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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/misc/deskbar-applet Update to 2.18.1:
branches: trunk
changeset: 527865:b4288a50ff05
user: wiz <>
date: Sun Apr 15 08:53:40 2007 +0000
Update to 2.18.1:
deskbar-applet 2.18.1
Updated Translations:
deskbar-applet 2.18.0
* Bugfix 354391: bump autoconf required to 2.60, fixes empty DATA_DIR.
* Bugfix 386495: Include abstract in documentation, fixing build break.
* Bugfix 389984: Stale env-vars after login, logout, login.
* Bugfix 394302: only searches the first word in the query.
* Bugfix 394461: some handlers don't handle whitespace correctly.
* Bugfix 394734: Invalid Util.get_proxy() call.
* Bugfix 397838: history matches now sorted by last use.
* Bugfix 398255: .gtk-bookmarks should be a file and not a directory.
* Bugfix 399217: Crash when dragging a handler already in its directory.
* Bugfix 399853: fixed deprecated D-Bus usage.
* Bugfix 399855: use pygtk_version, not gtk_version.
* Bugfix 402274: don't delete categories on unload.
* Bugfix 408103: typo in the proxy detection code.
* Bugfix 409088: importing gnomeapplet in configure can break the build.
* Bugfix 410586: crash in Deskbar: Opening a file through it.
* Bugfix 411209: filenames with spaces in not opened.
* Fixed deskbar disappearing every now and then.
* Fixed Entry UI not disappearing when clicking outside the popup.
* Fixed Window-Switch when the workspace has no 'activate' attribute.
* Fixed X-grab bug in the entriac view.
* Remove elementtree dependency, we don't use it.
* Update the website, authors and stuff in the about section.
Contributors to this release: Elijah Newren, Kjartan Maraas, Mikkel Kamstrup
Erlandsen, Nigel Tao, Raphael Slinckx, Sebastian Polsterl, Tom Parker.
Updated Translations:
deskbar-applet 2.17.5
* Build fixes
* Improve the accelerator entry. Patch by Sebastian Polsterl.
* Remove google-live from the
* Resurrect the new-stuff-manager support. It is optional, and nothing changes if the new-stuff-manager isn't available to the user.
* Prevents binding of keys a-z and shit-a-z.
* Fixes hotkey unbinding. Patch by Manuel Muradas <>. Fixes bug #346749 and a huge number of issues related to hotkey unbinding.
* Add opened files to recent manager in GTK 2.10. Patch by Robert Bradford <>. Closes bug #383051.
* Fixes bug #382125.
* close the popup when the focus is taken away (see #367632)
* Fixes bug #364602. Patch by Glynn Foster <>
* Fixes bug #358854. Patch by Martin Schanzenbach <>
* Removed unused galago plugins
* Fix bug #390358. The watcher attribute is checked before being called
* Refresh some of the env variables
* Fixe bug #388802 . Add a trycatch before parsing ephy history file
* Remove from the translatable files. Fix bug #388422 and any other bug related gnome.url_show, by showing an error box.
* Remove the google live handler since they do not offer the api key anymore. fixes bug #385258
* Don't return non-executable files found in PATH in is_program_in_path(). This closes bugs #390369 and #385087.
* Fix multiple iterations over same bookmark sets (not user visible).
* Add support for Firefox 2.0 search engines.
* Add an optional named parameter "pixbuf" to the Match base class constructor
* Bump to 2.17.5
Contributors to this release: Raphael Slinckx, Rob Bradford, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen, Sebastian Polsterl, Manuel Muradas, Glynn Foster, Martin Schanzenbach
deskbar-applet 2.17.3
* Fix opening file that have been deleted by opening parent dir
* added missing header files to pass code check tests.
* Close bug #368576, add encoding description to
* Add translation for categories. the gettext call was missing
* Workaround bug #366973, if opening a file fails because it is executable or for any other reason, open the parent directory instead
* Fixes bug #375987 missing translated file
* Fixes #355278 Making strings to appear translated.
Contributors to this release: Raphael Slinckx, Francisco Javier F. Serrador, Rodrigo Moya
deskbar-applet 2.17.2
Released 2006-11-07.
Fix the closing of popup window with f4 causing a lot of errors.
Merge Sebastian Pölsterl's Drag-and-Drop work.
bug #353428, fails to open a file with national characters in its name.
ModuleInstaller.install returns a value when installing a local .py.
bug #339426, New recent files handler.
