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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint Updated the TODO list.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 513772:6c2723836c5e
user:      rillig <>
date:      Sat Jun 03 00:12:38 2006 +0000

Updated the TODO list.


 pkgtools/pkglint/TODO             |   8 ++---
 pkgtools/pkglint/files/ |  49 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diffs (109 lines):

diff -r 53dd6f2cf68b -r 6c2723836c5e pkgtools/pkglint/TODO
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/TODO     Sat Jun 03 00:07:01 2006 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/TODO     Sat Jun 03 00:12:38 2006 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$NetBSD: TODO,v 1.46 2006/05/16 22:18:59 rillig Exp $
+$NetBSD: TODO,v 1.47 2006/06/03 00:12:38 rillig Exp $
 Please add your own entries at the bottom of this file. If possible,
 include the name of an example package where a warning should occur.
@@ -29,7 +29,5 @@
   happened in the file before that line.
 * Add checks for binary packages. See Debian/lintian for ideas.
 * Check that USE_LIBTOOL=yes, when the PLIST contains *.la.
-* In the, distinguish FOO and FOO.*:
-  FOO          Matches only FOO
-  FOO*         Matches FOO and FOO.*
-  FOO.*                Matches FOO with an extension.
+* Of the user-defined variables, some may be used at load-time and some
+  don't. Find out how pkglint can distinguish them.
diff -r 53dd6f2cf68b -r 6c2723836c5e pkgtools/pkglint/files/
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Sat Jun 03 00:07:01 2006 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Sat Jun 03 00:12:38 2006 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #! @PERL@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.597 2006/06/02 21:54:00 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.598 2006/06/03 00:12:38 rillig Exp $
 # pkglint - static analyzer and checker for pkgsrc packages
@@ -2517,21 +2517,22 @@
        use constant allow_all => [[ qr".*", "adpsu" ]];
+       use constant allow_runtime => [[ qr".*", "adsu" ]];
        # Guess the datatype of the variable based on
        # naming conventions.
-       $type =   ($varname =~ qr"DIRS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "Pathmask", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"(?:DIR|_HOME)$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Pathname", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"FILES$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "Pathmask", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"FILE$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Pathname", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"PATH$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Pathlist", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"PATHS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "List of Pathname", allow_all, GUESSED)
+       $type =   ($varname =~ qr"DIRS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "Pathmask", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"(?:DIR|_HOME)$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Pathname", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"FILES$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "Pathmask", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"FILE$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Pathname", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"PATH$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Pathlist", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"PATHS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "List of Pathname", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
                : ($varname =~ qr"_USER$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "UserGroupName", allow_all, GUESSED)
                : ($varname =~ qr"_GROUP$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "UserGroupName", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"_ENV$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "ShellWord", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"_CMD$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "ShellCommand", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"_ARGS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "ShellWord", allow_all, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ qr"_(?:C|CPP|CXX|LD|)FLAGS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "ShellWord", allow_all, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"_ENV$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "ShellWord", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"_CMD$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "ShellCommand", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"_ARGS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "ShellWord", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ qr"_(?:C|CPP|CXX|LD|)FLAGS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "ShellWord", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
                : ($varname =~ qr"_MK$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Unchecked", allow_all, GUESSED)
                : undef;
@@ -2932,8 +2933,21 @@
        if ($opt_warn_perm) {
                my $perms = get_variable_perms($line, $varname);
-               if ($context->time == VUC_TIME_LOAD && index($perms, "p") == -1) {
+               my ($is_load_time, $is_indirect);
+               if ($context->time == VUC_TIME_LOAD && $perms !~ qr"p") {
+                       $is_load_time = true;
+                       $is_indirect = false;
+               } elsif (defined($context->type) && $context->type->perms_union() =~ qr"p" && $perms !~ qr"p") {
+                       $is_load_time = true;
+                       $is_indirect = true;
+               } else {
+                       $is_load_time = false;
+               }
+               if ($is_load_time && !$is_indirect) {
                        $line->log_warning("${varname} should not be evaluated at load time.");
                                "Many variables, especially lists of something, get their values",
@@ -2946,11 +2960,8 @@
                                "that have references to shell variables or regular expressions are",
                                "modified in a subtle way.");
-               my $lhs_type = $context->type;
-               my $rhs_type = get_variable_type($line, $varname);
-               if (defined($lhs_type) && defined($rhs_type) && $lhs_type->perms_union() =~ qr"p" && $rhs_type->perms($line->fname) !~ qr"p") {
-                       $line->log_warning("${varname} should not be used in a load-time variable.");
+               if ($is_load_time && $is_indirect) {
+                       $line->log_warning("${varname} should not be evaluated indirectly at load time.");
                                "The variable on the left-hand side may be evaluated at load time, but",
                                "the variable on the right-hand side may not. Due to this assignment, it",
@@ -3033,7 +3044,7 @@
        my ($rest, $state);
        use constant shellcommand_context_type => PkgLint::Type->new(
-               LK_NONE, "ShellCommand", allow_all, NOT_GUESSED
+               LK_NONE, "ShellCommand", [[ qr".*", "adsu" ]], NOT_GUESSED
        use constant shellword_vuc => PkgLint::VarUseContext->new(

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