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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/sysutils Update to 2.5.2p1, provided by Nick Goffee of...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 538658:eaef14a6804b
user:      gdt <>
date:      Fri Feb 15 16:23:09 2008 +0000

Update to 2.5.2p1, provided by Nick Goffee of BBN.

[bugfixes and minor improvements omitted; see NEWS]

Changes in release 2.5.2

   * krb5 auth is working
   * Works with IPv6 address
   * Amanda configuration file changes
         o amanda.conf changes
               + debugging is enabled in the config file
                 see all debug_* config option
               + tapetype 'readblocksize', if maxtapeblocksize is set too
                 larger for your hardware
   * Amanda command changes
         o amadmin: new 'holding list' and 'holding delete' subcommand.

Changes in release 2.5.1p3

   * Works with tar-1.16 and exit status of 1.

Changes in release 2.5.1p2

   * amoverview is working
   * dumptype starttime is working

   * Amanda command changes
         o amtape accept the -o arguments
         o amgetconf --list to list all tapetype, dumptype, holdingdisk
           or interface
         o amgetconf can return a value of a specific tapetype, dumptype,
           holdingdisk or interface

Changes in release 2.5.1p1

   * Remove contrib/sst.

Changes in release 2.5.1

   * Defects found by Coverity scan and Klocwork K7 analysis tools fixed.
   * Works with GNU tar 1.15.91 - work with new gtar state file format.
   * Open SSL encryption support
   * Two new authentication methods: bsdtcp, bsdudp.
   * Unlimited number of DLEs on a client with bsdtcp, rsh and ssh
     authentication methods.
   * Recovery process amrecover uses Secure API. amoldrecover command
     (same syntax and functionality as amrecover command) is provided for
     compatibility with old Amanda releases. amoldrecover command uses old
     amidxtaped/amindexd protocol.
   * Amanda debug files are separated into client/server/amandad and
     are also classified based on Amanda configuration name.

   * Amanda command changes
         o amfetchdump -o is replaced by -O.
         o amcheck -w option does all tests including the tape writable test.
           Use amcheck -t -w to do only the tape writable test.
         o -o command option to override Amanda configuration. See amanda man
           page for details.
         o amgetconf command doesn't write the BUGGY message when a entry
           is not found in the configuration file.

   * Amanda configuration file changes
         o amanda.conf changes
               + amrecover_do_fsf in amanda.conf defaults to yes
               + amrecover_check_label in amanda.conf defaults to yes
               + usetimestamps in amanda.conf to support multiple
                 backup runs in a calendar day.
               + holdingdisk in amanda.conf supports new values:
                 NEVER, AUTO, REQUIRED.
               + amandad_path, client_username and ssh_keys in
                 amanda.conf for ssh/rsh authentication.
         o New amanda client configuration file - amanda-client.conf.
           Different client configuration file can be used for each Amanda
               + gnutar_list-dir and amandates can be specified in
                 Amanda client configuration file - amanda-client.conf
         o .amandahosts format changes to allow use of secure API for recovery.
         o Amanda service entries in xinetd configuration has changed.

Changes in release 2.5.0p1

* Add the 'amtape update' command.

Changes in release 2.5.0

* Communication security/authentication: Kerberos 4/5, OpenSSH
* Data security: Symmetric/Assymetric encrytion algorithms (aesutil
  and gpg encryption),  Encryption can be done on server or client,
  Custom encryption utilities can be used.
* Compression: Ability to add custom compression tools. This is a
  really useful feature especially since it can specified for a DLE.  You
  can use different compression algorithm for images, binaries, ascii files
  and so on.
* Dump images spanning multiple media volumes - Dump images are no
  longer restricted to a single media volume (tape or vtape).  Data restoration
  can be done using amrecover and amfetchdump commands.
* Auto tape labelling - This optional feature is good for disk backups.

Change in release 2.4.5

* new displayunit global option to select the unit use to display number
  k=kilo, m=mega, g=giga, t=tera.
* new amoverview -skipmissed option.

Change in release 2.4.5b1

* holding disk disk use timestamped directory.
* autoflush flush today's dump.
* new bumppercent global option, this should improve bumping criteria,
  the bumpsize is set to a fixed value which can be adequate for small
  and large disk.
* bumpsize, bumppercent, bumpdays and bumpmult can be in a dumptype.
* calcsize support include and exclude like gnutar.
* new 'estimate' dumptype option to select estimate type:
    CLIENT: estimate by the dumping program.
    CALCSIZE: estimate by the calcsize program, a lot faster but less acurate.
    SERVER: estimate based on statistic from previous run, take second but
            can be wrong on the estimate size.


