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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/bootstrap/files Sync with v1.88 of packages(7).

branches:  trunk
changeset: 493497:0144c8ae3411
user:      wiz <>
date:      Sat May 07 22:20:40 2005 +0000

Sync with v1.88 of packages(7).


 bootstrap/files/packages.cat7 |  98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diffs (276 lines):

diff -r 6b35a13da4cf -r 0144c8ae3411 bootstrap/files/packages.cat7
--- a/bootstrap/files/packages.cat7     Sat May 07 22:16:38 2005 +0000
+++ b/bootstrap/files/packages.cat7     Sat May 07 22:20:40 2005 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
                       Backup location(s) for distribution files and patch
                       files if not found locally and ${MAS-
-                      TER_SITES}/${PATCH_SITES}.  The Defaults are
+                      TER_SITES}/${PATCH_SITES}.  The defaults are
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
                       local to every arch.  (It should be noted that
                       _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_} should not be set by the user - it is an
                       internal definition which refers to the root of the
-                      pkgsrc tree. It is possible to have many pkgsrc tree
+                      pkgsrc tree.  It is possible to have many pkgsrc tree
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@
                       Directory for local patches that aren't part of pkgsrc.
-                      See pkgsrc/Packages.txt for more information.  ``rel''
+                      See _p_k_g_s_r_c_/_d_o_c_/_p_k_g_s_r_c_._t_x_t for more information.  ``rel''
                       and ``arch'' are replaced with OS release ( ``1.5'',
                       etc.) and architecture ( ``mipsel'', etc.).
-                      Location of the mk.conf file used by a package's BSD-
+                      Location of the _m_k_._c_o_n_f file used by a package's BSD-
                       style Makefile.  If this is not set, MAKECONF is set to
                       _/_d_e_v_/_n_u_l_l to avoid picking up settings used by builds in
-                      /usr/src.
+                      _/_u_s_r_/_s_r_c.
      This section documents variables that typically apply to an individual
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
                      and who is most likely to look at problems or questions
                      regarding this package which have been reported with
                      send-pr(1).  The right person to contact before making
-                     major changes to the package.  The default is pack-
+                     major changes to the package.  The default is tech-
                      A list of descriptive categories into which this package
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@
                      Name(s) of additional files that contain distribution
-                     patches There is no default.  Make will look for them at
-                     PATCH_SITES (see above).  They will automatically be
+                     patches.  There is no default.  Make will look for them
+                     at PATCH_SITES (see above).  They will automatically be
                      uncompressed before patching if the names end with
                      ``.gz'' or ``.Z''.
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
                      Name of the package file to create if the _$_{_P_K_G_N_A_M_E_}
-                     isn't unique enough on a SVR4 system. The default is
+                     isn't unique enough on a SVR4 system.  The default is
                      _$_{_P_K_G_N_A_M_E_} which may be shortened when you use gensolpkg.
                      Only add SVR4_PKGNAME if _$_{_P_K_G_N_A_M_E_} does not produce an
                      unique package name on a SVR4 system.  The length of
@@ -191,8 +191,9 @@
                      This number indicates the package's revision within the
-                     NetBSD Packages Collection (pkgsrc). If set, this will be
-                     attached to the PKGNAME variable separated by a "nb".
+                     NetBSD Packages Collection (pkgsrc).  If set, this will
+                     be attached to the PKGNAME variable separated by a
+                     ``nb''.
                      If defined, a subset of _$_{_D_I_S_T_F_I_L_E_S_} you want to actually
@@ -246,22 +247,22 @@
                      The name of a script which will be invoked when
-                     installing binary packages. If there is a file called
+                     installing binary packages.  If there is a file called
                      _$_{_P_K_G_D_I_R_}_/_I_N_S_T_A_L_L, that file will be used.
                      The name of a script which will be invoked when de-
-                     installing binary packages. If there is a file called
+                     installing binary packages.  If there is a file called
                      _$_{_P_K_G_D_I_R_}_/_D_E_I_N_S_T_A_L_L, that file will be used.
            MESSAGE   The name of a file which will be displayed during the
-                     installation of a package. No substitution according to
-                     MESSAGE_SUBST takes place. Overrides MESSAGE_SRC. Should
-                     not be used.
+                     installation of a package.  No substitution according to
+                     MESSAGE_SUBST takes place.  Overrides MESSAGE_SRC.
+                     Should not be used.
                      The name of a file which will be displayed when
-                     installing a package. If neither MESSAGE_SRC nor MESSAGE
+                     installing a package.  If neither MESSAGE_SRC nor MESSAGE
                      are set, and there is a file called _$_{_P_K_G_D_I_R_}_/_M_E_S_S_A_G_E,
                      that file will be used.  Before displaying the file, sub-
                      stitution according to MESSAGE_SUBST takes place.
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@
                      binaries, ...).
            MAKEFILE  Name of the Makefile in ${WRKSRC}, used in the default
-                     build and install targets. Default: ``Makefile''.
+                     build and install targets.  Default: ``Makefile''.
            BROKEN    Package is broken.  Set this string to the reason why.
@@ -323,9 +324,9 @@
            LICENCE   The package has a non-standard licence, such as share-
-                     ware, or non-commercial-use only. This string should be
+                     ware, or non-commercial-use only.  This string should be
                      set to the type of licence the package has, like "share-
-                     ware", or "non-commercial-use". If LICENCE is set, the
+                     ware", or "non-commercial-use".  If LICENCE is set, the
                      ACCEPTABLE_LICENCES variable will be searched, if set,
