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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-stringy Updated to version 2.110.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 516012:d3cc99a5ea09
user:      heinz <>
date:      Wed Jul 12 16:39:47 2006 +0000

Updated to version 2.110.

Pkgsrc changes:
  - Changed HOMEPAGE because of new maintainer.
  - PACKLIST changed because the name of the _module_ is now IO::Stringy.

Changes since version 2.109:
    *   2208 IO::ScalarArray->getline does not return undef for EOF if
    *   7132 IO-stringy/Makefile.PL bug - name should be module name
    *   11249 IO::Scalar flush shouldn't return undef
    *   2172 $\ (output record separator) not respected
    *   8605 IO::InnerFile::seek() should return 1 on success
    *   4798 *.html in lib/
    *   4369 Improvement: handling of fixed-size reads in IO::Scalar
        (Actually, bug 4369 was closed in Version 2.109)


 devel/p5-IO-stringy/Makefile |  9 ++++-----
 devel/p5-IO-stringy/distinfo |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diffs (42 lines):

diff -r 517ebd7a5dc3 -r d3cc99a5ea09 devel/p5-IO-stringy/Makefile
--- a/devel/p5-IO-stringy/Makefile      Wed Jul 12 16:35:39 2006 +0000
+++ b/devel/p5-IO-stringy/Makefile      Wed Jul 12 16:39:47 2006 +0000
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.22 2006/03/04 21:29:22 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.23 2006/07/12 16:39:47 heinz Exp $
-DISTNAME=      IO-stringy-2.109
+DISTNAME=      IO-stringy-2.110
 PKGNAME=       p5-${DISTNAME}
 SVR4_PKGNAME=  p5isr
 CATEGORIES=    devel perl5
 COMMENT=       Perl class for I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
 PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES=        overwrite pkgviews
 USE_LANGUAGES=         # empty
-PERL5_PACKLIST=                auto/IO-stringy/.packlist
+PERL5_PACKLIST=                auto/IO/Stringy/.packlist
 .include "../../lang/perl5/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 517ebd7a5dc3 -r d3cc99a5ea09 devel/p5-IO-stringy/distinfo
--- a/devel/p5-IO-stringy/distinfo      Wed Jul 12 16:35:39 2006 +0000
+++ b/devel/p5-IO-stringy/distinfo      Wed Jul 12 16:39:47 2006 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2005/02/23 22:24:26 agc Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.7 2006/07/12 16:39:47 heinz Exp $
-SHA1 (IO-stringy-2.109.tar.gz) = eadac3900958a56f6582f285c48e7313fdeae0f0
-RMD160 (IO-stringy-2.109.tar.gz) = 42f11bd9adfb722165ba0cecb860c3786f7c7b21
-Size (IO-stringy-2.109.tar.gz) = 66377 bytes
+SHA1 (IO-stringy-2.110.tar.gz) = 3ef94404e51e3a6276ddddcce9ba7bbdd6b76a1f
+RMD160 (IO-stringy-2.110.tar.gz) = 429496202c06b3a9485d12897d59d3cb631575c7
+Size (IO-stringy-2.110.tar.gz) = 40590 bytes

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