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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc Introduce preliminary support for Bitrig to pkgsrc

branches:  trunk
changeset: 652569:ec1a7e9dd424
user:      sevan <>
date:      Thu Jun 04 15:48:45 2015 +0000

Introduce preliminary support for Bitrig to pkgsrc
Initial patchset to add support by rodent@
Further adjustments made based on feedback by joerg@
Tested by myself with numerous bulkbuilds thanks to Patrick Wildt @ Bitrig

Reviewed by bsiegert@ joerg@ wiz@


 bootstrap/README.Bitrig                                     |   26 +
 bootstrap/bootstrap                                         |   11 +-
 mk/                                             |    9 +-
 mk/platform/                                       |   75 +
 mk/tools/                                    |   88 ++
 pkgtools/bootstrap-mk-files/files/mods/    |  496 ++++++++++++
 pkgtools/bootstrap-mk-files/files/mods/    |  181 ++++
 pkgtools/bootstrap-mk-files/files/mods/ |  254 ++++++
 pkgtools/bootstrap-mk-files/files/mods/        |  191 ++++
 9 files changed, 1329 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1389 to 300 lines):

diff -r 17f796309842 -r ec1a7e9dd424 bootstrap/README.Bitrig
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bootstrap/README.Bitrig   Thu Jun 04 15:48:45 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+$NetBSD: README.Bitrig,v 1.1 2015/06/04 15:48:45 sevan Exp $
+Please read the general README file as well.
+Care should be taken so that the tools that this kit installs do not conflict
+with the Bitrig userland tools. There are several steps:
+1. Bitrig stores its ports pkg database in /var/db/pkg. Therefore, you must
+choose a different location (e.g. /var/db/pkgsrc) by using the --pkgdbdir
+option to the bootstrap script. If you don't do this, installing pkgsrc
+packages will result in numerous PLIST errors upon install.
+2. If you do not intend to use the Bitrig ports tools, it's probably a
+good idea to move them out of the way to avoid confusion, e.g.:
+       cd /usr/sbin
+       mv pkg_add pkg_add.orig
+       mv pkg_create pkg_create.orig
+       mv pkg_delete pkg_delete.orig
+       mv pkg_info pkg_info.orig
+3. The bootstrap script will create an example mk.conf file located in
+pkgsrc/bootstrap/work/mk.conf.example. It contains the settings you provided to 
+bootstrap. Copy it to your $sysconfdir directory. If $sysconfdir/mk.conf doesn't
+exist, the example is copied into place.
+bootstrap-pkgsrc has been tested on Bitrig 1.0 (amd64).
diff -r 17f796309842 -r ec1a7e9dd424 bootstrap/bootstrap
--- a/bootstrap/bootstrap       Thu Jun 04 15:08:14 2015 +0000
+++ b/bootstrap/bootstrap       Thu Jun 04 15:48:45 2015 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #! /bin/sh
-# $NetBSD: bootstrap,v 1.216 2015/05/03 14:26:57 sevan Exp $
+# $NetBSD: bootstrap,v 1.217 2015/06/04 15:48:45 sevan Exp $
 # Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Alistair Crooks <>
 # All rights reserved.
@@ -503,6 +503,15 @@
+       root_group=wheel
+       need_bsd_install=no
+       need_awk=no
+       need_sed=no
+       set_opsys=no
+       machine_arch=`uname -m`
+       check_compiler=yes
+       ;;
        is_root () {
                if id -nG | grep -q 'Administrators'; then
diff -r 17f796309842 -r ec1a7e9dd424 mk/
--- a/mk/   Thu Jun 04 15:08:14 2015 +0000
+++ b/mk/   Thu Jun 04 15:48:45 2015 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.364 2015/04/29 14:23:23 jperkin Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.365 2015/06/04 15:48:46 sevan Exp $
 # This file includes the mk.conf file, which contains the user settings.
@@ -147,6 +147,13 @@
 .elif ${OPSYS} == "BSDOS"
 LOWER_OPSYS?=          bsdi
+.elif ${OPSYS} == "Bitrig"
+LOWER_OPSYS?=          bitrig
+LOWER_ARCH!=           ${UNAME} -p
+LOWER_VENDOR?=                 unknown
 .elif ${OPSYS} == "Cygwin"
 LOWER_OPSYS?=          cygwin
 LOWER_VENDOR?=         pc
diff -r 17f796309842 -r ec1a7e9dd424 mk/platform/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mk/platform/     Thu Jun 04 15:48:45 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2015/06/04 15:48:45 sevan Exp $
+# Variable definitions for the Bitrig operating system.
+ECHO_N?=       ${ECHO} -n
+LDD?=          /usr/bin/ldd
+LDD_ENV?=      LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS_FMT1='\t-l%o => %p\n' \
+IMAKE_MAKE?=   ${MAKE}         # program which gets invoked by imake
+PS?=           /bin/ps
+SU?=           /usr/bin/su
+TYPE?=         type                            # Shell builtin
+USERADD?=      /usr/sbin/useradd
+GROUPADD?=     /usr/sbin/groupadd
+CPP_PRECOMP_FLAGS?=    # unset
+DEF_UMASK?=            0022
+EXPORT_SYMBOLS_LDFLAGS?=-Wl,-E # add symbols to the dynamic symbol table
+MOTIF_TYPE_DEFAULT?=   motif   # default 2.0 compatible libs type
+NOLOGIN?=              /sbin/nologin
+PKG_TOOLS_BIN?=                ${LOCALBASE}/sbin
