I am not sure that's needed, although a cursory grep wpuld not expose where cpuctl(8) builds its search path.From a 'ktrace -di /etc/rc.d/intel-microcode start': 24120 1 cpuctl NAMI "/libdata/firmware/cpu_x86_intel1/000306a9-4" 24120 1 cpuctl NAMI "/usr/libdata/firmware/cpu_x86_intel1/000306a9-4"24120 1 cpuctl NAMI "/usr/pkg/libdata/firmware/cpu_x86_intel1/000306a9-4"
That would mean that /usr/pkg/ is hardcoded somewhere because this definitely doesn't work with LOCALBASE set to /usr/local/, but does with /usr/local symlinked to /usr/pkg. I'll look in to this.
Thanks, John