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CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack31

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   taca
Date:           Fri Dec 16 12:26:30 UTC 2011

Update of /cvsroot/pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack31
In directory

Log Message:
Importing www/ruby-actionpack31 package version 3.1.3.

## Rails 3.1.3 (unreleased) ##

*   Downgrade sprockets to ~> 2.0.3. Using 2.1.0 caused regressions.

*   Fix using `tranlate` helper with a html translation which uses the `:count` 
option for

    *Jon Leighton*

## Rails 3.1.2 (unreleased) ##

*   Fix XSS security vulnerability in the `translate` helper method. When using 
    in combination with HTML-safe translations, the interpolated input would 
not get HTML
    escaped. *GH 3664*


        translate('foo_html', :something => '<script>') # => "...<script>..."


        translate('foo_html', :something => '<script>') # => 

    *Sergey Nartimov*

*   Upgrade sprockets dependency to ~> 2.1.0

*   Ensure that the format isn't applied twice to the cache key, else it 
becomes impossible
    to target with expire_action.

    *Christopher Meiklejohn*

*   Swallow error when can't unmarshall object from session.

    *Bruno Zanchet*

*   Implement a workaround for a bug in ruby-1.9.3p0 where an error would be 
    while attempting to convert a template from one encoding to another.

    Please see for details of the bug.

    The workaround is to load all conversions into memory ahead of time, and 
    only happen if the ruby version is *exactly* 1.9.3p0. The hope is obviously 
    the underlying problem will be resolved in the next patchlevel release of

    *Jon Leighton*

*   Ensure users upgrading from 3.0.x to 3.1.x will properly upgrade their 
flash object in session (issues #3298 and #2509)

## Rails 3.1.1 (October 7, 2011) ##

*   stylesheet_link_tag('/stylesheets/application') and similar helpers doesn't
    throw Sprockets::FileOutsidePaths exception anymore *Santiago Pastorino*

*   Ensure default_asset_host_protocol is respected, closes #2980. *Jos��� 

    Changing rake db:schema:dump to run :environment as well as :load_config,
    as running :load_config alone will lead to the dumper being run without
    including extensions such as those included in foreigner and

    This reverses a change made here:

    I'm assuming here that :load_config needs to be invoked
    separately from :environment, as it is elsewhere in the
    file for db operations, if not the alternative is to go
    back to "task :dump => :environment do".

    *Ben Woosley*

*   Update to rack-cache 1.1.

    Versions prior to 1.1 delete the If-Modified-Since and If-Not-Modified
    headers when config.action_controller.perform_caching is true. This has two
        * unexpected inconsistent behaviour between development &
          production environments
        * breaks applications that use of these headers

    *Brendan Ribera*

*   Ensure that enhancements to assets:precompile task are only run once *Sam 

*   TestCase should respect the view_assigns API instead of pulling variables on
    its own. *Jos��� Valim*

*   javascript_path and stylesheet_path now refer to /assets if asset pipelining
    is on. *Santiago Pastorino*

*   button_to support form option. Now you're able to pass for example
    'data-type' => 'json'. *ihower*

*   image_path and image_tag should use /assets if asset pipelining is turned
    on. Closes #3126 *Santiago Pastorino and christos*

*   Avoid use of existing precompiled assets during rake assets:precompile run.
    Closes #3119 *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Copy assets to nondigested filenames too *Santiago Pastorino*

*   Give precedence to `config.digest = false` over the existence of
    manifest.yml asset digests *christos*

*   escape options for the stylesheet_link_tag method *Alexey Vakhov*

*   Re-launch assets:precompile task using (Rake.)ruby instead of Kernel.exec so
    it works on Windows *cablegram*

*   env var passed to process shouldn't be modified in process method. [Santiago

*   `rake assets:precompile` loads the application but does not initialize

    To the app developer, this means configuration add in
    config/initializers/* will not be executed.

    Plugins developers need to special case their initializers that are
    meant to be run in the assets group by adding :group => :assets. *Jos��� 

*   Sprockets uses config.assets.prefix for asset_path *asee*

*   FileStore key_file_path properly limit filenames to 255 characters. 

