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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/converters/convmv Initial import of convmv-1.08.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 503682:c38eb0062190
user:      heinz <>
date:      Fri Nov 25 01:48:02 2005 +0000

Initial import of convmv-1.08.

Convmv is meant to help convert a single filename, a directory tree and
the contained files or a whole filesystem into a different encoding. It
just converts the filenames, not the content of the files. A special
feature of convmv is that it also converts the symlink target pointer in
case the symlink target is being converted, too.


 converters/convmv/DESCR            |   5 ++
 converters/convmv/Makefile         |  44 ++++++++++++++++++
 converters/convmv/PLIST            |   3 +
 converters/convmv/distinfo         |   7 ++
 converters/convmv/patches/patch-aa |  29 ++++++++++++
 converters/convmv/patches/patch-ab |  91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (203 lines):

diff -r 0ec656c7f073 -r c38eb0062190 converters/convmv/DESCR
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/converters/convmv/DESCR   Fri Nov 25 01:48:02 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Convmv is meant to help convert a single filename, a directory tree and
+the contained files or a whole filesystem into a different encoding. It
+just converts the filenames, not the content of the files. A special
+feature of convmv is that it also converts the symlink target pointer in
+case the symlink target is being converted, too.
diff -r 0ec656c7f073 -r c38eb0062190 converters/convmv/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/converters/convmv/Makefile        Fri Nov 25 01:48:02 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2005/11/25 01:48:02 heinz Exp $
+DISTNAME=              convmv-1.08
+CATEGORIES=            converters
+COMMENT=               Converts filenames from one encoding to another
+PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES=        overwrite pkgviews
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=                coreutils-[0-9]*:../../sysutils/coreutils
+USE_LANGUAGES=         # empty
+USE_TOOLS+=            perl:run
+MANCOMPRESSED=         yes
+NO_BUILD=              yes
+# the test script needs the GNU versions
+                       CONVMV_CP=${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX}cp
+MAKEFLAGS+=            MANDIR=${PREFIX}/man \
+                       INSTALL_MAN_DIR=${INSTALL_MAN_DIR:Q} \
+                       INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR=${INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR:Q} \
+                       INSTALL_MAN=${INSTALL_MAN:Q} \
+                       INSTALL_SCRIPT=${INSTALL_SCRIPT:Q}
+REPLACE_PERL+=         ${WRKSRC}/convmv
+SUBST_CLASSES+=                convmv
+SUBST_STAGE.convmv=    pre-configure
+SUBST_FILES.convmv=    ${WRKSRC}/suite/
+SUBST_SED.convmv=      1s|/bin/sh|${SH}|
+TEST_TARGET=           test
+       @# use option p to get the right permissions for symlinks
+       @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TAR} -xpf testsuite.tar
+.include "../../mk/"
diff -r 0ec656c7f073 -r c38eb0062190 converters/convmv/PLIST
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/converters/convmv/PLIST   Fri Nov 25 01:48:02 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2005/11/25 01:48:02 heinz Exp $
diff -r 0ec656c7f073 -r c38eb0062190 converters/convmv/distinfo
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/converters/convmv/distinfo        Fri Nov 25 01:48:02 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2005/11/25 01:48:02 heinz Exp $
+SHA1 (convmv-1.08.tar.gz) = 02c90654a40fcab7369dac44c8a6678a4259c5d3
+RMD160 (convmv-1.08.tar.gz) = 99c7d56dd7eb243ec32474de97c748aa0c6fde25
+Size (convmv-1.08.tar.gz) = 20657 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = 9f369bfffcaa4c62b2b9a96828fe25a5ce936e83
+SHA1 (patch-ab) = b62dafd008904e722929fbecff42ef8d48c0c2be
diff -r 0ec656c7f073 -r c38eb0062190 converters/convmv/patches/patch-aa
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/converters/convmv/patches/patch-aa        Fri Nov 25 01:48:02 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 2005/11/25 01:48:02 heinz Exp $
+--- Makefile.orig      Thu Jul 24 16:46:30 2003
++++ Makefile
+@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
++INSTALL_MAN_DIR?=mkdir -p
++INSTALL_SCRIPT?=install -m 755
+ all: manpage
+ install: all
+-      mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/
+-      mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
+-      cp convmv.1.gz $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/
+-      install -m 755 convmv $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
++      ${INSTALL_MAN} convmv.1.gz $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
++      ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} convmv $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
+ manpage:
+       pod2man --section 1 --center=" " convmv | gzip > convmv.1.gz
diff -r 0ec656c7f073 -r c38eb0062190 converters/convmv/patches/patch-ab
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/converters/convmv/patches/patch-ab        Fri Nov 25 01:48:02 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 2005/11/25 01:48:02 heinz Exp $
+--- suite/      Sun Dec 14 05:56:54 2003
++++ suite/
+@@ -1,63 +1,72 @@
+ #!/bin/sh
+-for d in `ls -d test*` ; do cd $d ; ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out-$d ; cd .. ; done
++# make this overridable on non-GNU systems which may have those commands
++# as gls and gcp
++# to get 0777 permissions for symlinks on non-Linux systems
++umask 0
++for d in `${CONVMV_LS} -d test*` ; do cd $d ; ${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out-$d ; cd .. ; done
+ #
+ rm -rf test2
+-cp -a test test2
++${CONVMV_CP} -a test test2
+ ../convmv -f iso8859-15 -t utf8 --notest -r test2
+ cd test2
+-ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
++${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
+ cd ..
+ diff out-test out2 || { echo "smartness-test failed." ; exit 1; }
+ #
+ ../convmv -f iso8859-15 -t utf8 --notest -r --nosmart test2
+ cd test2
+-ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
++${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
+ cd ..
+ pwd
+ diff out-test-utf8 out2 || { echo "double-utf8 test failed." ; exit 1; }
+ #
+ ../convmv -f utf8 -t iso8859-15 --notest -r test2
+ cd test2
+-ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
++${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
+ cd ..
+ pwd
+ diff out-test out2 || { echo undo-double-utf8 test failed. ; exit 1; }
+ #
+ rm -r test2
+-cp -a test test2
++${CONVMV_CP} -a test test2
+ ../convmv -f utf8 -t iso8859-15 --notest -r test2
+ cd test2
+-ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
++${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
+ cd ..
+ diff out-test-iso8859-15 out2 || { echo iso8859-15-test failed. ; exit 1; }
+ #
+ rm -r test2
+-cp -a test test2
++${CONVMV_CP} -a test test2
+ ../convmv -f utf8 -t utf8 --nfd --notest -r test2
+ cd test2
+-ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
++${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
+ cd ..
+ diff out-test-nfd out2 || { echo nfd-test failed. ; exit 1; }
+ #
+ ../convmv -f utf8 -t utf8 --nfc --notest -r test2
+ cd test2
+-ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
++${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
+ cd ..
+ diff out-test out2 || { echo nfc-test failed. ; exit 1; }
+ #
+ rm -r test2
+-cp -a test-escaped test2
++${CONVMV_CP} -a test-escaped test2
+ ../convmv --unescape --notest -r test2
+ cd test2
+-ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
++${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
+ cd ..
+ diff out-test out2 || { echo escaped-test failed. ; exit 1; }
+ #
+ rm -r test2
+-cp -a test test2
++${CONVMV_CP} -a test test2
+ ../convmv --upper -f utf8 --notest -r test2
+ cd TEST2
+-ls -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
++${CONVMV_LS} -R -g -G --time-style=+ >../out2
+ cd ..
+ rm -r TEST2
+ diff out-test-upper out2 || { echo upper-test failed. ; exit 1; }

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