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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC Updated to version 0.14.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 528829:b73d01f427a8
user:      heinz <>
date:      Thu May 17 17:30:21 2007 +0000

Updated to version 0.14.

Pkgsrc changes:
  - Added support for installation to DESTDIR.
  - p5-Digest-SHA is a new requirement.

Changes since version 0.12:
0.14 February 14, 2005

   FIX: The introducion of the keytag warning triggered a bug with RSAMD5
        keys, causing RSAMD5 keys not to be loaded.

0.13 December 9, 2005

   FEAT: 14588
        Added support for passing (a reference to) an array of keys to the
        RRSIG verify function.

        The Net::DNS::SEC::Private function will for RSA based keys verify if
        the keytag in the filename is actually correct.
        Since at parsing the value of the DNSKEY RR flags is not known we
        test against the currently defined flag values 256 and 257.

        If we cannot find a keytag match a warning is printed and Private
        key generation fails

        This inconsistency was spotted by Jakob Shlyter.

   FEAT: Added support for SHA256 to the DS RR. Assigned the expected
        digest type2 for SHA256 type hashes.

        Note that this makes the Net::DNS::SEC depend on Digest::SHA instead
        of Digest::SHA1.

        The default digest type is still set to 1.

        NB. The code makes assumptions about the IANA assignment of the
            digest type. The assignment may change. Do not use SHA256 in
            production zones!!

   FIX: #15662
        Roy Arends noticed and patched the label counting did not ignore
        an initial asterisk label.

   FIX: Wes Hardaker noticed the default TTL values for created signatures to
        be different from the TTLs from the data that is being signed.

   FIX: Wes Hardaker reported there was a problem with validating
        RRsets that had ownernames with capitals.
        The fix depends on a fix in Net::DNS::RR that is available in
        version 0.53_03 or later of the Net::DNS distribution.

  FEAT: Propper dealing with mnemonics for algorithm and digest type
        added to DS

  FIX/FEAT: Mnemonics were written as RSA/MD5 and RSA/SHA1. This has been
        corrected tp RSASHA1 and RSAMD5, as in the IANA registry.

0.12_02 June 6, 2005 (beta 2 release for 0.13)

   Bug: new_from_hash would not correctly create the RR since internally
        typebm is used to store the data this has been fixed so that
        the following works

                    typelist=>join(" ",@types)

   FEAT: Introduced the "use bytes" pragma to force character interpretation
         of all the scalars. Any utf processing by perl makes the code behave

0.12_01 April 18, 2005. (beta release for version 0.13)

   FEAT (!!!): Changed the symantics of the Net::DNS::Keyset::verify method.
         Read the perldoc for details. The requirement that each key in a
         keyset has to be selfsigned has been loosened.

   FEAT: Added a "carp" to the new methods of the NXT RR. Warning that
         that record is depricated.

   FEAT: Cleaned the tests so that RRSIG and DNSKEY are used except for
         SIG0 based tests.

   FEAT: Changed the name of the siginceptation[SIC] to siginception.
         Thanks Jakob Schlyter for notifying me of this mistyping.
         An alias for the method remains available.

   FEAT: Renamed unset_sep() to clear_sep().

   NOTE: To avoid confusion the Net::DNS::SIG::Private class has been
         removed. Use Net::DNS::SEC::Private!

   DOC:  Added references to RFC 4033, RFC 4034 and RFC 4035. Rewrote parts
         of the perlpod.


 security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC/Makefile |  14 ++++++++------
 security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC/distinfo |   8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diffs (59 lines):

diff -r 6dd929d4d769 -r b73d01f427a8 security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC/Makefile
--- a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC/Makefile  Thu May 17 17:26:31 2007 +0000
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC/Makefile  Thu May 17 17:30:21 2007 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2006/04/06 06:22:43 reed Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2007/05/17 17:30:21 heinz Exp $
-DISTNAME=              Net-DNS-SEC-0.12
+DISTNAME=              Net-DNS-SEC-0.14
 PKGNAME=               p5-${DISTNAME}
 SVR4_PKGNAME=          p5nds
-PKGREVISION=           1
 CATEGORIES=            security net perl5
@@ -12,13 +11,16 @@
 COMMENT=               DNSSEC extension to Net::DNS Perl DNS Resolver Module
+PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT=   user-destdir
 DEPENDS+=              p5-Net-DNS>=0.44:../../net/p5-Net-DNS
 DEPENDS+=              p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA>=0.19:../../security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA
 DEPENDS+=              p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum>=0.03:../../security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum
 DEPENDS+=              p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA>=0.10:../../security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA
-DEPENDS+=              p5-Digest-SHA1>=2.04:../../security/p5-Digest-SHA1
+DEPENDS+=              p5-Digest-SHA>=5.23:../../security/p5-Digest-SHA
 DEPENDS+=              p5-MIME-Base64-[0-9]*:../../converters/p5-MIME-Base64
 DEPENDS+=              p5-Digest-BubbleBabble>=0.01:../../security/p5-Digest-BubbleBabble
+DEPENDS+=              p5-Digest-SHA1>=2.04:../../security/p5-Digest-SHA1
 BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.perl+=   perl>=5.6.1
@@ -37,9 +39,9 @@
 SUBST_SED.p5nds=       -e "1s,-I./blib/lib,,"
 .for f in key2ds make-signed-keyset
-       @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/demo/${f} ${PREFIX}/${EGSUBDIR}/
 .include "../../lang/perl5/"
diff -r 6dd929d4d769 -r b73d01f427a8 security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC/distinfo
--- a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC/distinfo  Thu May 17 17:26:31 2007 +0000
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC/distinfo  Thu May 17 17:30:21 2007 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2005/04/20 16:22:38 heinz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2007/05/17 17:30:21 heinz Exp $
-SHA1 (Net-DNS-SEC-0.12.tar.gz) = 199176a5354538d02f70311e14506b07f8e163ef
-RMD160 (Net-DNS-SEC-0.12.tar.gz) = 1b5fd4e29fab6d1922e64978daa53d94554f0a88
-Size (Net-DNS-SEC-0.12.tar.gz) = 60698 bytes
+SHA1 (Net-DNS-SEC-0.14.tar.gz) = a42c8f91a7e311f52a72aa81d14faffd14718c9a
+RMD160 (Net-DNS-SEC-0.14.tar.gz) = 852240a67436e89bace1fd1d42ea659814ca8f8d
+Size (Net-DNS-SEC-0.14.tar.gz) = 75473 bytes

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