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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/cross The following combination of GNU/Altera nios2 to...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 626170:2337433a65b8
user:      mef <>
date:      Sun Nov 03 10:16:03 2013 +0000

The following combination of GNU/Altera nios2 tool-chain is newly added.
nios2          (just a Makefile.common)
nios2-binutils (2.20)
  Cross binutils for ALTERA FPGA Nios2 processor.
  Cross gcc-3.4.6 for ALTERA FPGA Nios2 processor.


 cross/nios2-binutils/DESCR                   |    1 +
 cross/nios2-binutils/Makefile                |   43 +++++
 cross/nios2-binutils/PLIST                   |   65 +++++++
 cross/nios2-binutils/distinfo                |    5 +
 cross/nios2-binutils/files/nios2elf-netbsd.x |  227 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 cross/nios2-gcc/DESCR                        |    1 +
 cross/nios2-gcc/Makefile                     |   50 +++++
 cross/nios2-gcc/PLIST                        |   42 ++++
 cross/nios2-gcc/TODO                         |    2 +
 cross/nios2-gcc/distinfo                     |    7 +
 cross/nios2-gcc/patches/patch-aa             |   33 +++
 cross/nios2-gcc/patches/patch-ab             |   52 ++++++
 cross/nios2/Makefile.common                  |   34 ++++
 13 files changed, 562 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 614 to 300 lines):

diff -r 94c0f644525b -r 2337433a65b8 cross/nios2-binutils/DESCR
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cross/nios2-binutils/DESCR        Sun Nov 03 10:16:03 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+Cross binutils for ALTERA FPGA Nios2 processor.
diff -r 94c0f644525b -r 2337433a65b8 cross/nios2-binutils/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cross/nios2-binutils/Makefile     Sun Nov 03 10:16:03 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/11/03 10:16:03 mef Exp $
+PKG_VERSION=           2.20
+PKGNAME=               nios2-binutils-${PKG_VERSION}
+CATEGORIES=            cross
+COMMENT=               GNU binutils for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
+LICENSE=               gnu-gpl-v2
+EXTRACT_SUFX=          .tgz
+WRKSRC=                        ${WRKDIR}/${EXTRACT_ELEMENTS}
+USE_TOOLS+=            gmake makeinfo perl
+GNU_CONFIGURE=         yes
+BUILD_DEFS+=           ${NIOS_INFO_DIR}
+INFO_FILES=            yes
+.include               "../../cross/nios2/Makefile.common"
+DISTNAME=              nios2_gnu_gcc4_11.0
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --disable-nls
+# install libiberty by architecture
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --libdir=${PREFIX}/${NIOS2_TARGET}/lib
+# To avoid conflict with other cross/native info files,
+NIOS_INFO_DIR=         ${PREFIX}/info/${NIOS2_TARGET}
+.include "../../mk/"
+INFO_DIR?=             ${NIOS_INFO_DIR}
+# CONFIGURE_ARGS+=     --infodir=
+#  doesn't make it, will be overridden by following variables
+#  see mk/configure/
+# following file installed is reference only, not used at all for the moment
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} files/nios2elf-netbsd.x ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${NIOS2_TARGET}/lib/ldscripts
+.include "../../mk/"
diff -r 94c0f644525b -r 2337433a65b8 cross/nios2-binutils/PLIST
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cross/nios2-binutils/PLIST        Sun Nov 03 10:16:03 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2013/11/03 10:16:03 mef Exp $
diff -r 94c0f644525b -r 2337433a65b8 cross/nios2-binutils/distinfo
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cross/nios2-binutils/distinfo     Sun Nov 03 10:16:03 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2013/11/03 10:16:03 mef Exp $
+SHA1 (nios2_gnu_gcc4_11.0.tgz) = b5380dd21ee36b5fea262a7846312894a97a2c75
+RMD160 (nios2_gnu_gcc4_11.0.tgz) = b66e3414b60b4d85e2931a07a55771789b0432af
+Size (nios2_gnu_gcc4_11.0.tgz) = 110337817 bytes
diff -r 94c0f644525b -r 2337433a65b8 cross/nios2-binutils/files/nios2elf-netbsd.x
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cross/nios2-binutils/files/nios2elf-netbsd.x      Sun Nov 03 10:16:03 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+/* Default linker script, for normal executables */
+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlenios2", "elf32-bignios2",
+             "elf32-littlenios2")
+/* Do we need any of these for elf?
