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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/licenses Add news/nntpcache license file.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 543363:8d0103ae2d3a
user:      obache <>
date:      Sun Jun 15 12:52:45 2008 +0000

Add news/nntpcache license file.


 licenses/nntpcache-license |  140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (144 lines):

diff -r 8d8720ca3640 -r 8d0103ae2d3a licenses/nntpcache-license
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/licenses/nntpcache-license        Sun Jun 15 12:52:45 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+How to license NNTPCACHE for your commercial / government / site
+       0. If you are upgrading from an old nntpcache license then the
+           upgrade fee is n/3, where n is the number of years since
+          your last license. So during the first year
+          upgrades are free, during the second year 1/3 the cost, etc.
+       1. Work out how many users your site has. You will probably
+          want to artificially increase this number if you expect
+          it to grow in the future so you don't unintentionally
+          break the license conditions. This figure is the actual
+          number of users site-wide (e.g wc /etc/passwd or ypcat
+          passwd|wc), NOT the number of concurrent NNTPCache users.
+          Don't worry, it is presumed that only a minority of
+          network users use news regularly. The figures reflect
+          this expectation. What we're trying to work out is the
+          approximate size of the network user base.
+          We calculate the license size in this fashion because
+          other models would dramatically increase compliance costs
+          or prevent interesting network topologies.
+           Organisations usually know (or can easily work out),
+          the number of network users they have, but introducing
+          a user accounting system for just for news would be
+          be odious as would limiting the number or configuration
+          of servers.
+          You can run as many NNTPCache machines as you want. In
+          *any* network configuration you want. If NNTPCache was
+          licensed on a per-machine or concurrent user basis, then
+          this would be impossible.
+       2. Choose the appropriate site license for your site:
+               TYPE                    $US             $AUS*
+               Single user             $10             $15
+               Under 10    users       $50             $70
+               Under 100   users       $120            $190
+               Under 500   users       $300            $450
+               Under 1000  users       $500            $750
+               Under 5000  users       $1500           $2272
+               Under 10000 users       $3000           $4545
+               Over  10000 users       negotiable+     negotiable+
+* Note than you can only pay in Australian dollars if your organisation
+  is headquartered in Australia or New-Zealand.
++ If no fee is mutally negotiated, then the fee shall be $3000 USD per
+  ten thousand users.
+       3. Make your payment as follows:
+               i) Fill out the following and send it off (see iii)
+License type           ____________________    (see above)
+Cost of license                ________                (In dollars)
+Payment type           _____________________   (cheque drawn on an Australian
+                                               bank, international money order, EFT
+                                               VISA, Master or Bankcard)
+Name/Company           ___________________     (On the card/cheque/money order/EFT)
+Credit card #          ____ ____ ____ ____     (if credit card)
+Card Expiry date       __/__/__                (if credit card)
+Currency               ___                     ($US or $AUS)
+Email address          ___________________     (e.g
+Company / site         ___________________     (that the license is to be made
+                                                out to. e.g Stone Head Systems)
+               ii)     Make the transaction payable to:
+                       a) In the case of a cheque / money order:
+                               Australian National Cognitive Facility
+                          SPECIFICALLY NEGOTIATED. We'd like to be able
+                          to accept international cheques but the
+                          banking fees and paperwork are unbelievable.
+                       b) In the case of an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT):
+                               Please tell us what part of the world you are
+                               in and the name of your bank and we will provide
+                               you with an appropriate SWIFT/BSB number. This
+                               is usually the least painful method if you have
+                               access to a modern banking system.
+               iii) Send the license request...
+                       a) In the case of a cheque or international money
+                          order, land/air mail to:
+                               Australian National Cognitive Facility
+                               PO BOX 4080
+                               Melbourne University 3052
+                               Australia
+                       b) in the case of a credit card, email to:
+                          Or you can FAX to:
+                               +61-3-9416-2966 (ACNF)
+                          Or for the truly depraved, snail mail to:
+                               Australian National Cognitive Facility
+                               PO BOX 4080
+                               Melbourne University 3052
+                               Australia
+This software is a copyrighted product and may not be used by
+commercial organisations, or by individuals acting in a commercial
+or profit making venture, or by government departments, institutions
+or bodies (with the exception of those primarily involved in
+non-military scientific research, medical treatment or education)
+including for-profit educational institutions, without an appropriate
+license from the copyright holders.  Violation of this copyright
+is subject of, but not limited to civil and/or criminal remedies
+and/or penalties under the laws of the United States, Australia &
+New Zealand, the European Community and international law.
+Version: 2.6.3ia

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