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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files Added a check that ensures that...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 557975:6e9d71b920fc
user:      rillig <>
date:      Sun Apr 26 11:24:23 2009 +0000

Added a check that ensures that all types in actually exist
in the code, avoiding "Type not found" fatal errors at runtime. In this
case, only the variables *_SPECIFIC_PKGS were affected.

The real problem that induced the above change was the unknown type
"List of Pathname", which was a bug in the pkglint code itself,
introduced three years ago (revision 1.574).


 pkgtools/pkglint/files/ |  44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (87 lines):

diff -r e3a2582e3a6c -r 6e9d71b920fc pkgtools/pkglint/files/
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Sun Apr 26 11:00:17 2009 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Sun Apr 26 11:24:23 2009 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #! @PERL@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.808 2009/04/26 08:44:42 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.809 2009/04/26 11:24:23 rillig Exp $
 # pkglint - static analyzer and checker for pkgsrc packages
@@ -1687,6 +1687,23 @@
        return $acls;
+my $get_vartypes_basictypes_result = undef;
+sub get_vartypes_basictypes() {
+       if (defined($get_vartypes_basictypes_result)) {
+               return $get_vartypes_basictypes_result;
+       }
+       my $lines = load_file($0);
+       my $types = {};
+       assert($lines, "Couldn't load from $0");
+       foreach my $line (@$lines) {
+               if ($line->text =~ m"^\s+\} elsif \(\$type eq \"(\w+)\"\) \{$") {
+                       $types->{$1} = 1;
+               }
+       }
+       return ($get_vartypes_basictypes_result = $types);
 my $get_vartypes_map_result = undef;
 sub get_vartypes_map() {
        my ($fname, $vartypes);
@@ -1704,12 +1721,13 @@
        use constant re_vartypedef => qr"^
-               ([\w\d_.]+?)                            # variable name
-               (\*|\.\*|) \s+                          # parameterized?
-               (?:(InternalList|List) \s+ of \s+)?     # kind of list
-               (?:([\w\d_]+) | \{\s*([\w\d_+,\-.\s]+?)\s*\}) # basic type
-               (?:\s+ \[ ([^\]]*) \])?                 # optional ACL
-               (?:\s*\#.*)?                            # optional comment
+               ([\w\d_.]+?)                            # $1 = variable name
+               (\*|\.\*|) \s+                          # $2 = parameterized?
+               (?:(InternalList|List) \s+ of \s+)?     # $3 ?= kind of list
+               (?:([\w\d_]+)                           # $4 ?= basic type
+                 | \{\s*([\w\d_+,\-.\s]+?)\s*\})       # $5 ?= enumeration values
+               (?:\s+ \[ ([^\]]*) \])?                 # $6 ?= optional ACL
+               (?:\s*\#.*)?                            # $7 ?= optional comment
        $fname = conf_datadir."/";
@@ -1731,6 +1749,13 @@
                                    : ($kind_of_list_text eq "List") ? LK_EXTERNAL
                                    : LK_INTERNAL;
+                               if (defined($typename) && !exists(get_vartypes_basictypes()->{$typename})) {
+                                       $line->log_fatal("Unknown basic type \"$typename\" for variable $varname. "
+                                               . "Valid basic types are "
+                                               . join(", ", sort keys %{get_vartypes_basictypes()})
+                                               . ".");
+                               }
                                my $basic_type = defined($enums)
                                    ? array_to_hash(split(qr"\s+", $enums))
                                    : $typename;
@@ -2881,7 +2906,7 @@
                : ($varname =~ m"FILES$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "Pathmask", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
                : ($varname =~ m"FILE$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Pathname", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
                : ($varname =~ m"PATH$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "Pathlist", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
-               : ($varname =~ m"PATHS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "List of Pathname", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
+               : ($varname =~ m"PATHS$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "Pathname", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
                : ($varname =~ m"_USER$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "UserGroupName", allow_all, GUESSED)
                : ($varname =~ m"_GROUP$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_NONE, "UserGroupName", allow_all, GUESSED)
                : ($varname =~ m"_ENV$") ? PkgLint::Type->new(LK_EXTERNAL, "ShellWord", allow_runtime, GUESSED)
@@ -5146,6 +5171,9 @@
                        $line->log_warning("\"${value}\" is not a valid package name. A valid package name has the form packagename-version, where version consists only of digits, letters and dots.");
+       } elsif ($type eq "PkgPath") {
+               checkline_relative_pkgdir($line, "$cur_pkgsrcdir/$value");
        } elsif ($type eq "PkgOptionsVar") {
                checkline_mk_vartype_basic($line, $varname, "Varname", $op, $value, $comment, false, $is_guessed);
                if ($value =~ m"\$\{PKGBASE[:\}]") {

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