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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/mk/defaults Do not list all licenses. Mention that pac...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 497174:847288cff295
user:      wiz <>
date:      Thu Jul 21 12:28:30 2005 +0000

Do not list all licenses. Mention that packages
for which you need to accept a license will display the necessary information.

ok gdt@.


 mk/defaults/mk.conf |  124 ++-------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diffs (141 lines):

diff -r 96fb7d5fe05c -r 847288cff295 mk/defaults/mk.conf
--- a/mk/defaults/mk.conf       Thu Jul 21 12:15:08 2005 +0000
+++ b/mk/defaults/mk.conf       Thu Jul 21 12:28:30 2005 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: mk.conf,v 1.68 2005/07/19 17:31:42 gdt Exp $
+# $NetBSD: mk.conf,v 1.69 2005/07/21 12:28:30 wiz Exp $
 # A file providing defaults for pkgsrc and the packages collection.
@@ -353,125 +353,15 @@
 # Whitespace-delimited list of the types of license which are
 # acceptable for installation.  (Packages with licenses that qualify as
 # "open source" according to OSI or "Free" according to FSF are
-# not marked with a LICENSE variable.)  Possible values are presented below.
+# not marked with a LICENSE variable.)  Packages for which you need
+# to accept a license will display a message like the following:
+# ===> xv-3.10anb9 has an unacceptable license: xv-license.
+# ===>     To view the license, enter "/usr/bin/make show-license".
+# ===>     To indicate acceptance, add this line to your /etc/mk.conf:
+# ===>     ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=xv-license
 # Default: none
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for libidea
-# and would like to build libidea.  see pkgsrc/security/libidea.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= adobe-acrobat-license
-# Enable it if you accept the usage policy for Adobe Acrobat
-# and would like to build it.  see pkgsrc/print/acroread.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= amiwm-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for amiwm
-# and would like to build amiwm.  see pkgsrc/wm/amiwm.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= astrolog-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for astrolog
-# and would like to build astrolog.  see pkgsrc/misc/astrolog.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= citrix_ica-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license proposed at
-# when you try to download the corresponding client to download and build
-# the package.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= csound-license
-# Enable it if you accept the redistribution/use license for csound and would
-# like to build csound.  see pkgsrc/licenses/csound-license
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= cyrus-imapd-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for cyrus-imapd
-# and would like to build cyrus-imapd.  see pkgsrc/mail/cyrus-imapd.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= emiclock-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for emiclock
-# and would like to build it.  see pkgsrc/time/emiclock.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= fee-based-commercial-use
-# Enable it if you are okay to build/use third-party software, which require
-# fees for commercial use (i.e. you are willing to pay, or you are
-# non-commercial).
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= fprot-workstation-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license for fprot-workstation-bin and would
-# like to build the package.  see pkgsrc/licenses/fprot-workstation-license
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= graphviz-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for graphviz
-# and would like to build it. see pkgsrc/graphics/graphviz.
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for jdk
-# and would like to build jdk.  see pkgsrc/lang/jdk.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= jdk13-license
-# Enable it if you accept the download license for Sun JDK1.3 and would
-# like to build Sun JDK13.  see pkgsrc/langun-jre13.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= kermit-license
-# Enable it if you accept the redistribution license for ckermit and would
-# like to build ckermit.  see pkgsrc/licenses/kermit-license
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= limited-redistribution
-# Enable it if you are okay to build/use third-party software, which has
-# restriction on redistribution (i.e. you will obey the restriction on
-# redistribution it imposes).
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= majordomo-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for majordomo
-# and would like to build majordomo.  see pkgsrc/mail/majordomo.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= maude-license
-# Enable it if you filled out and returned the license found at
-# and want to build maude.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= mosaic-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for mosaic
-# and would like to build mosaic.  see pkgsrc/www/Mosaic.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= ms-ttf-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for Microsoft TrueType fonts
-# and would like to install them. see pkgsrc/fonts/ms-ttf.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= mush-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for mush
-# and would like to build mush.  see pkgsrc/mail/mush.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= nntpclnt-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for nntpclnt
-# and would like to build nntpclnt.  see pkgsrc/news/nntpclnt.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= no-commercial-use
-# Enable it if you are okay to build/use third-party software, which is not
-# for commercial use (i.e. you are non-commerical)
-# Enable it if you are okay to build/use third-party software, which is not
-# for for-profit use (i.e. you will use the software for non-profit purpose)
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= opera-license
-# Enable it if you accept the redistribution license for opera and would
-# like to build opera.  see pkgsrc/licenses/opera-license
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= palmos-sdk-license
-# Enable if you agree with the license for using the PalmOS SDK.
-# Used by pkgsrc/devel/palmos-includes. For the license, see
-# pkgsrc/licenses/palmos-sdk-license.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= pine-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for pine
-# and would like to build pine.  see pkgsrc/mail/pine.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= portsentry-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for portsentry
-# and would like to build portsentry.  see pkgsrc/security/portsentry.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= srp_client-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for srp_client
-# and would like to build srp_client.  see pkgsrc/security/srp_client.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= sun-jsdk20-license
-# Enable it if you accept the download license for Sun JSDK and would
-# like to build Sun JSDK.  see pkgsrc/lang/jdk.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= sun-swing-license
-# Enable it if you accept the download license for Sun's Swing (JFC) toolkit
-# and would like to build JFC.  see pkgsrc/x11/swing.
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for trn
-# and would like to build trn.  see pkgsrc/news/trn.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= trplayer-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for trplayer
-# and would like to build trplayer.  See pkgsrc/audio/trplayer.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= unarj-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for the unarj archiver
-# and would like to build unarj.  see pkgsrc/archivers/unarj.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= unrar-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for the unrar archiver
-# and would like to build unrar.  see pkgsrc/archivers/unrar.
-#ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= webwasher-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for webwasher and would
-# like to build webwasher.  see pkgsrc/licenses/webwasher-license
-# Enable it if you accept the license terms for the zoo archiver
-# and would like to build zoo.  see pkgsrc/archivers/zoo.
 # Don't use the default of all packages (from the top-level of the
 # pkgsrc tree), and use the values of the definitions

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