+ROOT_CMD?=             ${SU} - root -c
+ROOT_USER?=            root
+ROOT_GROUP?=   wheel
+ULIMIT_CMD_datasize?=  ulimit -d `ulimit -H -d`
+ULIMIT_CMD_stacksize?= ulimit -s `ulimit -H -s`
+ULIMIT_CMD_memorysize?=        ulimit -m `ulimit -H -m`
+X11_TYPE?=             native
+_OPSYS_SYSTEM_RPATH?=  /usr/lib
+_OPSYS_LIB_DIRS?=      /usr/lib
+_OPSYS_INCLUDE_DIRS?=  /usr/include
+.if exists(/usr/include/netinet6)
+_OPSYS_HAS_INET6=      yes     # IPv6 is standard
+_OPSYS_HAS_INET6=      no      # IPv6 is not standard
+_OPSYS_HAS_JAVA=       no      # Java is not standard
+_OPSYS_HAS_MANZ=       yes     # MANZ controls gzipping of man pages
+_OPSYS_HAS_OSSAUDIO=   yes     # libossaudio is available
+_OPSYS_PERL_REQD=              # no base version of perl required
+_OPSYS_PTHREAD_AUTO=   no      # -lpthread needed for pthreads
+_OPSYS_SHLIB_TYPE=     ELF     # shared lib type
+_PATCH_CAN_BACKUP=     yes     # native patch(1) can make backups
+_PATCH_BACKUP_ARG?=    -V simple -z    # switch to patch(1) for backup suffix
+_USE_RPATH=            yes     # add rpath to LDFLAGS
+# flags passed to the linker to extract all symbols from static archives.
+# this is GNU ld.
+_OPSYS_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_FLAG=     -Wl,--whole-archive
+_OPSYS_NO_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_FLAG=  -Wl,--no-whole-archive
+_STRIPFLAG_CC?=                ${_INSTALL_UNSTRIPPED:D:U-s}    # cc(1) option to strip
+_STRIPFLAG_INSTALL?=   ${_INSTALL_UNSTRIPPED:D:U-s}    # install(1) option to strip
+.if (${MACHINE_ARCH} == "amd64") || (${MACHINE_ARCH} == "arm")
+DEFAULT_SERIAL_DEVICE?=        /dev/tty00
+SERIAL_DEVICES?=       /dev/tty00 \
+                       /dev/tty01
+DEFAULT_SERIAL_DEVICE?=        /dev/null
+SERIAL_DEVICES?=       /dev/null
+PKG_HAVE_KQUEUE=       # defined
+# check for maximum command line length and set it in configure's environment,
+# to avoid a test required by the libtool script that takes forever.
+_OPSYS_MAX_CMDLEN_CMD= /sbin/sysctl -n kern.argmax
diff -r 17f796309842 -r ec1a7e9dd424 mk/tools/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mk/tools/  Thu Jun 04 15:48:45 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2015/06/04 15:48:45 sevan Exp $
+# System-supplied tools for the Bitrig operating system.
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.[?=             [                       # shell builtin
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.awk?=           /usr/bin/awk
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.basename?=      /usr/bin/basename
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.byacc?=         /usr/bin/yacc           /bin/cat
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.chgrp?=         /bin/chgrp
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.chmod?=         /bin/chmod
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.chown?=         /sbin/chown
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.cmp?=           /usr/bin/cmp
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.cp?=            /bin/cp
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.csh?=           /bin/csh
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.cut?=           /usr/bin/cut          /bin/date
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.diff?=          /usr/bin/diff
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.diff3?=         /usr/bin/diff3
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.dirname?=       /usr/bin/dirname
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.echo?=          echo                    # shell builtin
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.egrep?=         /usr/bin/egrep
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.env?=           /usr/bin/env
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.expr?=          /bin/expr
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.false?=         false                   # shell builtin
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.fgrep?=         /usr/bin/fgrep
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.file?=          /usr/bin/file
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.find?=          /usr/bin/find
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.flex?=          /usr/bin/flex
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.grep?=          /usr/bin/grep
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.gunzip?=                /usr/bin/gunzip -f
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.gzcat?=         /usr/bin/gzcat
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.gzip?=          /usr/bin/gzip -nf ${GZIP}
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.head?=          /usr/bin/head
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.hostname?=      /bin/hostname            /usr/bin/id
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.ident?=         /usr/bin/ident
