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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/lintpkgsrc lintpkgsrc: remove preformatted ma...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 383180:fa5e618b6743
user:      rillig <>
date:      Sun Aug 14 13:13:52 2022 +0000

lintpkgsrc: remove preformatted manual page

Having the preformatted manual page checked in into version control
doesn't make sense. Replacing the placeholders is an ugly hack and leads
to ugly line breaks. If the preformatted manual page is needed, the
better approach is to render it at build time, after the placeholders
have been replaced.


 pkgtools/lintpkgsrc/Makefile           |   13 +--
 pkgtools/lintpkgsrc/files/lintpkgsrc.0 |  132 ---------------------------------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-)

diffs (170 lines):

diff -r 99f4064118da -r fa5e618b6743 pkgtools/lintpkgsrc/Makefile
--- a/pkgtools/lintpkgsrc/Makefile      Sun Aug 14 12:54:01 2022 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/lintpkgsrc/Makefile      Sun Aug 14 13:13:52 2022 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.52 2022/08/13 12:30:00 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.53 2022/08/14 13:13:52 rillig Exp $
 PKGNAME=       lintpkgsrc-2022.08.13
 CATEGORIES=    pkgtools
@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                lp
 SUBST_STAGE.lp=                post-configure
-SUBST_FILES.lp+=       lintpkgsrc.0 lintpkgsrc.1
-SUBST_SED.lp+=         -e 's,_\(.\)@_.M_.A_.K_.E_.C_.O_.N_.F_.@,${MAKECONF:C,(.),_\\\\1\1,g},g'
-SUBST_SED.lp+=         -e 's,_\(.\)@_.P_.R_.E_.F_.I_.X_.@,${PREFIX:C,(.),_\\\\1\1,g},g'
+SUBST_FILES.lp+=       lintpkgsrc.1
 SUBST_VARS.lp+=                MAKE
 SUBST_VARS.lp+=                MAKECONF
 SUBST_VARS.lp+=                PERL5
@@ -48,13 +46,6 @@
        ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/ ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/lintpkgsrc
-.if !empty(MANINSTALL:Mcatinstall)
-.  if defined(CATMAN_SECTION_SUFFIX) && !empty(CATMAN_SECTION_SUFFIX:M[Yy][Ee][Ss])
-       ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/lintpkgsrc.0 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR}/cat1/lintpkgsrc.1
-.  else
-       ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/lintpkgsrc.0 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR}/cat1
-.  endif
 .if !empty(MANINSTALL:Mmaninstall)
        ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/lintpkgsrc.1 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR}/man1
diff -r 99f4064118da -r fa5e618b6743 pkgtools/lintpkgsrc/files/lintpkgsrc.0
--- a/pkgtools/lintpkgsrc/files/lintpkgsrc.0    Sun Aug 14 12:54:01 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-LINTPKGSRC(1)           NetBSD General Commands Manual           LINTPKGSRC(1)
-     lliinnttppkkggssrrcc -- verifier for the pkgsrc tree
-     lliinnttppkkggssrrcc [--BBDDddLLllmmOOooppRRrrSSuuyyzz] [--EE _f_i_l_e] [--gg _p_k_g_s_r_c_m_a_p] [--II _f_i_l_e]
-                [--KK _P_A_C_K_A_G_E_S] [--MM _D_I_S_T_D_I_R] [--PP _P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R] [_m_a_k_e_f_i_l_e _._._.]
-     lliinnttppkkggssrrcc tries to verify the entire contents of the pkgsrc tree.
-     lliinnttppkkggssrrcc uses simple regular-expression matching for verifying files
-     that make up a pkgsrc directory.  Note that it does NOT implement a com-
-     plete Makefile parser.
-   OOppttiioonnss
-     --BB            List packages marked as BROKEN.
-     --DD _p_a_t_h_s      Parse Makefiles and output contents (useful for debugging).
-     --dd            Extract the `DEPENDS' listing from each pkgsrc package
-                   Makefile, then verify the version specified in each DEPEND
-                   correctly matches a current pkgsrc package.
-     --EE _f_i_l_e       Exports the internal database generated from the pkgsrc
-                   Makefiles to a file for faster loading at a later time.
-                   Note that some of the stored data is, in all likelihood,
-                   dependent on the architecture and operating system of the
-                   machine where it is generated.  However, the database does
-                   make the task of, eg, checking for out of date packages on
-                   a set of similarly configured machines (in the absence of
-                   extra copies of the pkgsrc tree) both quick and possible.
-     --gg _p_k_g_s_r_c_m_a_p  Generate pkgsrcmap file containing an entry for each pack-
-                   age of `pkgname pkgdir pkgver'.
-     --hh            Basic help and usage.
-     --II _f_i_l_e       Imports the data to construct the internal database for
-                   checking the installed versions of packages, among other