+   __DYNAMIC = 0;    */
+  /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
+/*  PROVIDE (__executable_start = 0x0400000); . = 0x0400000 + SIZEOF_HEADERS; */
+  PROVIDE (__executable_start = 0x0400000); . = 0x0400000 + 1048576;
+  .interp         : { *(.interp) }
+/* XXX */
+  .note.netbsd.ident : { *(.note.netbsd.ident) } :.text
+  .note.netbsd.pax : { *(.note.netbsd.pax) } :.text
+/* XXX */
+  .reginfo        : { *(.reginfo) }
+  .dynamic        : { *(.dynamic) }
+  .hash           : { *(.hash) }
+  .dynsym         : { *(.dynsym) }
+  .dynstr         : { *(.dynstr) }
+  .gnu.version    : { *(.gnu.version) }
+  .gnu.version_d  : { *(.gnu.version_d) }
+  .gnu.version_r  : { *(.gnu.version_r) }
+  .rel.init       : { *(.rel.init) }
+  .rela.init      : { *(.rela.init) }
+  .rel.text       : { *(.rel.text .rel.text.* .rel.gnu.linkonce.t.*) }
+  .rela.text      : { *(.rela.text .rela.text.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.t.*) }
+  .rel.fini       : { *(.rel.fini) }
+  .rela.fini      : { *(.rela.fini) }
+  .rel.rodata     : { *(.rel.rodata .rel.rodata.* .rel.gnu.linkonce.r.*) }
+  .rela.rodata    : { *(.rela.rodata .rela.rodata.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.r.*) }
+   : { *(*) }
+   : { *(*) }
+       : { *(* .rel.gnu.linkonce.d.*) }
+      : { *(* .rela.gnu.linkonce.d.*) }
+  .rel.tdata     : { *(.rel.tdata .rel.tdata.**) }
+  .rela.tdata    : { *(.rela.tdata .rela.tdata.**) }
+  .rel.tbss      : { *(.rel.tbss .rel.tbss.* .rel.gnu.linkonce.tb.*) }
+  .rela.tbss     : { *(.rela.tbss .rela.tbss.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.tb.*) }
+  .rel.ctors      : { *(.rel.ctors) }
+  .rela.ctors     : { *(.rela.ctors) }
+  .rel.dtors      : { *(.rel.dtors) }
+  .rela.dtors     : { *(.rela.dtors) }
+        : { *( }
+       : { *( }
+  .rel.sdata      : { *(.rel.sdata .rel.sdata.* .rel.gnu.linkonce.s.*) }
+  .rela.sdata     : { *(.rela.sdata .rela.sdata.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.s.*) }
+  .rel.sbss       : { *(.rel.sbss .rel.sbss.**) }
+  .rela.sbss      : { *(.rela.sbss .rela.sbss.**) }
+  .rel.sdata2     : { *(.rel.sdata2 .rel.sdata2.* .rel.gnu.linkonce.s2.*) }
+  .rela.sdata2    : { *(.rela.sdata2 .rela.sdata2.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.s2.*) }
+  .rel.sbss2      : { *(.rel.sbss2 .rel.sbss2.* .rel.gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) }
+  .rela.sbss2     : { *(.rela.sbss2 .rela.sbss2.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) }
+  .rel.bss        : { *(.rel.bss .rel.bss.* .rel.gnu.linkonce.b.*) }
+  .rela.bss       : { *(.rela.bss .rela.bss.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.b.*) }
+  .rel.plt        : { *(.rel.plt) }
+  .rela.plt       : { *(.rela.plt) }
+  .init           :
+  {
+    KEEP (*(.init))
+  } =0x0001883a
+  .plt            : { *(.plt) }
+  .text           :
+  {
+    _ftext = . ;
+    *(.text .stub .text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.*)
+    KEEP (*(.text.*personality*))
+    /* .gnu.warning sections are handled specially by elf32.em.  */
+    *(.gnu.warning)
+  } =0x0001883a
+  .fini           :
+  {
+    KEEP (*(.fini))
+  } =0x0001883a
+  PROVIDE (__etext = .);
+  PROVIDE (_etext = .);
+  PROVIDE (etext = .);
+  .rodata         : { *(.rodata .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*) }
+  .rodata1        : { *(.rodata1) }
+  .sdata2         : { *(.sdata2 .sdata2.* .gnu.linkonce.s2.*) }