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.install?=       /usr/bin/install
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.install-info?=  /usr/bin/install-info
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.ldconfig?=      /sbin/ldconfig
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.ksh?=           /bin/ksh
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.lex?=           /usr/bin/lex
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.ln?=            /bin/ln            /bin/ls
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.m4?=            /usr/bin/m4
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.mail?=          /usr/bin/mail
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.makeinfo?=      /usr/bin/makeinfo
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.mkdir?=         /bin/mkdir -p
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.mktemp?=                /usr/bin/mktemp
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.mtree?=         /usr/sbin/mtree            /bin/mv
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.nice?=          /usr/bin/nice
+.if exists(/usr/bin/nroff)
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.nroff?=         /usr/bin/nroff
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.openssl?=       /usr/sbin/openssl
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.patch?=         /usr/bin/patch
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.pax?=           /bin/pax
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.printf?=                /usr/bin/printf
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.pwd?=           /bin/pwd
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.readelf?=       /usr/bin/readelf
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.readlink?=      /usr/bin/readlink
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.rm?=            /bin/rm
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.rmdir?=         /bin/rmdir
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.sdiff?=         /usr/bin/sdiff
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.sed?=           /usr/bin/sed            /bin/sh
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.sleep?=         /bin/sleep
+.if exists(/usr/bin/soelim)
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.soelim?=                /usr/bin/soelim
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.sort?=          /usr/bin/sort
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.strip?=         /usr/bin/strip
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.tail?=          /usr/bin/tail
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.tar?=           /bin/tar
+.if exists(/usr/bin/tbl)
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.tbl?=           /usr/bin/tbl
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.tee?=           /usr/bin/tee
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.test?=          test                    # shell builtin
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.touch?=         /usr/bin/touch            /usr/bin/tr
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.true?=          true                    # shell builtin
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.tsort?=         /usr/bin/tsort
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.uniq?=          /usr/bin/uniq
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.wc?=            /usr/bin/wc
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.xargs?=         /usr/bin/xargs -r
+TOOLS_PLATFORM.yacc?=          /usr/bin/yacc
diff -r 17f796309842 -r ec1a7e9dd424 pkgtools/bootstrap-mk-files/files/mods/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/bootstrap-mk-files/files/mods/  Thu Jun 04 15:48:45 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+#      $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2015/06/04 15:48:45 sevan Exp $
+#      @(#)  8.3 (Berkeley) 4/22/94
+.if !target(__initialized__)
+.if exists(${.CURDIR}/../
+.include "${.CURDIR}/../"
+.include <>
+.include <>
+.include <>
+.MAIN:         all
+.PHONY:                checkver cleanlib libinstall
+realinstall:   checkver libinstall
+clean cleandir: cleanlib
+.if exists(${SHLIB_VERSION_FILE})
+SHLIB_MAJOR != . ${SHLIB_VERSION_FILE} ; echo $$major
+SHLIB_MINOR != . ${SHLIB_VERSION_FILE} ; echo $$minor
+SHLIB_TEENY != . ${SHLIB_VERSION_FILE} ; echo $$teeny
+# Check for higher installed library versions.
+.if !defined(NOCHECKVER) && !defined(NOCHECKVER_${LIB}) && \
+       exists(${BSDSRCDIR}/lib/checkver)
+       @(cd ${.CURDIR} && \
+               sh ${BSDSRCDIR}/lib/checkver -v ${SHLIB_VERSION_FILE} \
+                   -d ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR} ${LIB})
+.if !target(checkver)
+.if defined(SHLIB_MAJOR)
+       @echo ${SHLIB_MAJOR}
+       @false

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