-                   things, against the current version found in pkgsrc.  This
-                   database provides most or all of the data required for run-
-                   ning lliinnttppkkggssrrcc with any combination of --BB, --OO, --RR, --SS, --dd,
-                   --gg, --ii, --pp, or --uu.
-     --ii            Check the version of each installed package against the
-                   current version in pkgsrc.
-     --KK _P_A_C_K_A_G_E_S   Override binary packages base directory, normally set from
-                   _@_M_A_K_E_C_O_N_F_@ or defaulted to _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_}_/_p_a_c_k_a_g_e_s.
-                   Note: lintpkgsrc treats _P_A_C_K_A_G_E_S slightly differently to
-                   the pkgsrc build system.  --pp and --RR check for binary pack-
-                   ages in any depth of PACKAGES subdirs - this allows pack-
-                   ages for all architectures/OS versions to be checked simul-
-                   taneously with a _@_M_A_K_E_C_O_N_F_@ construct of the form:
-                   .ifdef LINTPKGSRC
-                   PACKAGES=${PKGSRCDIR}/packages
-                   .else
-                   PACKAGES=${PKGSRCDIR}/packages/${OS_VERSION}/${MACHINE_ARCH}
-                   .endif
-                   Which would be an alternative to --KK.
-     --LL            List the filenames of Makefiles as they are parsed (for
-                   debugging).
-     --MM _D_I_S_T_D_I_R    Set directory for distfiles, defaults to
-                   _$_{_P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R_}_/_d_i_s_t_f_i_l_e_s.
-     --mm            For each current distfile, verify its checksum against the
-                   appropriate package's distinfo file.  Also report if any
-                   package's distinfo file references the same distfile with a
-                   different distinfo checksum.
-     --OO            Report any binary packages in any subdirs of _P_A_C_K_A_G_E_S, for
-                   whom the source Makefile lists _O_S_V_E_R_S_I_O_N___S_P_E_C_I_F_I_C.  This is
-                   intended to help those making binary packages available for
-                   ftp.
-     --oo            Report any old distfiles (not referenced by any package's
-                   distinfo file).
-     --PP _P_K_G_S_R_C_D_I_R  Set base of pkgsrc tree, normally set from _@_M_A_K_E_C_O_N_F_@ or
-                   defaulted to _@_P_R_E_F_I_X_@.
-     --pp            Report any old binary packages in any subdirs of _P_A_C_K_A_G_E_S.
-     --RR            Report any binary packages in any subdirs of _P_A_C_K_A_G_E_S, for
-                   whom the source Makefile lists _N_O___B_I_N___O_N___F_T_P or _R_E_S_T_R_I_C_T_E_D.
-                   This is intended to help those making binary packages
-                   available for ftp.
-     --rr            Remove distfiles which are not referenced from any pack-
-                   age's distinfo file, or have an incorrect checksum (usually
-                   due to an interrupted download), and any old binary pack-
-                   ages.  To remove any given type, additionally specify the
-                   --oo, --mm, or --pp flags respectively.
-     --SS            List packages missing from category _S_U_B_D_I_R lists.
-     --uu            As --ii plus for mismatched packages, display REQUIRED
-                   details and run `@MAKE@ fetch-list | sh' to ensure all the
-                   distfiles needed for the latest version are present.
-                   Warning: The behaviour of this command may change in a
-                   later version.
-     --yy            Remove orphaned distfiles, i.e., those that do not belong
-                   to any currently installed package.
-     --zz            Remove distfiles for currently installed packages.
-     David Brownlee <_a_b_s_@_n_e_t_b_s_d_._o_r_g>
-     The --RR and --pp options default to using _P_A_C_K_A_G_E_S as the base directory
-     from which to search for binary packages.  If this includes OS or archi-
-     tecture information then packages for other OS/architecture combinations
-     will be missed.  In this case _P_A_C_K_A_G_E_S can be overridden with --KK or set
-     conditionally in _@_M_A_K_E_C_O_N_F_@ based on the value of _L_I_N_T_P_K_G_S_R_C.
-     The `Makefile parsing' algorithm used to obtain package versions and
-     DEPENDS information is geared towards speed rather than perfection,
-     though it has got somewhat better over time, it only parses the simplest
-     Makefile conditionals.  (a == b, no && etc).
-     Potentially others, but non serious to date.
-NetBSD 9.99                     August 10, 2022                    NetBSD 9.99

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