*   Fix Hash#to_query edge case with html_safe strings. *brainopia*

*   Allow asset tag helper methods to accept :digest => false option in order 
to completely avoid the digest generation.
    Useful for linking assets from static html files or from emails when the 
    could probably look at an older html email with an older asset. *Santiago 

*   Don't mount Sprockets server at config.assets.prefix if 
config.assets.compile is false. *Mark J. Titorenko*

*   Set relative url root in assets when controller isn't available for 
Sprockets (eg. Sass files using asset_path). Fixes #2435 *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Fix basic auth credential generation to not make newlines. GH #2882

*   Fixed the behavior of asset pipeline when config.assets.digest and 
config.assets.compile are false and requested asset isn't precompiled.
    Before the requested asset were compiled anyway ignoring that the 
config.assets.compile flag is false. *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   CookieJar is now Enumerable. Fixes #2795

*   Fixed AssetNotPrecompiled error raised when rake assets:precompile is 
compiling certain .erb files. See GH #2763 #2765 #2805 *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Manifest is correctly placed in assets path when default assets prefix is 
changed. Fixes #2776 *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Fixed stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag to respect additional 
options passed by the users when debug is on. *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Fix ActiveRecord#exists? when passsed a nil value

*   Fix assert_select_email to work on multipart and non-multipart emails as 
the method stopped working correctly in Rails 3.x due to changes in the new 
mail gem.

## Rails 3.1.0 (August 30, 2011) ##

*   Param values are `paramified` in controller tests. *David Chelimsky*

*   x_sendfile_header now defaults to nil and config/environments/production.rb 
doesn't set a particular value for it. This allows servers to set it through 
X-Sendfile-Type. *Santiago Pastorino*

*   The submit form helper does not generate an id "object_name_id" anymore. 

*   Make sure respond_with with :js tries to render a template in all cases 
*Jos��� Valim*

*   json_escape will now return a SafeBuffer string if it receives SafeBuffer 
string *tenderlove*

*   Make sure escape_js returns SafeBuffer string if it receives SafeBuffer 
string *Prem Sichanugrist*

*   Fix escape_js to work correctly with the new SafeBuffer restriction *Paul 

*   Brought back alternative convention for namespaced models in i18n *thoefer*

    Now the key can be either "namespace.model" or "namespace/model" until 
further deprecation.

*   It is prohibited to perform a in-place SafeBuffer mutation *tenderlove*

    The old behavior of SafeBuffer allowed you to mutate string in place via
    method like `sub!`. These methods can add unsafe strings to a safe buffer,
    and the safe buffer will continue to be marked as safe.

    An example problem would be something like this:

        <%= link_to('hello world', @user).sub!(/hello/, params[:xss])  %>

    In the above example, an untrusted string (`params[:xss]`) is added to the
    safe buffer returned by `link_to`, and the untrusted content is successfully
    sent to the client without being escaped.  To prevent this from happening
    `sub!` and other similar methods will now raise an exception when they are 
called on a safe buffer.

    In addition to the in-place versions, some of the versions of these methods 
which return a copy of the string will incorrectly mark strings as safe. For 

         <%= link_to('hello world', @user).sub(/hello/, params[:xss]) %>

    The new versions will now ensure that *all* strings returned by these 
methods on safe buffers are marked unsafe.

    You can read more about this change in

*   Warn if we cannot verify CSRF token authenticity *Jos��� Valim*

*   Allow AM/PM format in datetime selectors *Aditya Sanghi*

*   Only show dump of regular env methods on exception screen (not all the rack 
crap) *DHH*

*   auto_link has been removed with no replacement.  If you still use auto_link
    please install the rails_autolink gem:


*   Added streaming support, you can enable it with: *Jos��� Valim*

        class PostsController < ActionController::Base
          stream :only => :index

    Please read the docs at `ActionController::Streaming` for more information.

*   Added `ActionDispatch::Request.ignore_accept_header` to ignore accept 
headers and only consider the format given as parameter *Jos��� Valim*

*   Created `ActionView::Renderer` and specified an API for 
`ActionView::Context`, check those objects for more information *Jos��� Valim*

*   Added `ActionController::ParamsWrapper` to wrap parameters into a nested 
hash, and will be turned on for JSON request in new applications by default 
*Prem Sichanugrist*

    This can be customized by setting `ActionController::Base.wrap_parameters` 
in `config/initializer/wrap_parameters.rb`

*   RJS has been extracted out to a gem. *fxn*

*   Implicit actions named not_implemented can be rendered. *Santiago Pastorino*

*   Wildcard route will always match the optional format segment by default. 
*Prem Sichanugrist*

