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CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/apache-cassandra

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   tonnerre
Date:           Sat Oct 16 11:52:43 UTC 2010

Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/databases/apache-cassandra: Makefile PLIST distinfo

Log Message:
Update Cassandra to version 0.7.0beta2.

Changes since 0.6.2:
 * always use UTF-8 for hint keys (CASSANDRA-1439)
 * remove cassandra.yaml dependency from Hadoop and Pig (CASSADRA-1322)
 * expose CfDef metadata in describe_keyspaces (CASSANDRA-1633)
 * restore use of mmap_index_only option (CASSANDRA-1241)
 * dropping a keyspace with no column families generated an error
 * rename RackAwareStrategy to OldNetworkTopologyStrategy, RackUnawareStrategy
   to SimpleStrategy, DatacenterShardStrategy to NetworkTopologyStrategy,
   AbstractRackAwareSnitch to AbstractNetworkTopologySnitch (CASSANDRA-1392)
 * merge StorageProxy.mutate, mutateBlocking (CASSANDRA-1396)
 * faster UUIDType, LongType comparisons (CASSANDRA-1386, 1393)
 * fix setting read_repair_chance from CLI addColumnFamily (CASSANDRA-1399)
 * fix updates to indexed columns (CASSANDRA-1373)
 * fix race condition leaving to FileNotFoundException (CASSANDRA-1382)
 * fix sharded lock hash on index write path (CASSANDRA-1402)
 * add support for GT/E, LT/E in subordinate index clauses (CASSANDRA-1401)
 * cfId counter got out of sync when CFs were added (CASSANDRA-1403)
 * less chatty schema updates (CASSANDRA-1389)
 * rename column family mbeans. 'type' will now include either
   'IndexColumnFamilies' or 'ColumnFamilies' depending on the CFS type.
 * disallow invalid keyspace and column family names. This includes name that
   matches a '^\w+' regex. (CASSANDRA-1377)
 * use JNA, if present, to take snapshots (CASSANDRA-1371)
 * truncate hints if starting 0.7 for the first time (CASSANDRA-1414)
 * fix FD leak in single-row slicepredicate queries (CASSANDRA-1416)
 * allow index expressions against columns that are not part of the
   SlicePredicate (CASSANDRA-1410)
 * config-converter properly handles snitches and framed support
 * remove keyspace argument from multiget_count (CASSANDRA-1422)
 * allow specifying cassandra.yaml location as (local or remote) URL
 * fix using DynamicEndpointSnitch with NetworkTopologyStrategy
 * Add CfDef.default_validation_class (CASSANDRA-891)
 * fix EstimatedHistogram.max (CASSANDRA-1413)
 * handle zero-length (or missing) rows during HH paging (CASSANDRA-1432)
 * include secondary indexes during schema migrations (CASSANDRA-1406)
 * fix commitlog header race during schema change (CASSANDRA-1435)
 * fix ColumnFamilyStoreMBeanIterator to use new type name (CASSANDRA-1433)
 * correct filename generated by xml->yaml converter (CASSANDRA-1419)
 * add CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 and UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly
   to default JVM options
 * decrease jvm heap for cassandra-cli (CASSANDRA-1446)
 * ability to modify keyspaces and column family definitions on a live cluster
 * support for Hadoop Streaming [non-jvm map/reduce via stdin/out]
 * Move persistent sstable stats from the system table to an sstable component
 * remove failed bootstrap attempt from pending ranges when gossip times
   it out after 1h (CASSANDRA-1463)
 * eager-create tcp connections to other cluster members (CASSANDRA-1465)
 * enumerate stages and derive stage from message type instead of
   transmitting separately (CASSANDRA-1465)
 * apply reversed flag during collation from different data sources
 * make failure to remove comitlog segment non-fatal (CASSANDRA-1348)
 * correct ordering of drain operations so CL.recover is no longer
   necessary (CASSANDRA-1408)
 * removed keyspace from describe_splits method (CASSANDRA-1425)
 * rename check_schema_agreement to describe_schema_versions
 * fix QUORUM calculation for RF > 3 (CASSANDRA-1487)
 * remove tombstones during non-major compactions when bloom filter
   verifies that row does not exist in other sstables (CASSANDRA-1074)
 * nodes that coordinated a loadbalance in the past could not be seen by
   newly added nodes (CASSANDRA-1467)
 * exposed endpoint states (gossip details) via jmx (CASSANDRA-1467)
 * ensure that compacted sstables are not included when new readers are
   instantiated (CASSANDRA-1477)
 * by default, calculate heap size and memtable thresholds at runtime 
 * fix races dealing with adding/dropping keyspaces and column families in
   rapid succession (CASSANDRA-1477)
 * clean up of Streaming system (CASSANDRA-1503, 1504, 1506)
