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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/www/p5-Template-Toolkit/patches Adding a bug-fix which...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 564052:c209e081fd92
user:      sno <>
date:      Wed Aug 26 17:39:01 2009 +0000

Adding a bug-fix which supresses same function is installed multiple times.

See for details.


 www/p5-Template-Toolkit/patches/patch-aa |  72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (76 lines):

diff -r f508ec9f0942 -r c209e081fd92 www/p5-Template-Toolkit/patches/patch-aa
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/www/p5-Template-Toolkit/patches/patch-aa  Wed Aug 26 17:39:01 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.5 2009/08/26 17:39:01 sno Exp $
+# Fixes RT #48989
+--- lib/Template/Plugin/     2009-08-25 11:19:17.219629000 +0200
++++ lib/Template/Plugin/  2009-08-25 11:21:08.970766000 +0200
+@@ -39,34 +39,40 @@
+     # okay, in our proxy create the autoload routine that will
+     # call the right method in the real class
+     no strict "refs";
+-    *{ $proxy . "::AUTOLOAD" } = sub {
+-        # work out what the method is called
+-        $AUTOLOAD =~ s!^.*::!!;
+-        print STDERR "Calling '$AUTOLOAD' in '$class'\n"
+-            if $DEBUG;
+-        # look up the sub for that method (but in a OO way)
+-        my $uboat = $class->can($AUTOLOAD);
+-        # if it existed call it as a subroutine, not as a method
+-        if ($uboat) {
+-            shift @_;
+-            return $uboat->(@_);
+-        }
+-        print STDERR "Eeek, no such method '$AUTOLOAD'\n"
+-            if $DEBUG;
+-        return "";
+-    };
++    unless( defined( *{ $proxy . "::AUTOLOAD" } ) )
++    {
++        *{ $proxy . "::AUTOLOAD" } = sub {
++            # work out what the method is called
++            $AUTOLOAD =~ s!^.*::!!;
++            print STDERR "Calling '$AUTOLOAD' in '$class'\n"
++                if $DEBUG;
++            # look up the sub for that method (but in a OO way)
++            my $uboat = $class->can($AUTOLOAD);
++            # if it existed call it as a subroutine, not as a method
++            if ($uboat) {
++                shift @_;
++                return $uboat->(@_);
++            }
++            print STDERR "Eeek, no such method '$AUTOLOAD'\n"
++                if $DEBUG;
++            return "";
++        };
++    }
+     # create a simple new method that simply returns a blessed
+     # scalar as the object.
+-    *{ $proxy . "::new" } = sub {
+-        my $this;
+-        return bless \$this, $_[0];
+-    };
++    unless( defined( *{ $proxy . "::new" } ) )
++    {
++        *{ $proxy . "::new" } = sub {
++            my $this;
++            return bless \$this, $_[0];
++        };
++    }
+     return $proxy;
+ }

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