 sno Exp $
+DISTNAME=      DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS-0.01007
+PKGNAME=       p5-${DISTNAME}
+CATEGORIES=    databases perl5
+COMMENT=       Inflate/deflate columns to Path::Class::File objects
+PERL5_PACKLIST=        auto/DBIx/Class/InflateColumn/FS/.packlist
+DEPENDS+=      p5-DBIx-Class>=0.08000:../../databases/p5-DBIx-Class
+DEPENDS+=      p5-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns>=0.02005:../../databases/p5-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns
+DEPENDS+=      p5-Path-Class-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Path-Class
+# For test really
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-DBD-SQLite-[0-9]*:../../databases/p5-DBD-SQLite
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-DBICx-TestDatabase-[0-9]*:../../databases/p5-DBICx-TestDatabase
+.include "../../lang/perl5/"
+.include "../../mk/"
diff -r 46a4df1f06eb -r a5a1701b8b3c databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/distinfo
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS/distinfo Wed Jul 03 18:54:50 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2013/07/03 18:54:50 sno Exp $
+SHA1 (DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS-0.01007.tar.gz) = 2bf309df9934b7c7822916986704a33ffac1df4c
+RMD160 (DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS-0.01007.tar.gz) = 60964f6548b5bfea2efa1cc7227d29e32a4e8231
+Size (DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS-0.01007.tar.gz) = 31302 bytes

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