 * add options to configure Thrift socket keepalive and buffer sizes 
 * make contrib CassandraServiceDataCleaner recursive (CASSANDRA-1509)
 * min, max compaction threshold are configurable and persistent
   per-ColumnFamily (CASSANDRA-1468)
 * fix replaying the last mutation in a commitlog unnecessarily
 * invoke getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler from DTPE with the original
   exception rather than the ExecutionException wrapper (CASSANDRA-1226)
 * remove Clock from the Thrift (and Avro) API (CASSANDRA-1501)
 * Close intra-node sockets when connection is broken (CASSANDRA-1528)
 * RPM packaging spec file (CASSANDRA-786)
 * weighted request scheduler (CASSANDRA-1485)
 * treat expired columns as deleted (CASSANDRA-1539)
 * make IndexInterval configurable (CASSANDRA-1488)
 * add describe_snitch to Thrift API (CASSANDRA-1490)
 * MD5 authenticator compares plain text submitted password with MD5'd
   saved property, instead of vice versa (CASSANDRA-1447)
 * JMX MessagingService pending and completed counts (CASSANDRA-1533)
 * fix race condition processing repair responses (CASSANDRA-1511)
 * make repair blocking (CASSANDRA-1511)
 * create EndpointSnitchInfo and MBean to expose rack and DC (CASSANDRA-1491)
 * added option to contrib/word_count to output results back to Cassandra
 * rewrite Hadoop ColumnFamilyRecordWriter to pool connections, retry to
   multiple Cassandra nodes, and smooth impact on the Cassandra cluster
   by using smaller batch sizes (CASSANDRA-1434)
 * fix setting gc_grace_seconds via CLI (CASSANDRA-1549)
 * support TTL'd index values (CASSANDRA-1536)
 * make removetoken work like decommission (CASSANDRA-1216)
 * make cli comparator-aware and improve quote rules (CASSANDRA-1523,-1524)
 * sstable versioning (CASSANDRA-389)
 * switched to slf4j logging (CASSANDRA-625)
 * add (optional) expiration time for column (CASSANDRA-699)
 * access levels for authentication/authorization (CASSANDRA-900)
 * add ReadRepairChance to CF definition (CASSANDRA-930)
 * fix heisenbug in system tests, especially common on OS X (CASSANDRA-944)
 * convert to byte[] keys internally and all public APIs (CASSANDRA-767)
 * ability to alter schema definitions on a live cluster (CASSANDRA-44)
 * renamed configuration file to cassandra.xml, and to, which must now be loaded from
   the classpath (which is how our scripts in bin/ have always done it)
 * change get_count to require a SlicePredicate. create multi_get_count
 * re-organized endpointsnitch implementations and added SimpleSnitch
 * Added preload_row_cache option (CASSANDRA-946)
 * add CRC to commitlog header (CASSANDRA-999)
 * removed deprecated batch_insert and get_range_slice methods (CASSANDRA-1065)
 * add truncate thrift method (CASSANDRA-531)
 * http mini-interface using mx4j (CASSANDRA-1068)
 * optimize away copy of sliced row on memtable read path (CASSANDRA-1046)
 * replace constant-size 2GB mmaped segments and special casing for index
   entries spanning segment boundaries, with SegmentedFile that computes
   segments that always contain entire entries/rows (CASSANDRA-1117)
 * avoid reading large rows into memory during compaction (CASSANDRA-16)
 * added hadoop OutputFormat (CASSANDRA-1101)
 * efficient Streaming (no more anticompaction) (CASSANDRA-579)
 * split commitlog header into separate file and add size checksum to
   mutations (CASSANDRA-1179)
 * avoid allocating a new byte[] for each mutation on replay (CASSANDRA-1219)
 * revise HH schema to be per-endpoint (CASSANDRA-1142)
 * add joining/leaving status to nodetool ring (CASSANDRA-1115)
 * allow multiple repair sessions per node (CASSANDRA-1190)
 * optimize away MessagingService for local range queries (CASSANDRA-1261)
 * make framed transport the default so malformed requests can't OOM the
   server (CASSANDRA-475)
 * significantly faster reads from row cache (CASSANDRA-1267)
 * take advantage of row cache during range queries (CASSANDRA-1302)
 * make GCGraceSeconds a per-ColumnFamily value (CASSANDRA-1276)
 * keep persistent row size and column count statistics (CASSANDRA-1155)
 * add IntegerType (CASSANDRA-1282)
 * page within a single row during hinted handoff (CASSANDRA-1327)
 * push DatacenterShardStrategy configuration into keyspace definition,
   eliminating (CASSANDRA-1066)
 * optimize forward slices starting with '' and single-index-block name
   queries by skipping the column index (CASSANDRA-1338)
 * streaming refactor (CASSANDRA-1189)
 * faster comparison for UUID types (CASSANDRA-1043)
 * secondary index support (CASSANDRA-749 and subtasks)
 * fix key ordering in range query results with RandomPartitioner
