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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/lang/pcc Update to version

branches:  trunk
changeset: 533623:7f3f7c86cfba
user:      reed <>
date:      Fri Sep 21 22:55:46 2007 +0000

Update to version
This fixes PR # 37014

Also take MAINTAINERship.

Update DESCR to not be first person.

Note: man pages not installed as they still need a little cleanup.


 lang/pcc/DESCR    |  24 ++++++++++++------------
 lang/pcc/Makefile |  13 ++++---------
 lang/pcc/distinfo |   8 ++++----
 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diffs (75 lines):

diff -r 88e953830536 -r 7f3f7c86cfba lang/pcc/DESCR
--- a/lang/pcc/DESCR    Fri Sep 21 22:42:00 2007 +0000
+++ b/lang/pcc/DESCR    Fri Sep 21 22:55:46 2007 +0000
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Johnson, written in the late 70's.  Even though much of the compiler
 has been rewritten, some of the basics still remain.
-The intention is to write a C99 compiler while still keeping it small,
-simple, fast and understandable.  I think of it as if it shall be able
-to compile and run on PDP11 (even if it may not happen in reality).
-But with this in mind it becomes important to think twice about what
-algorithms are used.
+The intention is to write a C99 compiler while still keeping it
+small, simple, fast and understandable.  Think of it as if it shall
+be able to compile and run on PDP11 (even if it may not happen in
+reality).  But with this in mind it becomes important to think
+twice about what algorithms are used.
-The compiler is conceptually structured in two parts; pass1 which is
-language-dependent, does parsing, typechecking and build trees, and
-pass2 which is mostly language-independent.
+The compiler is conceptually structured in two parts; pass1 which
+is language-dependent, does parsing, typechecking and build trees,
+and pass2 which is mostly language-independent.
 About 50% of the frontend code and 80% of the backend code has been
-rewritten.  Most stuff is written by me, with the exception of the
-data-flow analysis part and the SSA conversion code which is written
-by Peter A Jonsson, and the Mips port that were written as part of a
-project by undergraduate students at LTU.
+rewritten.  Most stuff is written by Anders Magnusson, with the
+exception of the data-flow analysis part and the SSA conversion
+code which is written by Peter A Jonsson, and the Mips port that
+were written as part of a project by undergraduate students at LTU.
diff -r 88e953830536 -r 7f3f7c86cfba lang/pcc/Makefile
--- a/lang/pcc/Makefile Fri Sep 21 22:42:00 2007 +0000
+++ b/lang/pcc/Makefile Fri Sep 21 22:55:46 2007 +0000
@@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2007/09/15 10:12:31 agc Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2007/09/21 22:55:46 reed Exp $
-DISTNAME=      pcc-current
-PKGNAME=       pcc-0.9.8
+DISTNAME=      pcc-070920
+PKGNAME=       pcc-
 CATEGORIES=    lang
 COMMENT=       Portable C compiler
-WRKSRC=                ${WRKDIR}/${PKGNAME_NOREV}
-INSTALLATION_DIRS=     bin libexec
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 88e953830536 -r 7f3f7c86cfba lang/pcc/distinfo
--- a/lang/pcc/distinfo Fri Sep 21 22:42:00 2007 +0000
+++ b/lang/pcc/distinfo Fri Sep 21 22:55:46 2007 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2007/09/15 09:43:32 agc Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2007/09/21 22:55:46 reed Exp $
-SHA1 (pcc-0.9.8/pcc-current.tgz) = a3162c1139b865d2f9ce50f0dd161ee4061f2460
-RMD160 (pcc-0.9.8/pcc-current.tgz) = 92fa1c920458fa5ccabe76f427ec48296effad27
-Size (pcc-0.9.8/pcc-current.tgz) = 299675 bytes
+SHA1 (pcc-070920.tgz) = 9cfbff1ff5a5f6f371b4b84f2c86768b71776e46
+RMD160 (pcc-070920.tgz) = 35fbefa37944b3af964fd7b940dc4dcd6e4e0f93
+Size (pcc-070920.tgz) = 315846 bytes

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