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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/cad/xchiplogo Remove double whitespace.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 652417:1a1ea2e82588
user:      ryoon <>
date:      Sun May 31 23:08:09 2015 +0000

Remove double whitespace.
Fix odd comma location.


 cad/xchiplogo/DESCR |  16 ++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (22 lines):

diff -r eebc8a37e212 -r 1a1ea2e82588 cad/xchiplogo/DESCR
--- a/cad/xchiplogo/DESCR       Sun May 31 22:30:26 2015 +0000
+++ b/cad/xchiplogo/DESCR       Sun May 31 23:08:09 2015 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Xchiplogo reads an ascii bitmap file, and converts it into a
-magic  or cif file. It is a handy program for creating logos
-of text or graphics for  putting  on  VLSI  chips.   At  the
-moment  it  accepts  the  B&W dithered format of XV as the
-input. It has got quite a few options for resizing and  get-
+magic or cif file. It is a handy program for creating logos
+of text or graphics for putting on VLSI chips. At the
+moment it accepts the B&W dithered format of XV as the
+input. It has got quite a few options for resizing and get-
 ting rid of many design rule errors that can be found in the
-bitmap file. It has  a smoothing, before and after an  error
-correction  step. The error correction step is pretty simple
-,don't expect miracles, but it works quite  fine  and  spe-
-cially for text gives a reasonable output.
+bitmap file. It has a smoothing, before and after an error
+correction step. The error correction step is pretty simple,
+don't expect miracles, but it works quite fine and specially
+for text gives a reasonable output.

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