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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/www/p5-libwww pkgsrc changes:

branches:  trunk
changeset: 561122:696cfedf896a
user:      sno <>
date:      Tue Jul 07 19:40:30 2009 +0000

pkgsrc changes:
  - Updating package for p5 module LWP from 5.826 to 5.828

Upstream changes:
2009-06-25  Release 5.828

A quick new release to restore compatiblity with perl-5.6.

Gisle Aas (4):
      Less noisy behaviour when we can't download the documents
      Restore perl-5.6 compatiblity [RT#47054]
      Don't decode US-ASCII and ISO-8859-1 content
      Some versions of Encode don't support UTF-16-BE [RT#47152]

Ville Skytt"a (1):
      Spelling fixes.

2009-06-15  Release 5.827

The main news this time is better detection of what character set the document
in a response uses and the addition of the lwp-dump script that I found useful.

Gisle Aas (31):
      Added lwp-dump script
      Replace calls to $req->url with $req->uri
      Also need to encode strings in the latin1 range
      Ignore the value set for file inputs [RT#46911]
      Add docs to lwp-dump
      Don't let lwp-dump follow redirects
      Support --method options
      Implement the --agent option
      Dictionary order for the option docs; document --method
      Merge branch 'dump'
      Files are passed as an array and we must not stringify it.
      Add content_charset method to HTTP::Message
      Start guessing the charset for a message
      Let content_charset guess the charset to use for decoded_content
      Specify what's missing for the XML and HTML case
      Provide charset parameter for HTML::Form->parse()
      Make content_charset sniff for <meta> elements specifying the charset.
      Determine charset of XML documents
      Get rid of the _trivial_http_get() implementation
      Update the bundled media.types file
      LWP::Simple::get() now returns decoded_content [RT#44435]
      Implement content_type_charset method for HTTP::Headers
      Implement content_is_text method for HTTP::Headers
      Make use of content_is_text and content_type_charset in decoded_content
      Don't let the parse_head callback append to the HTTP headers
      Don't set Range header on request when max_size is used [RT#17208]
      Still show client headers for internal responses
      Document Client-Warning: Internal response
      Don't use 'no' as example domain for no_proxy docs [RT#43728]
      Drop exit from the Makefile.PL [RT#43060]
      Merge branch 'content_charset'

Alex Kapranoff (1):
      Support "accept-charset" attribute in HTML::Form

Mark Stosberg (1):
      new tests for max_size and 206 responses [RT#46230]

murphy (1):
      Reformulation of Client-Warning: Internal documentation


 www/p5-libwww/Makefile |  4 ++--
 www/p5-libwww/distinfo |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diffs (25 lines):

diff -r 4490c508bdd7 -r 696cfedf896a www/p5-libwww/Makefile
--- a/www/p5-libwww/Makefile    Tue Jul 07 19:39:55 2009 +0000
+++ b/www/p5-libwww/Makefile    Tue Jul 07 19:40:30 2009 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.70 2009/06/01 19:38:57 sno Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.71 2009/07/07 19:40:30 sno Exp $
-DISTNAME=      libwww-perl-5.826
+DISTNAME=      libwww-perl-5.828
 PKGNAME=       p5-${DISTNAME:S/-perl-/-/}
 SVR4_PKGNAME=  p5lww
 CATEGORIES=    www perl5
diff -r 4490c508bdd7 -r 696cfedf896a www/p5-libwww/distinfo
--- a/www/p5-libwww/distinfo    Tue Jul 07 19:39:55 2009 +0000
+++ b/www/p5-libwww/distinfo    Tue Jul 07 19:40:30 2009 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.28 2009/04/29 07:39:37 sno Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.29 2009/07/07 19:40:30 sno Exp $
-SHA1 (libwww-perl-5.826.tar.gz) = 0c6ba0a37ac82f170fe6d5e0092331f90937672b
-RMD160 (libwww-perl-5.826.tar.gz) = 9e34c1d2ffdfe7ad995c07ce587c0a8b177c4f06
-Size (libwww-perl-5.826.tar.gz) = 252196 bytes
+SHA1 (libwww-perl-5.828.tar.gz) = 3278881c130156d243779bd8e037e4cb8516a28b
+RMD160 (libwww-perl-5.828.tar.gz) = 8b784473d7eee8cfac1e9724a9898f72b7a32132
+Size (libwww-perl-5.828.tar.gz) = 264529 bytes

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