On 02/01/10 11:00, Tobias Nygren wrote:
On Mon, 1 Feb 2010 09:33:21 +0000
Jens Rehsack<sno%netbsd.org@localhost> wrote:
Log Message:
Updating pkg_rolling-replace (set new version 0.19):
- Add option '-D' to tune "USE_DESTDIR=" and set this defaultly to 'NO'
- Add option '-j' to tune "MAKE_JOBS=" (Default: unset)
I don't think it is a good idea to replicate mk.conf functionality.
This is not the idea behind. I use mk.conf for my default things as
pkgsrc developer. There I test with USE_DESTDIR, with and without
MAKE_JOBS etc., but as a NetBSD user - when wanting my pkg tree
updated, I'm not interested in breaking in the middle because of mk/
changes or packages without DESTDIR support. This is for the developer
part - and I separate between them.
Also, I think USE_DESTDIR=yes is the right way forward for pkg_rr and
would prefer to see remaining issues fixed instead.
With this change, DESTDIR issues wont break simple usage of pkgsrc. I
understand your arguments (and the intension behind joerg@'s changes),
but I'm primary interested in keeping my system up and running. Since
I'm off-site (and mostly without Internet access or at least very
expensive) a lot of time and might refresh pkgsrc tree and distfiles
at weekend and rebuilding during the week should break my system.