                      for a string matching the licence.
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@
                      List of process limits which need to be raised to hard
-                     limits for building this package. So far "datasize" and
+                     limits for building this package.  So far "datasize" and
                      "stacksize" are supported.
@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@
-                     Sets the minimum _p_e_r_l_5 version required. The default is
+                     Sets the minimum _p_e_r_l_5 version required.  The default is
@@ -377,8 +378,8 @@
                      include all Mesa components that are not included in the
                      installed X11 distribution.
-           USE_SSL   Says that the package uses a SSL library. The location of
-                     the SSL installation can be found in ${SSLBASE}.
+           USE_SSL   Says that the package uses a SSL library.  The location
+                     of the SSL installation can be found in ${SSLBASE}.
                      Says that the package installs itself into the X11 base
@@ -388,7 +389,7 @@
            USE_XAW   Says that the package uses the Athena widget set.
-           USE_XPM   Says that the package uses the Xpm library. If it is not
+           USE_XPM   Says that the package uses the Xpm library.  If it is not
                      included in the installed X11 distribution the xpm pack-
                      age will be used.
@@ -458,24 +459,38 @@
                      This definition is deprecated, and is no longer used in
-                     the packages collection. It should be replaced by a sim-
+                     the packages collection.  It should be replaced by a sim-
                      ple ``DEPENDS'' definition.
                      This definition is deprecated, and is no longer used in
-                     the packages collection. It should be replaced by a sim-
+                     the packages collection.  It should be replaced by a sim-
                      ple ``DEPENDS'' definition.
-           DEPENDS   A list of prerequisite packages. The format of this entry
-                     is ``pkgname:dir''.  If the ``pkgname'' package is not
-                     installed, then it will be built and installed from the
-                     source package in ``dir''.
+           DEPENDS   A list of pre-requisite packages.  The format of this
+                     entry is ``pkgname:dir''.  If the ``pkgname'' package is
+                     not installed, then it will be built and installed from
+                     the source package in ``dir''.
-                     A list of other ports this package conflicts with. Use
+                     A list of other ports this package conflicts with.  Use
                      this for packages that install identical set of files.
                      The format of this entry is ``pkgname''.
+           RECOMMENDED
+                     A list of recommended versions of pre-requisite packages.
+                     This should be used together with ``DEPENDS'' to denote
+                     which version of a pre-requisite is required and which
+                     version is recommended.  The format of this entry is
+                     ``pkgname:dir'', the same as for ``DEPENDS''.
+                     If this is set to ``NO'' (the default), then RECOMMENDED
+                     pre-requisites will be turned into dependencies.  If set
+                     to ``YES'', recommendations will be ignored and a warning
+                     will be printed that packages created with this option
+                     are not suitable for distribution.
                      Command for extracting archive.  The default is tar(1).
@@ -494,7 +509,7 @@
                      Internal variable set if the package is ok to build on
-                     this architecture. Set to ``YES'' to insist on e.g.
+                     this architecture.  Set to ``YES'' to insist on e.g.
                      fetching all distfiles (for interactive use in
                      _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_}, mostly.
@@ -660,7 +675,7 @@
                      set to the base names of the info files you wish to be
-                     installed in the info dir file. Automatically sets
+                     installed in the info dir file.  Automatically sets
@@ -691,7 +706,7 @@
                      Install a binary package from local disk and via FTP from
                      a list of sites (see ``BINPKG_SITES'' variable), and do a
                      ``make package'' if no binary package is available any-
-                     where. The arguments given to pkg_add(1) can be set via
+                     where.  The arguments given to pkg_add(1) can be set via
                      ``BIN_INSTALL_FLAGS'', e.g., to do verbose operation,
@@ -730,11 +745,12 @@
            makesum   Generate _f_i_l_e_s_/_m_d_5 (only do this for your own packages!).
            readme    Create a README.html file describing the category or
-                     package. See _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_}_/_P_a_c_k_a_g_e_s_._t_x_t for more details.
+                     package.  See _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_}_/_d_o_c_/_p_k_g_s_r_c_._t_x_t for more
+                     details.
                      Mirror the distfile(s) if they are freely re-dis-
-                     tributable. If NO_SRC_ON_FTP is set in the package's
+                     tributable.  If NO_SRC_ON_FTP is set in the package's
                      Makefile (usually to _$_{_R_E_S_T_R_I_C_T_E_D_}) then that reason is
                      printed, and the distfile is not mirrored.
@@ -745,13 +761,13 @@
      can of worms.
-     make(1), mk.conf(5), _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_}_/_m_k_/_b_s_d_._p_k_g_._d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s_._m_k and
+     make(1), mk.conf(5), _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_}_/_m_k_/_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s_/_m_k_._c_o_n_f and
-     _D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n _o_n _t_h_e _N_e_t_B_S_D _P_a_c_k_a_g_e _S_y_s_t_e_m.  _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_}_/_P_a_c_k_a_g_e_s_._t_x_t
+     _D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n _o_n _t_h_e _N_e_t_B_S_D _P_a_c_k_a_g_e _S_y_s_t_e_m.  
      This manual page is based upon the comments in the _b_s_d_._p_k_g_._m_k file, as
      distributed with NetBSD.  The sources to this are far and varied across
      all free BSD projects.
-NetBSD 1.6                    September 15, 2003                    NetBSD 1.6
+NetBSD 2.0                      March 12, 2005                      NetBSD 2.0

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