 sysutils/amanda-client/Makefile         |    8 +-
 sysutils/amanda-client/PLIST            |    8 +-
 sysutils/amanda-client/distinfo         |   28 ++--
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-aa |   35 ++---
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ab |   38 ++++-
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ac |  100 +++++++++------
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ad |   22 ++-
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ae |    8 +-
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-af |    8 +-
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ag |   14 +-
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ah |   14 +-
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ai |   35 ++++-
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-aj |   43 +++++++
 sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ak |   35 +++++
 sysutils/amanda-common/Makefile         |    5 +-
 sysutils/amanda-common/Makefile.common  |   24 ++-
 sysutils/amanda-common/PLIST            |    9 +-
 sysutils/amanda-common/    |    6 +-
 sysutils/amanda-common/distinfo         |   16 +-
 sysutils/amanda-common/patches/patch-aa |   17 --
 sysutils/amanda-common/patches/patch-ab |   36 ++---
 sysutils/amanda-common/patches/patch-ac |   40 ++++-
 sysutils/amanda-common/patches/patch-ae |   22 ---
 sysutils/amanda-common/patches/patch-af |   28 ++++
 sysutils/amanda-common/patches/patch-ag |   17 ++
 sysutils/amanda-plot/Makefile           |    5 +-
 sysutils/amanda-plot/distinfo           |   14 +-
 sysutils/amanda-plot/patches/patch-aa   |   29 ++++-
 sysutils/amanda-plot/patches/patch-ab   |   30 +---
 sysutils/amanda-plot/patches/patch-ac   |   39 ++++--
 sysutils/amanda-server/Makefile         |    5 +-
 sysutils/amanda-server/PLIST            |  126 +++++++++++++++----
 sysutils/amanda-server/distinfo         |   28 +--
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-ab |   33 +++-
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-ae |   66 +++++-----
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-af |   50 ++------
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-ah |  195 +++++++++++++++++++++----------
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-ai |   43 ++++--
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-aj |   78 ++++++++----
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-ak |   38 ++++-
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-al |   13 --
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-am |   13 --
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-an |   78 ------------
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-ao |   26 ----
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-ap |   38 ------
 sysutils/amanda-server/patches/patch-aq |   25 ++++
 sysutils/amanda/Makefile                |   14 +-
 47 files changed, 909 insertions(+), 693 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 2366 to 300 lines):

