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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/graphics/p5-Image-Info Update to 1.21:

branches:  trunk
changeset: 516364:7043d2e3f9ba
user:      wiz <>
date:      Wed Jul 19 22:40:27 2006 +0000

Update to 1.21:

2006-05-01 v1.21 Tels 96 tests
  * move the code to build to dev/
  * include a pre-generated into MANIFEST
    (fixes the indexing issue with CPAN)
  * dont use Symbol(), it is required before its usage anyway
  * allow exporting of determine_file_type and image_type
  * remove a needless diag message in string.t (Thanx jpo!)
  * add two test TIFFs (little/big endian) and a test file (Thanx jpo!)
  * create a new, much smaller test.rle file
  * more tests in t/bmp.t

2006-03-13 v1.20 Tels 74 tests
  * a few additions to Panasonic MakerNote in EXIF parsing
  * use Module::Install 0.60 to fix breakage from 0.58
  * fix bug #8193: Adds direct access to the determine_file_format logic
    With the following changes:
    + read only 11 bytes to determine file format (tiny.pgm is 11 bytes long)
    + fix provided patch to really work
  * fix bug #18147:
    + new TIFF code failed if the system endianness didn't match the TIFF
       image endianness - thanx jpo!
  * replace the link to the TIFF spec with a public link - thanx jpo!

2006-03-05 v1.19 Tels 74 tests
  * finally fix bug #6558: (Thanx jpo!)
    + fix typos: Image::X(B|P)M must be Image::X(p|b)m (Thanx jpo!)
    + fix missing semicolon in Image/Info/
    + Image::Info::XPM and Image::Info::XBM: add -width and -height to new()
  * add POD for process_file() into SVG, Xbm and Xpm
  * a few additions to Panasonic MakerNote in EXIF parsing
  * add doc about EXIF being wholly incomplete and using Image::ExifTool
  * apply patch, tests and add test.tif from Ben Wheeler, Thanx!:
    + fix bug #7442 Infinite loop of errors in Image::Info::TIFF
    + fix bug #3698 Broken BitsPerSample handling in TIFFs

2006-03-03 v1.18 Tels 61 tests
  * fix bug #6558: Image::Info 1.16 -> fails two tests (Thanx jpo!)
    + make string.t use strict, Test::More and simplify it
    + let string.t skip tests if Image::Xpm, Image::Xbm or XML::Simple
      are not installed (these would formerly silently fail)
    + Image::Info::XPM and Image::Info::XBM now handle in-memory files better
    + fix also pod_cov.t warnings (was "" vs "Image::Info")
  * reduce img/test.gif in size, it did eat up 1/3 of the entire dist size
  * reducing test.jpg with GIMP reveals a bug in EXIF parsing (not yet fixed)
  * MakerNote parsing:
    + add support for Panasonic cameras
    + for the following manufacturers we do not check the camera model, this
      gets all cameras, even yet unreleased ones to work:
      + Canon
      + Panasonic
      + Casio
      + Olympus
      + Fujifilm
    + UNDEFINED/ASCII strings from MakeNotes might have wrong length due to
      trailing \x00 chars, so we remove them and set the correct length
  * update one more URL for EXIF specs
  * imgdump uses Data::Dumper (not Data::Dump)
  * Install/build:
    + use Module::Install and bundle it, clean Makefile.PL up
    + add a compat Build.PL file
  * add a CREDITS file
  * add VERSION, and POD
  * various POD fixes and additions
  * various small code cleanups


 graphics/p5-Image-Info/Makefile |  4 ++--
 graphics/p5-Image-Info/distinfo |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diffs (26 lines):

diff -r 0b6d8fa4f23d -r 7043d2e3f9ba graphics/p5-Image-Info/Makefile
--- a/graphics/p5-Image-Info/Makefile   Wed Jul 19 22:39:59 2006 +0000
+++ b/graphics/p5-Image-Info/Makefile   Wed Jul 19 22:40:27 2006 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2006/03/04 21:29:50 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.16 2006/07/19 22:40:27 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME=      Image-Info-1.17
+DISTNAME=      Image-Info-1.21
 PKGNAME=       p5-${DISTNAME}
 SVR4_PKGNAME=  p5iin
 CATEGORIES=    graphics perl5
diff -r 0b6d8fa4f23d -r 7043d2e3f9ba graphics/p5-Image-Info/distinfo
--- a/graphics/p5-Image-Info/distinfo   Wed Jul 19 22:39:59 2006 +0000
+++ b/graphics/p5-Image-Info/distinfo   Wed Jul 19 22:40:27 2006 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2006/01/29 17:41:52 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2006/07/19 22:40:27 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (Image-Info-1.17.tar.gz) = a33d8c19d1ef660180fb07e8ebaab5330676cb88
-RMD160 (Image-Info-1.17.tar.gz) = d8c274345879211cbaceb112a21b774857e0b436
-Size (Image-Info-1.17.tar.gz) = 312217 bytes
+SHA1 (Image-Info-1.21.tar.gz) = 34479227f50cb9b44fe205599c22cf7f3dcb0968
+RMD160 (Image-Info-1.21.tar.gz) = 6760ea9f58b7cb79a1d6d5b2e98794aefc8ccbdf
+Size (Image-Info-1.21.tar.gz) = 262437 bytes

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