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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/net/netdisco Initial import of a netdisco.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 494564:d05b5ca95056
user:      bouyer <>
date:      Wed May 25 17:06:48 2005 +0000

Initial import of a netdisco.

Designed for moderate to large networks, configuration information and
connection data for network devices are retrieved by SNMP. With Netdisco you
can locate the switch port of an end-user system by IP or MAC address. Data is
stored using a SQL database for scalability and speed.


 net/netdisco/DESCR            |    15 +
 net/netdisco/MESSAGE          |    34 +
 net/netdisco/Makefile         |   127 +++++
 net/netdisco/PLIST            |  1014 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 net/netdisco/distinfo         |     8 +
 net/netdisco/patches/patch-aa |    33 +
 net/netdisco/patches/patch-ab |    17 +
 net/netdisco/patches/patch-ac |    12 +
 8 files changed, 1260 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1292 to 300 lines):

diff -r 0989c00c4a55 -r d05b5ca95056 net/netdisco/DESCR
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/net/netdisco/DESCR        Wed May 25 17:06:48 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Netdisco is an Open Source web-based network management tool.
+Designed for moderate to large networks, configuration information and
+connection data for network devices are retrieved by SNMP. With Netdisco you
+can locate the switch port of an end-user system by IP or MAC address. Data is
+stored using a SQL database for scalability and speed.
+Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) optionally provides automatic discovery of the
+network topology. The network is inventoried by both device model and operating
+system (like IOS). Netdisco uses router ARP tables and L2 switch MAC forwarding
+tables to locate nodes on physical ports and track them by their IP addresses.
+For each node, a time stamped history of the ports it has visited and the IP
+addresses it has used is maintained. Netdisco gets all its data, including CDP
+topology information, with SNMP polls and DNS queries. It does not use CLI
+access and has no need for privilege passwords. Security features include a
+wire-side Wireless Access Point (AP) locator.
diff -r 0989c00c4a55 -r d05b5ca95056 net/netdisco/MESSAGE
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/net/netdisco/MESSAGE      Wed May 25 17:06:48 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 2005/05/25 17:06:49 bouyer Exp $
+Here is a summary of the steps needed to complete the netdisco setup.
+Please look at the documentation in ${PREFIX}/doc/ for details.
+- add the netdisco administrator(s) account(s) to the netdisco group
+- cd to ${PREFIX}/netdisco/sql/ and run ./pg_init, ./pg_run and ./pg_all
+  to create the netdisco database in postgresql.  This will prompt for a
+  password which will then be used to access the netdisco database.
+  Rememer this password as you will need it later.
+- edit ${PREFIX}/netdisco/netdisco.conf to suit your needs. You have to
+  set the database password you entered in the previous step here.
+- Add a user to the netdisco system: ${PREFIX}/netdisco/netdisco -u joebob
+  Give this user administration privileges, so that it will be able to
+  create other users though the web interface.
+- Import the OUI database:
+  ${PREFIX}/netdisco/netdisco -o
+- Add an appropriate crontab to user netdisco. ${EGDIR} contains an
+  appropriate sample.
+- Include netdisco to your apache config. ${EGDIR} contains 2 config
+  fragments: netdisco_apache.conf and netdisco_apache_dir.conf which
+  can be inclued in the httpd.conf to make netdisco available though
+  You will have to set the database password in netdisco_apache_dir.conf.
+  If you are using apache2, make sure you load in addition
+  to, and that you have "PerlModule Apache::compat"
+- Make netdisco discover one of your devices:
+  ${PREFIX}/netdisco/netdisco -d devicename
+- Make netdisco discover your network topology, if supported by your
+  devices: ${PREFIX}/netdisco/netdisco -r devicename
+  If not supported by your devices, you'll have to fill in
+  ${PREFIX}/netdisco/netdisco-topology.txt.
+- start the admin daemon: /etc/rc.d/netdisco start
diff -r 0989c00c4a55 -r d05b5ca95056 net/netdisco/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/net/netdisco/Makefile     Wed May 25 17:06:48 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2005/05/25 17:06:48 bouyer Exp $
+DISTNAME=              netdisco-0.94_with_mibs
+PKGNAME=               netdisco-0.94
+CATEGORIES=            net
+COMMENT=               Open Source web-based network management tool
+DEPENDS+=              p5-SNMP-Info-*:../../net/p5-SNMP-Info
+DEPENDS+=              p5-Apache-DBI-*:../../databases/p5-Apache-DBI
+DEPENDS+=              p5-Apache-Session-*:../../www/p5-Apache-Session
+DEPENDS+=              p5-DBD-postgresql-*:../../databases/p5-DBD-postgresql
+DEPENDS+=              p5-DB_File-*:../../databases/p5-DB_File
+DEPENDS+=              p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession-*:../../www/p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession
