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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat7 Update to 7.0.62

branches:  trunk
changeset: 652179:cacc38f2cb31
user:      ryoon <>
date:      Wed May 27 12:19:30 2015 +0000

Update to 7.0.62

Tomcat 7.0.62 (violetagg)


        add     Allow logging of the remote port in the access log using the format pattern %{remote}p. (rjung)
        fix     57765: When checking last modified times as part of the automatic deployment process, account for the fact that File.lastModified() has a resolution of one second to ensure that if a 
file has been modified within the last second, the latest version of the file is always used. Note that a side-effect of this change is that files with modification times in the future are treated as 
if they are unmodified. (markt)
        fix     Align redeploy resource modification checking with reload modification checking so that now, in both cases, a change in modification time rather than an increase in modification time 
is used to determine if the resource has changed. (markt)
        fix     Cleanup o.a.tomcat.util.digester.Digester from debug messages that do not give any valuable information. Patch provided by Polina Genova. (violetagg)
        fix     57772: When reloading a web application and a directory representing an expanded WAR needs to be deleted, delete the directory after the web application has been stopped rather than 
before to avoid potential ClassNotFoundExceptions. (markt)
        fix     57801: Improve the error message in the start script in case the PID read from the PID file is already owned by a process. (rjung)
        fix     57824: Correct a regression in the fix for 57252 that broke request listeners for non-async requests that triggered an error that was handled by the ErrorReportingValve. 
        fix     57841: Improve error logging during web application start. (markt)
        fix     57856: Ensure that any scheme/port changes implemented by the RemoteIpFilter also affect HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(). (markt)
        fix     57896: Support defensive copying of "cookie" header so that unescaping double quotes in a cookie value does not corrupt original value of "cookie" header. This is an opt-in feature, 
enabled by org.apache.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie.PRESERVE_COOKIE_HEADER system property. (kkolinko)


        fix     57779: When an I/O error occurs on a non-container thread only dispatch to a container thread to handle the error if using Servlet 3+ asynchronous processing. This avoids potential 
deadlocks if an application is performing I/O on a non-container thread without using the Servlet 3+ asynchronous API. (markt)
        fix     57833: When using JKS based keystores for NIO, ensure that the key alias is always converted to lower caes since that is what JKS key stores expect. Based on a patch by Santosh Giri 
Govind M. (markt)
        fix     57837: Add text/css to the default list of compressable MIME types. (markt)


        fix     57845: Ensure that, if the same JSP is accessed directly and via a <jsp-file> declaration in web.xml, updates to the JSP are visible (subject to the normal rules on re-compilation) 
regardless of how the JSP is accessed. (markt)
        fix     57855: Explicitly handle the case where a MethodExpression is invoked with null or the wrong number of parameters. Rather than failing with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or a 
NullPointerException throw an IllegalArgumentException with a useful error message. (markt)


        add     Add new attribute that send all actions for session across Tomcat cluster nodes. (kfujino)
        fix     Remove unused pathname attribute in mbean definition of BackupManager. (kfujino)
        fix     57338: Improve the ability of the ClusterSingleSignOn valve to handle nodes being added and removed from the Cluster at run time. (markt)
        fix     Avoid unnecessary call of DeltaRequest.addSessionListener() in non-primary nodes. (kfujino)


        fix     57762: Ensure that the WebSocket client correctly detects when the connection to the server is dropped. (markt)
        fix     57776: Revert the 8.0.21 fix for the permessage-deflate implementation and incorrect op-codes since the fix was unnecessary (the bug only affected trunk) and the fix broke rather than 
fixed permessage-deflate if an uncompressed message was converted into more than one compressed message. (markt)
        fix     Fix log name typo in WsRemoteEndpointImplServer class, caused by a copy-paste. (markt/kkolinko)
        fix     57788: Avoid NPE when looking up a class hierarchy without finding anything. (remm)

    Web applications

        add     57759: Add information to the keyAlias documentation to make it clear that the order keys are read from the keystore is implementation dependent. (markt)
        fix     57864: Update the documentation web application to make it clearer that hex values are not valid for cluster send options. Based on a patch by Kyohei Nakamura. (markt)


        fix     Fix a concurrency issue when a backup message that has all session data and a backup message that has diff data are processing at the same time. This fix ensures that MapOwner is set 
to ReplicatedMapEntry. (kfujino)
        fix     Clarify the handling of Copy message and Copy nodes. (kfujino)
        fix     Copy node does not need to send the entry data. It is enough to send only the node information of the entry. (kfujino)
        fix     ReplicatedMap should send the Copy message when replicating. (kfujino)
        fix     Fix behavior of ReplicatedMap when member has disappeared. If map entrprimary, rebuild the backup members. If primary node of map entry has disappeared, backup node is promoted to 
primary. (kfujino)
        fix     When a map member has been added to ReplicatedMap, make sure to add it to backup nodes list of all other members.


 www/apache-tomcat7/Makefile |  4 ++--
 www/apache-tomcat7/distinfo |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diffs (31 lines):

diff -r 26024b94655f -r cacc38f2cb31 www/apache-tomcat7/Makefile
--- a/www/apache-tomcat7/Makefile       Wed May 27 06:50:08 2015 +0000
+++ b/www/apache-tomcat7/Makefile       Wed May 27 12:19:30 2015 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.23 2015/05/05 13:21:42 ryoon Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.24 2015/05/27 12:19:30 ryoon Exp $
 DISTNAME=      apache-tomcat-${TOMCAT_VER}
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 .include "../../mk/"
-TOMCAT_VER=            7.0.61
+TOMCAT_VER=            7.0.62
 TOMCAT_HOME=           ${PREFIX}/share/tomcat
 EGDIR=                 ${PREFIX}/share/examples/tomcat
 DOCDIR=                        ${PREFIX}/share/doc/tomcat
diff -r 26024b94655f -r cacc38f2cb31 www/apache-tomcat7/distinfo
--- a/www/apache-tomcat7/distinfo       Wed May 27 06:50:08 2015 +0000
+++ b/www/apache-tomcat7/distinfo       Wed May 27 12:19:30 2015 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.17 2015/05/05 13:21:42 ryoon Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.18 2015/05/27 12:19:30 ryoon Exp $
-SHA1 (apache-tomcat-7.0.61.tar.gz) = 98ccbc95d029291e81bf818879ec8a0aa14465df
-RMD160 (apache-tomcat-7.0.61.tar.gz) = eb49eeb568d184b12f66d6cd787c48bdb23b3ebd
-Size (apache-tomcat-7.0.61.tar.gz) = 8816567 bytes
+SHA1 (apache-tomcat-7.0.62.tar.gz) = a650018c17fcf9a3f1aa6a287d1b2bc009fc411b
+RMD160 (apache-tomcat-7.0.62.tar.gz) = 019575a3815b469f0fe4b299736bfc7475f49170
+Size (apache-tomcat-7.0.62.tar.gz) = 8824528 bytes

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