diff -r e6511668692f -r eaef14a6804b sysutils/amanda-client/Makefile
--- a/sysutils/amanda-client/Makefile   Fri Feb 15 15:57:14 2008 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/amanda-client/Makefile   Fri Feb 15 16:23:09 2008 +0000
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.44 2007/11/08 19:39:42 joerg Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.45 2008/02/15 16:23:09 gdt Exp $
 PKGNAME=               amanda-client-${VERS}
-PKGREVISION=           5
 SVR4_PKGNAME=          amacl
 COMMENT=               Client part of Amanda, a network backup system
 GNU_CONFIGURE=         yes
+USE_TOOLS+=            awk:run perl:run
 .include "../../mk/"
 .include "../../sysutils/amanda-common/Makefile.common"
 .include "../../sysutils/amanda-common/"
 #.include "../../devel/readline/"
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --without-server --without-restore
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --without-server
 # Prevent configure script from finding unnecessary libraries.  We'll patch
 # the amrecover Makefile to add the readline libraries as it's the only
diff -r e6511668692f -r eaef14a6804b sysutils/amanda-client/PLIST
--- a/sysutils/amanda-client/PLIST      Fri Feb 15 15:57:14 2008 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/amanda-client/PLIST      Fri Feb 15 16:23:09 2008 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.3 2004/09/22 08:09:53 jlam Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.4 2008/02/15 16:23:09 gdt Exp $
@@ -12,4 +14,6 @@
+@dirrm dumper
diff -r e6511668692f -r eaef14a6804b sysutils/amanda-client/distinfo
--- a/sysutils/amanda-client/distinfo   Fri Feb 15 15:57:14 2008 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/amanda-client/distinfo   Fri Feb 15 16:23:09 2008 +0000
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.8 2006/03/16 19:13:57 bouyer Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.9 2008/02/15 16:23:09 gdt Exp $
-SHA1 (amanda-2.4.4p4.tar.gz) = e44b40ea0f8e51336716ab455b27c69f4616d7f6
-RMD160 (amanda-2.4.4p4.tar.gz) = d145a5ebb0df340af6aee0e8a15da6b54dfb3051
-Size (amanda-2.4.4p4.tar.gz) = 1422735 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = 2a7dde94ea59ed017d3b05fc33fd98b840126cfb
-SHA1 (patch-ab) = c37b50640d53619ef5ec07d6e63817b3070b7e66
-SHA1 (patch-ac) = e04871589a719e1b1502f8609cf6e04cc6f76428
-SHA1 (patch-ad) = b0ce806ccb513674b68ef1bf2e683d2191636717
-SHA1 (patch-ae) = 2eb02a96fc493a2093dd73ff9e38eb82ca08a7ea
-SHA1 (patch-af) = 2cdea33419fbdce2854c4e9911d1193c5b96aa9b
-SHA1 (patch-ag) = 0a98cce093882315b8f9df2f732d6596ade64e7f
-SHA1 (patch-ah) = 7a06873415a058518afb6ebd0829ff97840ebdf9
-SHA1 (patch-ai) = 11d1012fb1e95aea4bbf0933f4c601ea3581de7c
+SHA1 (amanda-2.5.2p1.tar.gz) = 0969376590a93b2c060dbe9d2573bf335614a4c2
+RMD160 (amanda-2.5.2p1.tar.gz) = 31a81a7c5c0d953a6dffa575a7c3edc14d41f236
+Size (amanda-2.5.2p1.tar.gz) = 1967240 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = b76a56b28aba238d838764b9d562e29cbb882553
+SHA1 (patch-ab) = c2b966dae6007ae320b0f31051d463e4e51b054b
+SHA1 (patch-ac) = 6327632e03e635c515789db9590d2eee6ebf121b
+SHA1 (patch-ad) = 0cef70057b2003ac9de7ac130c84746504981a95
+SHA1 (patch-ae) = 00f5f000c0d6ff3e655ecbbe30183529bb244b66
+SHA1 (patch-af) = 97c97b0ea1b73c03606e9cea6921391c569538d2
+SHA1 (patch-ag) = dbf2a86ad1bf394cd47bdf6f8e8b279fe621ce04
+SHA1 (patch-ah) = 9df6c042739b6948d4dd61e5b66cad81b86de792
+SHA1 (patch-ai) = 40a5114c5aa5d467982546af5de960cfeff96c60
+SHA1 (patch-aj) = 9e466b4c244d64c7840ab890d75d56ad61980b62
+SHA1 (patch-ak) = 57e38ec30763c53d9a576865fe76772b033f8301
diff -r e6511668692f -r eaef14a6804b sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-aa
--- a/sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-aa   Fri Feb 15 15:57:14 2008 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-aa   Fri Feb 15 16:23:09 2008 +0000
@@ -1,35 +1,28 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.6 2004/11/12 12:13:44 mjl Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.7 2008/02/15 16:23:09 gdt Exp $
+Remove SUBDIRS and DATA that we don't want in -client package.
----   2004-10-22 15:12:38.000000000 +0200
-+++        2004-11-08 00:35:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -277,19 +277,15 @@
- # order is significant, don't change it arbitrarily
+---   2007-06-06 19:22:51.000000000 -0400
+@@ -382,19 +382,12 @@ ACINCLUDE_M4_DEPS = $(GNULIB_M4I) $(ACIN
+       gnulib \
        config \
 -      common-src \
+       amandad-src \
+-      $(TAPE_SUBDIRS) \
        $(CLIENT_SUBDIRS) \
-       $(TAPE_SUBDIRS) \
-       $(SERVER_SUBDIRS) \
-       $(RESTORE_SUBDIRS) \
+-      $(SERVER_SUBDIRS) \
+-      $(RESTORE_SUBDIRS) \
        $(RECOVER_SUBDIRS) \
-       $(PLOT_SUBDIRS) \
+-      $(PLOT_SUBDIRS) \
 -      man docs example
 +      man
 -pkgdata_DATA = \
--      COPYRIGHT                       \
--      COPYRIGHT-APACHE                \
+-      ReleaseNotes                    \
 +pkgdata_DATA =
        $(pkgdata_DATA)                 \
-@@ -676,7 +672,7 @@
- uninstall: uninstall-recursive
- install-am: all-am
--      @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
-+      @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am
- installcheck: installcheck-recursive
- install-strip:
diff -r e6511668692f -r eaef14a6804b sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ab
--- a/sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ab   Fri Feb 15 15:57:14 2008 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ab   Fri Feb 15 16:23:09 2008 +0000
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.7 2004/11/12 12:13:44 mjl Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.8 2008/02/15 16:23:09 gdt Exp $
+Don't install any manpages except client-specific ones, namely
---- man/       2004-10-22 15:12:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ man/    2004-11-08 00:36:33.000000000 +0100
-@@ -280,9 +280,7 @@
+--- man/       2007-06-06 19:22:52.000000000 -0400
++++ man/
+@@ -373,19 +373,10 @@ SERVER_MAN8_PAGES = amadmin.8 \
+ #endif