+DEPENDS+=              p5-HTML-Parser-*:../../www/p5-HTML-Parser
+DEPENDS+=              p5-GraphViz-*:../../graphics/p5-GraphViz
+DEPENDS+=              p5-Compress-Zlib-*:../../devel/p5-Compress-Zlib
+USE_PKGINSTALL=                yes
+WRKSRC=                        ${WRKDIR}/${PKGNAME}
+.include "../../mk/"
+EGDIR=                 ${PREFIX}/share/examples/${PKGNAME_NOREV}
+USE_PERL5=     yes
+REPLACE_PERL=  bin/doc_munge
+REPLACE_PERL+=  bin/parse_kismet_ap
+REPLACE_PERL+=  netdisco
+REPLACE_PERL+=  mibs/chk_dups
+REPLACE_PERL+=  mibs/rm_cisco_dups
+REPLACE_PERL+=  mibs/chk_mibs
+REPLACE_PERL+=  mibs/snmpwalkmib
+SUBST_CLASSES=                 installdir path var
+SUBST_STAGE.installdir=                pre-configure
+SUBST_FILES.installdir=                sql/pg_run sql/pg_init sql/pg_back
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       bin/netdisco_daemon
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       netdisco
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       netdisco.conf netdisco.crontab
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       netdisco_apache.conf netdisco_apache_dir.conf
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       bin/ bin/
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       bin/ bin/
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       bin/
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       bin/ bin/
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       doc/INSTALL.html doc/INSTALL.pod
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       doc/README.pod doc/README.html
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       doc/UPGRADE.html doc/UPGRADE.pod
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       html/doc/INSTALL.html html/doc/README.html
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       html/doc/UPGRADE.html html/admin_reconfig.html
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       netdisco.crontab
+SUBST_FILES.installdir+=       mibs/snmp.conf
+SUBST_SED.installdir=          -e "s|/usr/local/netdisco|${PREFIX}/netdisco|g"
+SUBST_MESSAGE.installdir=      "Fixing hardcoded install directory path."
+SUBST_STAGE.path=      pre-configure
+SUBST_FILES.path=      bin/ bin/port_control
+SUBST_FILES.path+=     bin/ bin/ bin/
+SUBST_FILES.path+=     bin/parse_mac
+SUBST_FILES.path+=     doc/INSTALL.html doc/INSTALL.pod html/doc/INSTALL.html
+SUBST_FILES.path+=     INSTALL netdisco.crontab
+SUBST_SED.path=                -e "s|/usr/local/bin|${PREFIX}/bin|g"
+SUBST_MESSAGE.path=    "Fixing hardcoded path."
+SUBST_STAGE.var=       pre-configure
+SUBST_FILES.var=       netdisco.conf
+SUBST_SED.var=         -e "s|@VARBASE@|${VARBASE}|g"
+SUBST_MESSAGE.var=     "Fixing data directory."
+NETDISCOUSER?= netdisco
+NETDISCOGROUP?=        netdisco
+PKG_USERS=     ${NETDISCOUSER}:${NETDISCOGROUP}::Netdisco\\ administrator:${PREFIX}/netdisco:${SH}
+PKG_SYSCONFVAR=                netdisco
+PKG_SYSCONFDIR.netdisco= ${PREFIX}/netdisco
+EGDIR=                 ${PREFIX}/share/examples/netdisco
+CONF_FILES=            ${EGDIR}/netdisco.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/netdisco.conf
+CONF_FILES_PERMS+=     ${EGDIR}/netdisco.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/netdisco.conf \
+                       ${NETDISCOUSER} ${NETDISCOGROUP} 0660
+CONF_FILES+=           ${EGDIR}/netdisco-topology.txt ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/netdisco-topology.txt
+MAKE_DIRS=              ${PREFIX}/netdisco ${EGDIR}
+RCD_SCRIPTS=           netdisco
+.include "../../mk/"
+       ${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/html/doc/ChangeLog.txt
+       ${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
+           UPGRADE ChangeLog; do \
+               ${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/doc/$$i ;\
+               ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/$$i ${WRKSRC}/doc/ ;\
+       done
+       cd ${WRKSRC};
+       ${FIND} . \( -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.bak' \) -exec ${RM} -f {} \;
+       ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/bin/netdisco_daemon \
+           ${PREFIX}/${RCD_SCRIPTS_EXAMPLEDIR}/netdisco
+       ${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/bin/netdisco_daemon
+       cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PAX} -rw -pp . ${PREFIX}/netdisco
+       ${CHMOD} 775 ${PREFIX}/netdisco/html
+       for i in netdisco.conf netdisco-topology.txt netdisco.crontab \
+           netdisco_apache.conf netdisco_apache_dir.conf; do \
+               ${MV} ${PREFIX}/netdisco/$$i ${EGDIR}/ ;\
+       done
+       ${CHGRP} -R ${APACHE_GROUP} ${PREFIX}/netdisco/mason
+       ${CHMOD} -R 775 ${PREFIX}/netdisco/mason
+.include "../../mk/"
diff -r 0989c00c4a55 -r d05b5ca95056 net/netdisco/PLIST
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/net/netdisco/PLIST        Wed May 25 17:06:48 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2005/05/25 17:06:49 bouyer Exp $

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