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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/fossil Update to 1.32 based on patch by Jan Dani...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 648487:fddb5415746e
user:      wiz <>
date:      Sun Mar 15 07:54:35 2015 +0000

Update to 1.32 based on patch by Jan Danielsson in private email.

Changes for Version 1.32 (2015-03-14)

    When creating a new repository using fossil init, ensure that
    the new repository is fully compatible with historical versions
    of Fossil by having a valid manifest as RID 1.
    Anti-aliased rendering of arrowheads on timeline graphs.
    Added vi/less-style key bindings to the --tk diff GUI.
    Documentation updates to fix spellings and changes all "checkins"
    to "check-ins".
    Add the --repolist option to server commands such as fossil
    server or fossil http.
    Added the "Xekri" skin.
    Enhance the "ln=" query parameter on artifact displays to accept
    multiple ranges, separate by spaces (or "+" when URL-encoded).
    Added fossil forget as an alias for fossil rm.

Changes For Version 1.31 (2015-02-23)

    Change the auxiliary schema by adding columns MLINK.ISAUX and
    MLINK.PMID columns to the schema, to support better drawing of
    file change graphs. A fossil rebuild is recommended but is not
    required. so that the new graph drawing logic can work effectively.
    Added search over Check-in comments, Documents, Tickets and
    Wiki. Disabled by default. The search can be either a full-scan
    or it can use an index that is kept up-to-date automatically.
    The new /srchsetup web-page and the fts-config command were
    added to help configure the search capability. Expect further
    enhancements to the search capabilities in subsequent releases.
    Added form elements to some submenus (in particular the /timeline)
    for easier operation.
    Added the --ifneeded option to fossil rebuild.
    Added "override skins" using the "skin:" line of the CGI script
    or using the --skin LABEL option on the server, ui, or http
    Embedded html documents that begin with <doc class="fossil-doc">
    are displayed with standard headers and footers added.
    Allow <div style='...'> markup in wiki.
    Renamed "Events" to "Technical Notes", while updating the
    technote display and control pages. Add support for technotes
    as plain text or as Markdown.
    Added the /md_rules pages containing summary instructions on
    the Markdown format.
    Added the --repolist and --nojail options to the various server
    commands (ex: fossil server).
    Added the fossil all add subcommand to "fossil all".
    Improvements to the /login page. Some hyperlinks to pages that
    require "anonymous" privileges are displayed even if the current
    user is "nobody" but automatically redirect to /login.
    The /doc web-page will now try to deliver the file ""
    from the top-level directory (if such a file exists) in place
    of its built-in 404 text.
    Download of Tarballs and ZIP Archives by user "nobody" is now
    enabled by default in new repositories.
    Enhancements to the table sorting controls. More display tables
    are now sortable.
    Add IPv6 support to fossil sync and fossil clone
    Add more skins such as "San Francisco Modern" and "Eagle".
    During shutdown, check to see if the check-out database
    (".fslckout") contains a lot of free space, and if it does,
    VACUUM it.
    Added the /mimetype_list page.
    Added the /hash-collisions page.
    Allow the user of Common Table Expressions in the SQL that
    defaults ticket reports.
    Break out the components (css, footer, and header) for the
    various built-in skins into separate files in the source tree.


 devel/fossil/Makefile |  8 +++++---
 devel/fossil/distinfo |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (36 lines):

diff -r b34fc05fdf50 -r fddb5415746e devel/fossil/Makefile
--- a/devel/fossil/Makefile     Sun Mar 15 05:35:29 2015 +0000
+++ b/devel/fossil/Makefile     Sun Mar 15 07:54:35 2015 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.31 2015/01/22 20:51:37 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.32 2015/03/15 07:54:35 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME=      fossil-src-20150119112900
-PKGNAME=       fossil-1.30
+DISTNAME=      fossil-src-1.32
+PKGNAME=       ${DISTNAME:S/-src//}
 CATEGORIES=    devel scm
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 COMMENT=       High-reliability, distributed software configuration management
 LICENSE=       2-clause-bsd
diff -r b34fc05fdf50 -r fddb5415746e devel/fossil/distinfo
--- a/devel/fossil/distinfo     Sun Mar 15 05:35:29 2015 +0000
+++ b/devel/fossil/distinfo     Sun Mar 15 07:54:35 2015 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.22 2015/01/22 20:51:37 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.23 2015/03/15 07:54:35 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (fossil-src-20150119112900.tar.gz) = 2c2cd4c039ce624a718cc465f27fedbb07eea253
-RMD160 (fossil-src-20150119112900.tar.gz) = 6a91f3e3e5451c93247c486085c1843831f8c094
-Size (fossil-src-20150119112900.tar.gz) = 3973184 bytes
+SHA1 (fossil-src-1.32.tar.gz) = 8df1ea54d92a0b20cfe636bd54083d4c20502f61
+RMD160 (fossil-src-1.32.tar.gz) = 20f206598d2267cadcdfd7727cab17b92f0ae251
+Size (fossil-src-1.32.tar.gz) = 4037165 bytes

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