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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/net/radiusclient-ng better DESCR for this new package

branches:  trunk
changeset: 527799:432136cfc559
user:      bouyer <>
date:      Fri Apr 13 20:04:49 2007 +0000

better DESCR for this new package


 net/radiusclient-ng/DESCR |  9 ++++-----
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diffs (13 lines):

diff -r fab712f570bb -r 432136cfc559 net/radiusclient-ng/DESCR
--- a/net/radiusclient-ng/DESCR Fri Apr 13 19:58:56 2007 +0000
+++ b/net/radiusclient-ng/DESCR Fri Apr 13 20:04:49 2007 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-This is a port of a client library and basic utilities for performing
-logins authenticated by a Radiusd server. All these programs are based
-on a library which lets you develop a RADIUS-aware application in less
-than 50 lines of C code. It is highly portable and runs on Linux, many
-BSD variants and Solaris.
+This client library and basic utilities for performing logins authenticated
+by a Radiusd server. All these programs are based on a library which lets
+you develop a RADIUS-aware application in less than 50 lines of C code.
+It is highly portable and runs on Linux, many BSD variants and Solaris.

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