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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/x11/xineramaproto Detect builtin "xineramaproto" e.g. ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 537245:03d7a2e8afaf
user:      tron <>
date:      Sat Jan 05 15:41:58 2008 +0000

Detect builtin "xineramaproto" e.g. under Mac OS X Leopard.


 x11/xineramaproto/ |  92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (96 lines):

diff -r a72fbcd03bf5 -r 03d7a2e8afaf x11/xineramaproto/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/x11/xineramaproto/      Sat Jan 05 15:41:58 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2008/01/05 15:41:58 tron Exp $
+# TODO: failed to use native on XFree86
+# the two headers are identical with native XFree86
+BUILTIN_PKG:=  xineramaproto
+BUILTIN_FIND_FILES.H_XINERAMA= ${X11BASE}/include/X11/extensions/Xinerama.h
+.include "../../mk/buildlink3/"
+### Determine if there is a built-in implementation of the package and
+### set IS_BUILTIN.<pkg> appropriately ("yes" or "no").
+.if ${X11BASE} == ${LOCALBASE}
+IS_BUILTIN.xineramaproto=      no
+.elif !defined(IS_BUILTIN.xineramaproto)
+IS_BUILTIN.xineramaproto=      no
+# Here, we skip checking whether the files are under ${LOCALBASE} since
+# we'll consider this X11 package to be built-in even if it's a part
+# of one of the pkgsrc-installed X11 distributions.
+.  if empty(H_XINERAMA:M__nonexistent__)
+IS_BUILTIN.xineramaproto=      yes
+.  endif
+MAKEVARS+=     IS_BUILTIN.xineramaproto
+### If there is a built-in implementation, then set BUILTIN_PKG.<pkg> to
+### a package name to represent the built-in package.
+.if !defined(BUILTIN_PKG.xineramaproto) && \
+    !empty(IS_BUILTIN.xineramaproto:M[yY][eE][sS]) && \
+    empty(H_XINERAMA:M__nonexistent__)
+BUILTIN_VERSION.xineramaproto!=                                                \
+       ${AWK} '/\#define[      ]*XINERAMA_MAJOR/ { M = $$3 }           \
+               /\#define[      ]*XINERAMA_MINOR/ { m = "."$$3 }                \
+               END { printf "%s%s\n", M, m }'                          \
+               ${H_XINERAMA}
+BUILTIN_PKG.xineramaproto=     xineramaproto-${BUILTIN_VERSION.xineramaproto}
+MAKEVARS+=     BUILTIN_PKG.xineramaproto
+### Determine whether we should use the built-in implementation if it
+### exists, and set USE_BUILTIN.<pkg> appropriate ("yes" or "no").
+.if !defined(USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto)
+.  if ${PREFER.xineramaproto} == "pkgsrc"
+USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto=     no
+.  else
+USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto=     ${IS_BUILTIN.xineramaproto}
+.    if defined(BUILTIN_PKG.xineramaproto) && \
+        !empty(IS_BUILTIN.xineramaproto:M[yY][eE][sS])
+USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto=     yes
+.      for _dep_ in ${BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.xineramaproto}
+.        if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto:M[yY][eE][sS])
+USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto!=                                                    \
+       if ${PKG_ADMIN} pmatch ${_dep_:Q} ${BUILTIN_PKG.xineramaproto:Q}; then \
+               ${ECHO} yes;                                            \
+       else                                                            \
+               ${ECHO} no;                                             \
+       fi
+.        endif
+.      endfor
+.    endif
+.  endif  # PREFER.xineramaproto
+MAKEVARS+=     USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto
+### The section below only applies if we are not including this file
+### solely to determine whether a built-in implementation exists.
+CHECK_BUILTIN.xineramaproto?=  no
+.if !empty(CHECK_BUILTIN.xineramaproto:M[nN][oO])
+.  if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto:M[nN][oO])
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.xineramaproto+=  xineramaproto>=1.0
+.  endif
+.  if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.xineramaproto:M[yY][eE][sS])
+BUILDLINK_PREFIX.xineramaproto=        ${X11BASE}
+.    include "../../mk/"
+.    include "../../mk/"
+.  endif
+.endif # CHECK_BUILTIN.xineramaproto

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