+  .sbss2          : { *(.sbss2 .sbss2.* .gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) }
+  .eh_frame_hdr : { *(.eh_frame_hdr) }
+/*  .eh_frame       : ONLY_IF_RO { KEEP (*(.eh_frame)) } */
+/*  .gcc_except_table   : ONLY_IF_RO { KEEP (*(.gcc_except_table)) *(.gcc_except_table.*) } */
+  /* Adjust the address for the data segment.  We want to adjust up to
+     the same address within the page on the next page up.  */
+  . = ALIGN (0x1000) - ((0x1000 - .) & (0x1000 - 1)); . = DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN (0x1000, 0x1000);
+  /* Exception handling  */
+  .eh_frame       : /*ONLY_IF_RW*/ { KEEP (*(.eh_frame)) }
+  .gcc_except_table   : /*ONLY_IF_RW*/ { KEEP (*(.gcc_except_table)) *(.gcc_except_table.*) }
+  /* Thread Local Storage sections  */
+  .tdata         : { *(.tdata .tdata.**) }
+  .tbss                  : { *(.tbss .tbss.* .gnu.linkonce.tb.*) *(.tcommon) }
+  /* Ensure the __preinit_array_start label is properly aligned.  We
+     could instead move the label definition inside the section, but
+     the linker would then create the section even if it turns out to
+     be empty, which isn't pretty.  */
+  . = ALIGN(32 / 8);
+  PROVIDE (__preinit_array_start = .);
+  .preinit_array     : { KEEP (*(.preinit_array)) }
+  PROVIDE (__preinit_array_end = .);
+  PROVIDE (__init_array_start = .);
+  .init_array     : { KEEP (*(.init_array)) }
+  PROVIDE (__init_array_end = .);
+  PROVIDE (__fini_array_start = .);
+  .fini_array     : { KEEP (*(.fini_array)) }
+  PROVIDE (__fini_array_end = .);
+  .ctors          :
+  {
+    /* gcc uses crtbegin.o to find the start of
+       the constructors, so we make sure it is
+       first.  Because this is a wildcard, it
+       doesn't matter if the user does not
+       actually link against crtbegin.o; the
+       linker won't look for a file to match a
+       wildcard.  The wildcard also means that it
+       doesn't matter which directory crtbegin.o
+       is in.  */
+    KEEP (*crtbegin*.o(.ctors))
+    /* We don't want to include the .ctor section from
+       from the crtend.o file until after the sorted ctors.
+       The .ctor section from the crtend file contains the
+       end of ctors marker and it must be last */
+    KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend*.o ) .ctors))
+    KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
+    KEEP (*(.ctors))
+  }
+  .dtors          :
+  {
+    KEEP (*crtbegin*.o(.dtors))
+    KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend*.o ) .dtors))
+    KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
+    KEEP (*(.dtors))
+  }
+  .jcr            : { KEEP (*(.jcr)) }
+ : { *( *(*) }
+/*  . = DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END (0, .); */
+  . = .;
+  .data           :
+  {
+    _fdata = . ;
+    *(.data .data.* .gnu.linkonce.d.*)
+    KEEP (*(.gnu.linkonce.d.*personality*))
+  }
+  .data1          : { *(.data1) }
+  . = .;
+  _gp = ALIGN(16) + 0x7ff0;
+  PROVIDE(gp = _gp);
+  .got            : { *(.got.plt) *(.got) }
+  /* We want the small data sections together, so single-instruction offsets
+     can access them all, and initialized data all before uninitialized, so
+     we can shorten the on-disk segment size.  */
+  .sdata          :
+  {
+    *(.sdata .sdata.* .gnu.linkonce.s.*)
+  }
+  .lit8           : { *(.lit8) }
+  .lit4           : { *(.lit4) }
+  _edata = .;
+  PROVIDE (edata = .);

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