    For example if you have this route:

        map '*pages' => 'pages#show'

    by requesting '/foo/bar.json', your `params[:pages]` will be equals to 
"foo/bar" with the request format of JSON. If you want the old 3.0.x behavior 
back, you could supply `:format => false` like this:

        map '*pages' => 'pages#show', :format => false

*   Added Base.http_basic_authenticate_with to do simple http basic 
authentication with a single class method call *DHH*

        class PostsController < ApplicationController
          USER_NAME, PASSWORD = "dhh", "secret"

          before_filter :authenticate, :except => [ :index ]

          def index
            render :text => "Everyone can see me!"

          def edit
            render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password"

            def authenticate
              authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |user_name, password|
                user_name == USER_NAME && password == PASSWORD

    ..can now be written as

        class PostsController < ApplicationController
          http_basic_authenticate_with :name => "dhh", :password => "secret", 
:except => :index

          def index
            render :text => "Everyone can see me!"

          def edit
            render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password"

*   Allow you to add `force_ssl` into controller to force browser to transfer 
data via HTTPS protocol on that particular controller. You can also specify 
`:only` or `:except` to specific it to particular action. *DHH and Prem 

*   Allow FormHelper#form_for to specify the :method as a direct option instead 
of through the :html hash *DHH*

        form_for(@post, remote: true, method: :delete) instead of 
form_for(@post, remote: true, html: { method: :delete })

*   Make JavaScriptHelper#j() an alias for JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript() 
-- note this then supersedes the Object#j() method that the JSON gem adds 
within templates using the JavaScriptHelper *DHH*

*   Sensitive query string parameters (specified in config.filter_parameters) 
will now be filtered out from the request paths in the log file. *Prem 
Sichanugrist, fxn*

*   URL parameters which return false for to_param now appear in the query 
string (previously they were removed) *Andrew White*

*   URL parameters which return nil for to_param are now removed from the query 
string *Andrew White*

*   ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack now uses composition over inheritance. It is
    no longer an array which means there may be methods missing that were not

*   Add an :authenticity_token option to form_tag for custom handling or to 
omit the token (pass :authenticity_token => false).  *Jakub Ku���ma, Igor 

*   HTML5 button_tag helper. *Rizwan Reza*

*   Template lookup now searches further up in the inheritance chain. *Artemave*

*   Brought back config.action_view.cache_template_loading, which allows to 
decide whether templates should be cached or not. *Piotr Sarnacki*

*   url_for and named url helpers now accept :subdomain and :domain as options, 
*Josh Kalderimis*

*   The redirect route method now also accepts a hash of options which will 
only change the parts of the url in question, or an object which responds to 
call, allowing for redirects to be reused (check the documentation for 
examples). *Josh Kalderimis*

*   Added config.action_controller.include_all_helpers. By default 'helper 
:all' is done in ActionController::Base, which includes all the helpers by 
default. Setting include_all_helpers to false will result in including only 
application_helper and helper corresponding to controller (like foo_helper for 
foo_controller). *Piotr Sarnacki*

*   Added a convenience idiom to generate HTML5 data-* attributes in tag 
helpers from a :data hash of options:

        tag("div", :data => {:name => 'Stephen', :city_state => %w(Chicago IL)})
        # => <div data-name="Stephen" 
data-city-state="[&quot;Chicago&quot;,&quot;IL&quot;]" />

    Keys are dasherized. Values are JSON-encoded, except for strings and 
symbols. *Stephen Celis*

*   Deprecate old template handler API. The new API simply requires a template 
handler to respond to call. *Jos��� Valim*

*   :rhtml and :rxml were finally removed as template handlers. *Jos��� Valim*

*   Moved etag responsibility from ActionDispatch::Response to the middleware 
stack. *Jos��� Valim*

*   Rely on Rack::Session stores API for more compatibility across the Ruby 
world. This is backwards incompatible since Rack::Session expects #get_session 
to accept 4 arguments and requires #destroy_session instead of simply #destroy. 
*Jos��� Valim*

*   file_field automatically adds :multipart => true to the enclosing form. 
*Santiago Pastorino*

*   Renames csrf_meta_tag -> csrf_meta_tags, and aliases csrf_meta_tag for 
backwards compatibility. *fxn*

*   Add Rack::Cache to the default stack. Create a Rails store that delegates 
to the Rails cache, so by default, whatever caching layer you are using will be 
used for HTTP caching. Note that Rack::Cache will be used if you use 
#expires_in, #fresh_when or #stale with :public => true. Otherwise, the caching 
rules will apply to the browser only. *Yehuda Katz, Carl Lerche*


Vendor Tag:     TNF
Release Tags:   pkgsrc-base
N pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack31/DESCR
N pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack31/Makefile
N pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack31/distinfo
N pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack31/PLIST

No conflicts created by this import

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