+-man8_pages = $(COMMON_MAN8_PAGES) \
+-          $(AMPLOT_MAN8_PAGES) \
+-          $(SERVER_MAN8_PAGES) \
+-          $(RECOVER_MAN8_PAGES) \
+-          $(RESTORE_MAN8_PAGES)
++man8_pages = $(RECOVER_MAN8_PAGES)
- # not autoconf-generated:
- EXTRA_DIST = amplot.8 amrestore.8 amtape.8 amdd.8 ammt.8
--         $(COMMON_MAN_PAGES) \
--         $(SERVER_MAN_PAGES) \
-          $(RECOVER_MAN_PAGES) \
-          $(RESTORE_MAN_PAGES)
+ man5_pages = $(COMMON_MAN5_PAGES)
+-         $(COMMON_MAN5_PAGES) \
+-         $(COMMON_MAN8_PAGES) \
+-         $(SERVER_MAN8_PAGES) \
+-         $(RECOVER_MAN8_PAGES) \
+-         $(RESTORE_MAN8_PAGES)
+ # These lines are needed to force automake to set the $man<n>dir variables.
diff -r e6511668692f -r eaef14a6804b sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ac
--- a/sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ac   Fri Feb 15 15:57:14 2008 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/amanda-client/patches/patch-ac   Fri Feb 15 16:23:09 2008 +0000
@@ -1,97 +1,117 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 1.7 2004/11/12 12:13:44 mjl Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 1.8 2008/02/15 16:23:09 gdt Exp $
---- client-src/        2004-10-22 15:12:39.000000000 +0200
-+++ client-src/     2004-11-08 00:42:06.000000000 +0100
-@@ -74,70 +74,48 @@
- amandad_SOURCES = amandad.c
- amandad_OBJECTS = amandad.$(OBJEXT)
- amandad_LDADD = $(LDADD)
--amandad_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+amandad_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
- amqde_SOURCES = amqde.c
- amqde_OBJECTS = amqde.$(OBJEXT)
- amqde_LDADD = $(LDADD)
--amqde_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+amqde_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+Remove build-directory library dependencies and link against the ones
+installed by amanda-common instead.
+--- client-src/        2007-06-06 19:22:51.000000000 -0400
++++ client-src/
+@@ -115,83 +115,53 @@ PROGRAMS = $(libexec_PROGRAMS)
  calcsize_SOURCES = calcsize.c
  calcsize_OBJECTS = calcsize.$(OBJEXT)
  calcsize_LDADD = $(LDADD)
 -calcsize_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
 -      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+calcsize_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+-      ../amandad-src/libamandad.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
++calcsize_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+       ../gnulib/libgnu.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
  am_getfsent_OBJECTS = getfsent.test.$(OBJEXT)
  getfsent_OBJECTS = $(am_getfsent_OBJECTS)
  getfsent_LDADD = $(LDADD)
 -getfsent_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
 -      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+getfsent_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+-      ../amandad-src/libamandad.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
++getfsent_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+       ../gnulib/libgnu.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
  killpgrp_SOURCES = killpgrp.c
  killpgrp_OBJECTS = killpgrp.$(OBJEXT)
  killpgrp_LDADD = $(LDADD)
 -killpgrp_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
 -      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+killpgrp_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+-      ../amandad-src/libamandad.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
++killpgrp_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+       ../gnulib/libgnu.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+ noop_SOURCES = noop.c
+ noop_OBJECTS = noop.$(OBJEXT)
+ noop_LDADD = $(LDADD)
+-noop_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../amandad-src/libamandad.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
++noop_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+       ../gnulib/libgnu.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
  rundump_SOURCES = rundump.c
  rundump_OBJECTS = rundump.$(OBJEXT)
  rundump_LDADD = $(LDADD)
 -rundump_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
 -      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+rundump_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+-      ../amandad-src/libamandad.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
++rundump_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+       ../gnulib/libgnu.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
  runtar_SOURCES = runtar.c
  runtar_OBJECTS = runtar.$(OBJEXT)
  runtar_LDADD = $(LDADD)
 -runtar_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
 -      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+runtar_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+-      ../amandad-src/libamandad.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
++runtar_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+       ../gnulib/libgnu.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
  selfcheck_SOURCES = selfcheck.c
  selfcheck_OBJECTS = selfcheck.$(OBJEXT)
  selfcheck_LDADD = $(LDADD)
 -selfcheck_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
 -      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+selfcheck_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+-      ../amandad-src/libamandad.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
++selfcheck_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+       ../gnulib/libgnu.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
  am_sendbackup_OBJECTS = sendbackup.$(OBJEXT) sendbackup-dump.$(OBJEXT) \
  sendbackup_OBJECTS = $(am_sendbackup_OBJECTS)
  sendbackup_LDADD = $(LDADD)
 -sendbackup_DEPENDENCIES = ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
 -      libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
--      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
-+sendbackup_DEPENDENCIES = libamclient.$(LIB_EXTENSION)
+-      ../amandad-src/libamandad.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \
+-      ../common-src/libamanda.$(LIB_EXTENSION) \

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