Fix typo in google-live handler
bug #353691, disable high-CPU handlers for the default settings
bug #354953, crash when parsing a non-standard accelerator string
bug #355573, crash on self.ui when gconf has a weird value in it
bug #355947, crash on parsing malformed mozilla bookamrks
bug #356893, crash when a pixmap is None instead of an actual image
bug #358298, markup in url cause web_address to crash
bug #359522, crash when gconf isn't used for browser detection code
bug #359568, crash when dealing with gnomevfs drives==none
bug #355687, crashing on buggy middle clicks
bug #353081, crash in Deskbar: Enabling beagle live plugin
Contributors to this release: Raphael Slinckx, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen,
Sebastian Pölsterl, Callum McKenzie.
Updated Translations:
misc/deskbar-applet/Makefile | 10 ++++++----
misc/deskbar-applet/PLIST | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
misc/deskbar-applet/distinfo | 8 ++++----
3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diffs (115 lines):
diff -r fc9a63edcf7a -r b4288a50ff05 misc/deskbar-applet/Makefile
--- a/misc/deskbar-applet/Makefile Sun Apr 15 08:29:31 2007 +0000
+++ b/misc/deskbar-applet/Makefile Sun Apr 15 08:53:40 2007 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2007/03/21 12:05:49 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2007/04/15 08:53:40 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME= deskbar-applet-2.16.0
+DISTNAME= deskbar-applet-2.18.1
CATEGORIES= misc gnome
-MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GNOME:=sources/deskbar-applet/2.16/}
+MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GNOME:=sources/deskbar-applet/2.18/}
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
@@ -31,9 +30,12 @@
.include "../../devel/gettext-lib/"
.include "../../devel/libbonobo/"
.include "../../devel/py-gobject/"
+.include "../../graphics/hicolor-icon-theme/"
.include "../../lang/python/"
.include "../../lang/python/"
.include "../../mail/evolution-data-server/"
+.include "../../textproc/gnome-doc-utils/"
+.include "../../textproc/scrollkeeper/"
.include "../../x11/gnome-desktop/"
.include "../../x11/py-gtk2/"
.include "../../x11/py-gnome2/"
diff -r fc9a63edcf7a -r b4288a50ff05 misc/deskbar-applet/PLIST
--- a/misc/deskbar-applet/PLIST Sun Apr 15 08:29:31 2007 +0000
+++ b/misc/deskbar-applet/PLIST Sun Apr 15 08:53:40 2007 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.5 2007/02/04 23:19:46 wiz Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.6 2007/04/15 08:53:40 wiz Exp $
@@ -19,18 +44,12 @@
@@ -282,13 +301,18 @@
+@dirrm share/omf/deskbar
@comment in GConf2: @dirrm share/gconf/schemas
+@dirrm share/gnome/help/deskbar/C/figures
+@dirrm share/gnome/help/deskbar/C
+@dirrm share/gnome/help/deskbar
@dirrm share/deskbar-applet/art
@dirrm share/deskbar-applet
@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/deskbar/ui/window
@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/deskbar/ui/entriac
@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/deskbar/ui/cuemiac
@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/deskbar/ui
+@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/deskbar/updater
@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/deskbar/osutils
@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/deskbar/keybinder
@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/deskbar/iconentry
diff -r fc9a63edcf7a -r b4288a50ff05 misc/deskbar-applet/distinfo
--- a/misc/deskbar-applet/distinfo Sun Apr 15 08:29:31 2007 +0000
+++ b/misc/deskbar-applet/distinfo Sun Apr 15 08:53:40 2007 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2006/09/15 15:24:32 jmmv Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2007/04/15 08:53:40 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (deskbar-applet-2.16.0.tar.bz2) = 69452c6e492e07d32f67077ba8580f34a5fb3c31
-RMD160 (deskbar-applet-2.16.0.tar.bz2) = f90a860d68af203f222f59f7b8aceba76b14810d
-Size (deskbar-applet-2.16.0.tar.bz2) = 613562 bytes
+SHA1 (deskbar-applet-2.18.1.tar.bz2) = 37c3955e1aecf95b56bd727a1cee4222970e37da
+RMD160 (deskbar-applet-2.18.1.tar.bz2) = c7c0015fd0cfcff0d893313e1b0fc658160646ad
+Size (deskbar-applet-2.18.1.tar.bz2) = 646387 bytes
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