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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/databases/jdbc-postgresql81 Updated databases/jdbc-pos...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 523811:5526bb58d680
user:      abs <>
date:      Sat Jan 13 21:34:40 2007 +0000

Updated databases/jdbc-postgresql81 to 8.1-480:

Version 8.1-408 (2006-12-01)

  * update Italian translation update. (jurka) Thanks to Giuseppe
  * update Brazilian Portuguese translation update. (jurka) Thanks
    to Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
  * fix When issuing multiple queries on one statement the driver
    was not clearing some intermediate state between executions.
    When an update, insert, or delete followed a select, the select's
    results were still available and would be returned instead of
    the non-query's affected row count. (jurka) Thanks to Gilles
  * fix When the driver asks the server to resolve a type the
    resolved type is stored in the SimpleQuery object. When the
    statement is executed again the driver determines whether the
    existing types match or if it needs to be reprepared by comparing
    the current Statement's settings with the SimpleQuery. The
    Statement will have the unspecified oid while the SimpleQuery
    will have the resolved oid, so there will not be a match and
    the statement will needlessly be reprepared. Allow an unspecified
    oid to match any resolved type. (jurka) Thanks to Akira Sato.
  * fix When creating a ResultSet from a refcursor, respect the
    creating ResultSet's scollability setting. The way the ResultSet
    is created means that it will always be scrollable anyway, so
    there's no downside. We cannot support updatable refcursor
    ResultSets until we get updatable cursors. (jurka)
  * fix Fix a bug in function escape processing. When dealing
    with an invalid escape the code attempted to read until it hit
    the escape end and press on, but it forgot to increment its
    position counter. This lead to an infinite loop that eventually
    resulted in an out of memory error. (jurka)
  * fix Update the documentation to reflect the fact that the
    default prepareThreshold is five, not zero. (jurka)
  * fix Correct error message in CallableStatement to identify
    the mismatch with the registered return type. (jurka)
  * fix Correct escaping of named savepoints which follow
    identifier, not literal rules. (jurka) Thanks to Michael Paesold.

Version 8.1-407 (2006-05-23)

  * update Remove documentation's claim that we don't support
    functions with out parameters. (jurka)
  * update Updated German translation. (jurka) Thanks to Andre
  * fix Using callable statements against older server versions
    (7.4 or 8.0) did not work because of recent changes to output
    parameter handling. 7.4 and 8.0 do not support function output
    parameters, but they still must support the functions return
    value. Every function must have either a return value or an
    output parameter so we force the minimum output parameter count
    to one. (jurka)
  * fix When running against a 8.1+ server with protocol version
    2 we cannot handle output parameters and can only handle the
    traditional function return value. (jurka)

Version 8.1-406 (2006-05-22)

  * update Updated German transalation. (jurka) Thanks to Andre
  * fix Fix a couple of bugs in CallableStatement outputs. An
    oversight in the checking of actual results vs. what the caller
    specified for registerOutParameter was checking all register
    parameters against the first out parameter, not the parameter
    it actually corresponded with. Also with a function that has
    an in parameter and an out parameter, the out parameter will
    be registered at position 2, but will be returned in a result
    at position 1 because the first input parameter generates no
    output. The driver needs to correctly map between these two
    parameter offsets. (davec) Thanks to Luis Londono.
  * fix Error messages were not run through MessageFormat if it
    didn't have any parameters. This was a problem because all
    error messages are written expecting to be run through the
    formatter and use two single quotes when only one is desired
    in the output. Without being run through the formatter the two
    quotes appeared in the output. (jurka) Thanks to Giuseppe Sacco.
  * fix Add some more synchronization to the TypeInfoCache. We
    need synchronization around the PreparedStatements because they
    may not be used by two threads at the same time. Additional
    synchronization is applied to the maps to ensure that they are
    in sync with each other. Make _pgNameToSQLType static. (jurka)
    Thanks to Till Toenges.
  * fix An OutOfMemoryError during fe<->be communication leaves
    the protocol in an unknown state. This prevents the caller from
    even closing the connection. Checking every allocation is a
    lot of work, but the most likely error location is going to be
    when receiving large result sets. Put in checks around receiving
    row data to detect memory exhaustion, keep the protocol in a
    known state, and report the failure back to the user. (jurka)
    Thanks to David Blasby.
  * fix When we're unable to parse a timestamp value, the error
    message should print out the bad value. It was printing a char
    array which showed up as a useless [C@xxxx. (jurka) Thanks to
    Oliver Jowett.
  * fix gij/gcj has some JDK1.5 classes in it, but it only supports
    JDK1.4 as the default source level. This confuses older ant
    versions and our build script tries to compile a JDK1.5 version.
    Instead of letting ant detect the java version, let the jvm
    tell us that itself using java.specification.version as suggested
    by Heikki Linnakangas. Also put in a check for a JDK1.6 compile
    attempt and bail out with an explanatory unsupported error
    message instead of just failing at some random point. (jurka)
  * fix When a prepared statement uses different parameter types
    than what the statement was originally prepared for, the driver
    must replan the query for the new types. When doing this in
    batches the driver was not correctly freeing old plans. To
    cleanup prepared statements the driver records a reference to
    a query object in response to the ParseComplete message. The
    problem in this case was that since the driver sends multiple
    Parse messages before a Sync, when the driver receives the
    first ParseComplete message the query object now contains a
    reference to the latest parsed statement, not the first. So it
    was only cleaning up the last parsed statement not all of them.
    (jurka) Thanks to Peter Eisentraut.
  * fix When the Connection retrieved from XAConnection.getConnection()
    is closed we do not want to rollback the transaction because
    the underlying connection is not closed and the transaction is
    being managed by the XAResource, not the Connection. (jurka)
    Thanks to Niels Beekman.


 databases/jdbc-postgresql81/Makefile |  4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (18 lines):

diff -r b12ea0873c06 -r 5526bb58d680 databases/jdbc-postgresql81/Makefile
--- a/databases/jdbc-postgresql81/Makefile      Sat Jan 13 21:31:18 2007 +0000
+++ b/databases/jdbc-postgresql81/Makefile      Sat Jan 13 21:34:40 2007 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2006/07/07 04:35:40 minskim Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2007/01/13 21:34:40 abs Exp $
 DISTNAME=              postgresql-jdbc-8.1-${PGBUILD}.src
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 COMMENT=               PostgreSQL 8.1 JDBC3 driver
-PGBUILD=               405
+PGBUILD=               408
 JARDIST=               postgresql-8.1-${PGBUILD}.jdbc3.jar
 JARFILE=               postgresql81.jar
 EXTRACT_ONLY=           ${DISTFILES:N*.jar}

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