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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/sysutils/idesk Update idesk to 0.7.5.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 520099:79229490eab4
user:      obache <>
date:      Sun Oct 15 12:32:57 2006 +0000

Update idesk to 0.7.5.
Based on patch provided by ptiJo via PR 34487.


Version 0.7.5
* Major bug fixes:
        - Problem with the background changer system. This it changes the
          background color and you still have a green background although you
          don't have anyone Background instructions in the .ideskrc file.
          The solution let you can use the Background.Delay option with 0 value
          to disable the background system (without delete nothing more from
          .ideskrc file). But if you don't have anyone Background instructions,
          the default value will be 0 anyway. The bug is fixed.
        - Problem with startup notification support (option --enable-libsn).
          The idesk-0.7.4 chrashes after starting xmms. This bug was reported
          by Gentoo users. If you don't have the support for statup
          notification the program works well.
The bug is fixed.

* Minor bug fixed:
        - When you click with mouse either for reload Idesk or run a program,
          and you don't move the mouse of position then all icons stay with a
          glow effect how they had obtained the focus (all in the same time),
          they back to the normal state if you pass the mouse through the each
          icon. This bug is solved.
        - Fixed a problem with the Idesk source ( file) for avoid
          the xlibs-dev dependencies.

Version 0.7.4
 * Features:
        - New options for Background's group. The options are:
          + Background.File: Now the option Background.File for background
            image (wallpaper) works fine. (Default: None).
          + Background.Delay: Set the image change time in minutes format.
            (Default: 5 min). Min 1 min, Max 1440 min. (with 0 value is disable)
          + Background.Source: Let you can define the folder where there are
            some images. If in the folder there aren't images or the folder
            didn't exist, then idesk looking for Background.File option.
            (Default: None).
          + Background.Mode: Is the display mode for the images, the possible
            values are: Stretch, Scale, Center, Fit o Mirror).
            (Default: Stretch).
          + Background.Color: Let you set the Background color if you didn't
            put a Background.File value or Background.Source path hadn't images.
            If you didn't put a Background.File and Background.Color value then
            the Background  is transparent and it get the background from the
            original Desktop background. (Default: # A2CD70).
        - Support for Esetroot pixmap (referer to bsetroot or bsetbg programs).
          Inside Fluxbox is very cool). It works with the new Background's
          wallpaper support.
        - New option value 'auto' for ToolTip.CaptionPlacement let the tooltip
          will be showed on left down side of icon.
          (Thanks to kaneda <>)

 * Major changes:
        - Idesk now only can run one instance in the same DISPLAY, this let
        avoid run two or more idesk's instances in the same DISPLAY, producing
        the program works bad. But if the DISPLAY is different then idesk
        program should run fine and run another instance.
        - Some old options changed its reache. The options Background.Delay,
          Background.File, Background.Mode, Background.Source, Background.Color,
          ToolTip.FontSize, ToolTip.FontName, ToolTip.ForeColor,
          ToolTip.BackColor ToolTip.CaptionOnHover, ToolTip.CaptionPlacement
          and  Transparency only are valid inside .ideskrc file and not inside
          the *.lnk icons files. The another options are valid in both types of

* Minor bug fixed:
        - Fixed a error in tooltip option that produced a blink efect when the
          tooltip is showed. The problem was in *.lnk files when the
          Width/Height attributes were omitted.
        - Fixed bug when the options Background.File and Background.Source
          doesnt' exist or there aren't valid PATH's for them.
        - Fixed many other minor bugs.

Version 0.7.3
 * Minor bug fixed:
        - Error in produce a problem with the install path.
        - Bug fixed. Problem with image produced that a section of the
          icon was removed and the icon gets filled with black lines.


 sysutils/idesk/Makefile |  11 ++++++++---
 sysutils/idesk/distinfo |   8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (42 lines):

diff -r c86b7453f10a -r 79229490eab4 sysutils/idesk/Makefile
--- a/sysutils/idesk/Makefile   Sun Oct 15 12:21:13 2006 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/idesk/Makefile   Sun Oct 15 12:32:57 2006 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.17 2006/04/17 13:46:48 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2006/10/15 12:32:57 obache Exp $
-DISTNAME=      idesk-0.7.2
+DISTNAME=      idesk-0.7.5
 CATEGORIES=    sysutils x11
+EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.bz2
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --enable-libsn
+SUBST_CLASSES+=                lnkpath
+SUBST_STAGE.lnkpath=   pre-configure
+SUBST_FILES.lnkpath=   examples/default.lnk
+SUBST_SED.lnkpath=     -e 's|/usr/local/share|${PREFIX}/share|g'
        ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/idesk
        ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README ${PREFIX}/share/doc/idesk
diff -r c86b7453f10a -r 79229490eab4 sysutils/idesk/distinfo
--- a/sysutils/idesk/distinfo   Sun Oct 15 12:21:13 2006 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/idesk/distinfo   Sun Oct 15 12:32:57 2006 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2005/06/09 21:09:39 jmmv Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2006/10/15 12:32:57 obache Exp $
-SHA1 (idesk-0.7.2.tar.gz) = ee911e48e16169bb75e2f5479885ca04a7e43b4c
-RMD160 (idesk-0.7.2.tar.gz) = 02f295c40ce1505c7fefdd713ee8db96fc5cd9e5
-Size (idesk-0.7.2.tar.gz) = 207021 bytes
+SHA1 (idesk-0.7.5.tar.bz2) = d00a2183835f06ff29aca61efecd831edf19ba49
+RMD160 (idesk-0.7.5.tar.bz2) = cef8fefc139dd96d6a7cf8c43637d9a504d2df14
+Size (idesk-0.7.5.tar.bz2) = 185858 bytes

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