   and ConsistencyLevel > ONE (CASSANDRA-1145)
 * fix for range query starting with the wrong token range (CASSANDRA-1042)
 * page within a single row during hinted handoff (CASSANDRA-1327)
 * fix compilation on non-sun JDKs (CASSANDRA-1061)
 * remove String.trim() call on row keys in batch mutations (CASSANDRA-1235)
 * Log summary of dropped messages instead of spamming log (CASSANDRA-1284)
 * add dynamic endpoint snitch (CASSANDRA-981)
 * fix streaming for keyspaces with hyphens in their name (CASSANDRA-1377)
 * fix errors in hard-coded bloom filter optKPerBucket by computing it
   algorithmically (CASSANDRA-1220
 * remove message deserialization stage, and uncap read/write stages
   so slow reads/writes don't block gossip processing (CASSANDRA-1358)
 * add jmx port configuration to Debian package (CASSANDRA-1202)
 * use mlockall via JNA, if present, to prevent Linux from swapping
   out parts of the JVM (CASSANDRA-1214)
 * avoid queuing multiple hint deliveries for the same endpoint
 * better performance for and stricter checking of UTF8 column names
 * extend option to lower compaction priority to hinted handoff
   as well (CASSANDRA-1260)
 * log errors in gossip instead of re-throwing (CASSANDRA-1289)
 * avoid aborting commitlog replay prematurely if a flushed-but-
   not-removed commitlog segment is encountered (CASSANDRA-1297)
 * fix duplicate rows being read during mapreduce (CASSANDRA-1142)
 * failure detection wasn't closing command sockets (CASSANDRA-1221)
 * cassandra-cli.bat works on windows (CASSANDRA-1236)
 * pre-emptively drop requests that cannot be processed within RPCTimeout
 * add ack to Binary write verb and update CassandraBulkLoader
   to wait for acks for each row (CASSANDRA-1093)
 * added describe_partitioner Thrift method (CASSANDRA-1047)
 * Hadoop jobs no longer require the Cassandra storage-conf.xml
 * log thread pool stats when GC is excessive (CASSANDRA-1275)
 * remove gossip message size limit (CASSANDRA-1138)
 * parallelize local and remote reads during multiget, and respect snitch
   when determining whether to do local read for CL.ONE (CASSANDRA-1317)
 * fix read repair to use requested consistency level on digest mismatch,
   rather than assuming QUORUM (CASSANDRA-1316)
 * process digest mismatch re-reads in parallel (CASSANDRA-1323)
 * switch hints CF comparator to BytesType (CASSANDRA-1274)
 * retry to make streaming connections up to 8 times. (CASSANDRA-1019)
 * reject describe_ring() calls on invalid keyspaces (CASSANDRA-1111)
 * fix cache size calculation for size of 100% (CASSANDRA-1129)
 * fix cache capacity only being recalculated once (CASSANDRA-1129)
 * remove hourly scan of all hints on the off chance that the gossiper
   missed a status change; instead, expose deliverHintsToEndpoint to JMX
   so it can be done manually, if necessary (CASSANDRA-1141)
 * don't reject reads at CL.ALL (CASSANDRA-1152)
 * reject deletions to supercolumns in CFs containing only standard
   columns (CASSANDRA-1139)
 * avoid preserving login information after client disconnects
 * prefer sun jdk to openjdk in debian init script (CASSANDRA-1174)
 * detect partioner config changes between restarts and fail fast
 * use generation time to resolve node token reassignment disagreements
 * restructure the startup ordering of Gossiper and MessageService to avoid
   timing anomalies (CASSANDRA-1160)
 * detect incomplete commit log hearders (CASSANDRA-1119)
 * force anti-entropy service to stream files on the stream stage to avoid
   sending streams out of order (CASSANDRA-1169)
 * remove inactive stream managers after AES streams files (CASSANDRA-1169)
 * allow removing entire row through batch_mutate Deletion (CASSANDRA-1027)
 * add JMX metrics for row-level bloom filter false positives (CASSANDRA-1212)
 * added a redhat init script to contrib (CASSANDRA-1201)
 * use midpoint when bootstrapping a new machine into range with not
   much data yet instead of random token (CASSANDRA-1112)
 * kill server on OOM in executor stage as well as Thrift (CASSANDRA-1226)
 * remove opportunistic repairs, when two machines with overlapping replica
   responsibilities happen to finish major compactions of the same CF near
   the same time.  repairs are now fully manual (CASSANDRA-1190)
 * add ability to lower compaction priority (default is no change from 0.6.2)

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.3 -r1.4 pkgsrc/databases/apache-cassandra/Makefile
cvs rdiff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 pkgsrc/databases/apache-cassandra/PLIST \

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

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